De Singe Background awful for everyone or just me?

edited August 2009 in Game Support
Is the low res background for the first cutscene with De Singe (episode 2) like that for everyone, or is it a glitch with my graphics card or something similar? Just seemed shockingly low res compared to the rest of the game.


  • edited August 2009
    Sorry to bump my own thread but really curious if this was just me or not? It really did look odd.
  • edited August 2009
    Nah, I got that aswell. It was very out of place, looked like they had used a really low resolution background instead of a good background with depth of field... which didn't work. Then when the De Singe guy looked outside, it was quite pretty.
  • edited August 2009
    9 will get you 10 that who ever made the "simplified" version of flotsam island for that cutscene did not intend that background to be viewed that close (it looks like it was intended to be viewed as a back drop from far away

    Most likely the original cinematic blocking for that scene had LaFlay and DeSinge talking in the balcony doorway, (with the camera outside looking in) and at some point the scene was reversed, and the camera moved farther into the room

    (either that, or they just went nuts on compressing their matte painting textures... All the skies in the game use this same technique, and they all look "blurred out" as well... Why they would be cracking down and ruining the quality of their assets like this is beyond me)
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited August 2009
    martymcfly wrote: »
    Is the low res background for the first cutscene with De Singe (episode 2) like that for everyone, or is it a glitch with my graphics card or something similar? Just seemed shockingly low res compared to the rest of the game.

    I didn't really pay to much attention to the background in that moment, which implies that it's not really important to me, but i dug up this video of the scene so we can discuss it easier.

    One possibility is:
    TTG did not include DeSinges whole lab into the game just for that one scene to keep the file size down. Instead they used prerendered backgrounds combined with some rendered objects to create the illusion.
    In contrast to the cinematic style of the game the camera barely moves in that scene, which is consistent with the theory, because movement would change the perspective of the objects in the background and therefore destroy the illusion.

    That however doesn't explain the quality of the background images.
  • edited August 2009
    I'm pretty sure they had to do it so that they could release it on the Wii.

    It didn't look too bad at the higher qualities though
  • edited August 2009
    DjNDB wrote: »
    I didn't really pay to much attention to the background in that moment, which implies that it's not really important to me, but i dug up this video of the scene so we can discuss it easier.
    It must just be really bad in my head, because I swear it looked worse than that, and I'm on max settings @ 1680x1050. Might try to catch the scene again when my brother plays.
  • edited August 2009
    I just pretended they had a low depth of field :p
  • edited August 2009
    Thanks for all the replies guys! I am reviewing the game for my site soon and needed to know if it was my machine's end or telltale's end. I think it is a real shame that this even happened... I would rather have a slightly larger download and avoid problems like this and Elaine's voice screwup! I worry this has something to do with the Wii, but I hope not!
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