Why this game is just awesome!

I ran into this game by coincidence since the first episode was free on the PS store. I didn't really know much about the story mode but just thought it couldn't harm to test it out. However, after finishing the first episode, I was extremely flashed. I wouldn't have expected it to be THAT awesome. It may be minimalistic in some people eyes, but that doesn't really matter in my opinion. TTG achieved something that many games don't: making a game that makes you sad the sooner you come to the end. I immediately bought all of the other episodes and was really happy to see there will be a second game. TTG, you are just awesome! Thanks for creating this game. I'm so glad I've found this gem. I just finished the 8th episode and I'm kinda sad that it's over...Although I'm also pumped about the new one which I already pre-ordered :D

So, I just wanted to say thanks, but I also wanted to convince people who didn't play this game yet and want to know if it's worth it. Well.... IT IS! Even older people will surely like this game (of course if they like this genre at all). So what makes this game so awesome in my opinion are the following points:

The really funny and thoughtful story
Some people might think this is only something for kids, but it isn't. You could say the story is cute, just like the game itself. But it's also well-conceived and you get easy into all that. It never gets boring and surely brings fun with it. It's also really cute that all the characters are holding together. It's all just like in a dream that we all want to have. Who doesn't want to have adventures like that? For kids it's even more great I think, because they are in that time of life where everything is easier and where they can still dream about having those adventures. But even the adults should have the inner wish to have those adventures.
And it is also great that there are not only happy ends, although it was very sad sometimes. There's one scene I almost cried and where I was confused how they did that so easy. But all these things are clear evidence for why it is such a good game.

Awesome, funny characters to identify with
The developers seem to have a fantastic taste of humour, because not many games can make me laugh, but they did it and not only once. Not only the dialogues, but also the characters are having a great sense for humour. Plus, you just have to love them. They are all so nice and fit into the scene perfectly. I also really like all the voice actors, they also fit PERFECTLY! They are all known from famous movies and are fantastic for all these great characters.

The setting,
...which is not only cool because of the awesome Minecraft builds but also because of the way you're interacting with the world. Also, this game is a perfect example for what makes a game great. You don't need high resolution buildings, 4k or almost real looking characters. Sometimes, a few blocks are just enough.

Interactive, decision oriented gameplay
You will get the chance to learn more about each character and even those who appear to be bad guys are turning out as friends some times. That's something we should all keep in mind even for the real life ;) It's also great that there are situations where you have to build some small things, solve puzzles and stuff. It's not only going through the story with a few quick time events. It's almost like you are diving into the story itself. And maybe that's what makes one sad when the game's over. At least that's my point of view.

So, I'd like to know if anyone else found this game as awesome as I did. All in all I have to say it might be one of the best games I ever played, because all the things that matter for a game, just like the story (which is the most important) and the identification with the characters, all match PERFECTLY in this game. Many games from bigger companies mostly focus on graphics, DLC politics and those things. TTG made a cute, funny game that's also touching and memorable. GOOD JOB!


  • I actually agree with this.

    Although it's not my favorite Telltale game, I still think it's great.

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