Unable to use the store - wrong country??

I'm unable to buy a game from the store because it keeps putting the UK as my country, even though the address details it has are for my German address, and I can't change the country...

First time, I tried going through PayPal, and when I got to Verify Order after having put in my details through PayPal, there is no option to confirm and move forward to confirm the order.

I tried pressing on the blue button instead, and found that you have my billing information for my German address, but under country it just says Great Britain, and on the drop down menu I can only choose “select one” or “Great Britain”, when I get this “Store cannot bill to this country” red message show up. I tried putting in my parents’ address in the UK, which I still have a card associated with, and switched currency to GBP… But no, that didn’t work either. I tried both on Chrome and Opera with the same issue. When I click to edit billing information, I get this same issue.

Anyone else had this issue and been able to resolve it? Sent a message to support but not sure when I'll get a response. :(


  • Resolved it now by purchasing using my British PayPal account then confirming the address again ... But this is a bit weird! It's quite normal for people to move countries and prefer to use the currency they earn their money in ... ;)

    So, that's the solution that worked for me, but it might not work for other people, meaning they have to get a new Telltale account. :/

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