Learn from LiS...
Truth be told, The Walking Dead trailers always felt to an extent boring except for the last seconds. With choppy transitions and dialogue and many other stuff. Life Is Strange: Before The Storm got announced today and the trailer alone made my hyped. Great music choice and a great trailer. Please learn from them anything, be it how to make a game, trailer, or anything really. ._.
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Ugh... I could literally watch this all day, and the hype would still be cranked up to eleven. Playing as Chloe's gonna be hella awesome, but I guess it's gonna be more similar to Telltale now that we don't have the rewind power.
Thanks for telling us about this, bud. I can't friggin wait for this game
For you maybe, the trailer really didn't do anything for me, it's a mixture of not liking the first game and absolutely despising Chloe, so it doesn't really interest me. Is it a good trailer, sure, but nothing that makes me want to get it. And besides, Telltale has their fair share of bad and amazing trailers. Look at the TFTBL trailers, or the Amid the Ruins trailer, those are some of the best Telltale trailers ever made, and definitely do better than this one.
Don't you dare... that franchise is full of cringey dialogue and terrible characters.
I don't know, possibly because the characters are cringey teens? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have nothing against LIS but that trailer didn't really do anything for me.
Maybe a good game, but shitty teaser
YES! Amid the Ruins trailer was so fucking good. I've seen it so many times. I get chills everytime with the Kenny-line. The episode didn't deliver, but the trailer sure as shit did.
Fuck life is strange
Telltale could make the dopest trailer ever and it still wouldn't generate 1/100th of the hype LiS does. Not even for a TWAU sequel even though pretty much everyone left wants it.
I don't think Before the Storm will be amazing, in fact it's probably a cashgrab by SquareEnix, but I'm still hyped for it because LiS was so fucking good.
Dontnod doesn't know shit about the College life
I actually have to agree - I was experiencing various emotions when watching the trailer, as I did with every LiS trailer. The last trailer from Telltale that I felt the same emotional intensity as I did from LiS was the one for Amid the Ruins.
I'm not saying Telltale makes unsatisfactory trailers, however. Because I do get a twinge of excitement every time I'm about to watch one for the first time.
I'm more eager to see what the LiS prequel has to offer now than how Telltale plan to continue Clementine's story, supposedly in a DLC or a new season.
And to think that at one time I wasn't too keen on LiS compared to TWD series. Times sure have changed...
Enjoy your cringey teen age drama
You're saying that like it's a bad thing.
I will do, thank you.
Clementine and Gabe had their moments too in ANF. Periods and daddy issues, galore!
To be honest, I've seen better fan-made trailers. This one is just regular.
College life? I thought that was a highschool, lmao.
i play that the last two months straight
Max was clearly 18 Years old and lived in a Girls Dorm.
Funny how these forums kind of adopted LiS when it's from a different company, but they like it more than Telltale so we don't stop talking about it here because there is no official forum for it.
why must u do dis
It's a senior highschool. Whatever that is.
Maybe LIS is good but the replay of Telltale game is more agreable !
I'd love to have the telltale precreated engine to make my self story !
Like you know : Lee still alive
Hmm? What's up?
Considering how much focus there was on shitty forced romance and horrible dialogue with sickeningly bland characters, I'd say that the lesson has very unfortunately been learned by the copy-cats over at Telltale.
Max was on her last year of highschool.
...it wasn't intentional? Never mind. It just reminded me of Alt Chloe asking Max to "crank up [the morphine whatever] to eleven" or something along those lines.
Oh haha nope, I really didn't mean it that way at first! That completely slipped my mind. But now that you've said it, I kind of want to keep the Chloe references going xD
I know its offtopic, but why don't you like Chloe?
This is gonna suck
Yes... that is indeed Christopher Lloyd from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest... Thanks for sharing.
Yeah..though Reddit community for LiS is pretty good. Well, at least used to be. Full of nice analysis and theories.
I will 100% agree, the LiS prequel trailer was not that good but I am so hyped for it. I already preordered the deluxe edition! :-)
Nice. I'll check it later.
we won´t have the rewind power?
Oh my God. Truly the forum's standards have fallen so low if TTg has to take advice from these edgy teens that are thirsty for drama.
Probably not
This is sort of a prequel set before the first Life is Strange where we're playing as Chloe, and since Max hasn't yet returned to Arcadia Bay, the time power wouldn't have occurred yet.