I think the main reason why the majority of people like Life Is Strange so much is because of the graphics. Playing the game gives you that "at-home" vibe because of the sunny, warm atmosphere it provides. Like, if Life is strange had shitty graphics, would yall' be as interested in the story? Probably not. That's just how I see things.
I think the main reason why the majority of people like Life Is Strange so much is because of the graphics. Playing the game gives you that … more"at-home" vibe because of the sunny, warm atmosphere it provides. Like, if Life is strange had shitty graphics, would yall' be as interested in the story? Probably not. That's just how I see things.
Yeah the graphics really weren’t great I sometimes I would say telltale has done better graphics wise sometimes but they are improving graphics with before the storm.
I think the main reason why the majority of people like Life Is Strange so much is because of the graphics. Playing the game gives you that … more"at-home" vibe because of the sunny, warm atmosphere it provides. Like, if Life is strange had shitty graphics, would yall' be as interested in the story? Probably not. That's just how I see things.
I never said the graphics were "great" lol. I'm just saying, it had a nice vibe to it. If the game didn't have that look, it wouldn't be as popular as it was today.
Yeah the graphics really weren’t great I sometimes I would say telltale has done better graphics wise sometimes but they are improving graphics with before the storm.
If you like...however I do not agree. Some of these are nitpicks...some seem just to intentionally ignore the idea of fiction and that is to understand a fictional world has it's own rules that are not bound by logic. Now sure we can agree that LiS is not art on par with say season 1 of TWD, but he does seem willing to ignore things in the other game just to carry on his lambasting of LiS. So not a very unbiased review.
some seem just to intentionally ignore the idea of fiction and that is to understand a fictional world has it's own rules that are not bound by logic
If you set up a fictional world with fictional rules and don't establish or explain ANY of the rules, it is 100% fair to have your world's logic criticized using real world logic. There are NO exceptions. I love Life is Strange, but it does not explain jack shit about it's world and the rules of how anything works. You NEED world building. If you have no world building, then you deserve any criticism of your world coming your way.
If you like...however I do not agree. Some of these are nitpicks...some seem just to intentionally ignore the idea of fiction and that is t… moreo understand a fictional world has it's own rules that are not bound by logic. Now sure we can agree that LiS is not art on par with say season 1 of TWD, but he does seem willing to ignore things in the other game just to carry on his lambasting of LiS. So not a very unbiased review.
agree, it is most apparent in the finale that there is major plot holes, its cute to conduct your own explanation but they took it toooo far. like the origin of max power, those supernatural occurrences, the ghost doe and Rachel spirit, why does the janitor know more than max?, it feels they abandoned those themes and focused more on chloe and max and gave us a finale that's lacking. I can take out a few scenes of EP5 and replace them with more meaningful ones. it bothers me that they never explained shxt to be exact.
edit : especially when we're talking about "time travel," you HAVE to have rules set in early on. being vague about it will always lead to plot holes, they never established rules.
some seem just to intentionally ignore the idea of fiction and that is to understand a fictional world has it's own rules that are not bound… more by logic
If you set up a fictional world with fictional rules and don't establish or explain ANY of the rules, it is 100% fair to have your world's logic criticized using real world logic. There are NO exceptions. I love Life is Strange, but it does not explain jack shit about it's world and the rules of how anything works. You NEED world building. If you have no world building, then you deserve any criticism of your world coming your way.
especially when we're talking about "time travel," you HAVE to have rules set in early on. being vague about it will always lead to plot holes, they never established rules.
agree, it is most apparent in the finale that there is major plot holes, its cute to conduct your own explanation but they took it toooo far… more. like the origin of max power, those supernatural occurrences, the ghost doe and Rachel spirit, why does the janitor know more than max?, it feels they abandoned those themes and focused more on chloe and max and gave us a finale that's lacking. I can take out a few scenes of EP5 and replace them with more meaningful ones. it bothers me that they never explained shxt to be exact.
edit : especially when we're talking about "time travel," you HAVE to have rules set in early on. being vague about it will always lead to plot holes, they never established rules.
it feels they abandoned those themes and focused more on chloe and max and gave us a finale that's lacking.
especially when we're talking about "time travel," you HAVE to have rules set in early on. being vague about it will always lead to plot holes, they never established rules.
I never really liked LIS but I already paid for the full season so I kept playing it and I have no clue how exactly the world works in LIS so I had to use my own world logic but they kept ignoring things like DON'T MESS WITH ME BITCH written on your wall and those random text messages from Nathan's dad (I think it's his dad makes sense) get all ignored like it never happened it seems so freaking random.
agree, it is most apparent in the finale that there is major plot holes, its cute to conduct your own explanation but they took it toooo far… more. like the origin of max power, those supernatural occurrences, the ghost doe and Rachel spirit, why does the janitor know more than max?, it feels they abandoned those themes and focused more on chloe and max and gave us a finale that's lacking. I can take out a few scenes of EP5 and replace them with more meaningful ones. it bothers me that they never explained shxt to be exact.
edit : especially when we're talking about "time travel," you HAVE to have rules set in early on. being vague about it will always lead to plot holes, they never established rules.
I really like LiS very much, but more because of the beautiful artstyle, the atmosphere, the characters and the murder mystery - I admit, that the writing of the dialogs isn't always that good, it really feels weird sometimes and I also dislike the final episode (it's not the story conclusion , but the feeling of a rushed-down gameplay).
"If you set up a fictional world with fictional rules and don't establish or explain ANY of the rules, it is 100% fair to have your world's logic criticized using real world logic. There are NO exceptions. I love Life is Strange, but it does not explain jack shit about it's world and the rules of how anything works. You NEED world building. If you have no world building, then you deserve any criticism of your world coming your way."
But The Walking Dead does the same. It's a world full of zombies, why they are there and how fast everything established (and how such a thing like a zombie could even exist) aren't explained at all. I really haven't had a problem with the inner-logic and I like the setting and the world that was created. I think Life is strange works more as a coming of age story, which uses metaphors and innuendos to tell it's story.
But the thing is that the Walkers were established in the first two Episodes of TWD Season 1 by Telltale. It's virus (we don't know how it started oke sure) they die of a gun shot in the head oke easy to follow, you die and come back except if your brain is damaged or get bitten so you will turn oke sure I can follow all of this.
The thing with LIS is that the time travel comes out of nowhere soooooo magic exist in this world? wait it happens because Chloe doesn't die so Max get's her powers to let Chloe die nooo wait that doesn't make sense is it because of the teacher who is killing people? wait whaaaaaaaaaaat? SURE oke it's time travel it's like magic but THEY didn't establishe the rules that well and start fucking around with it as soon EP3 came out. It's oke to experiment with your concept and idea but it has to make sense to the audience on a level.
The hole Prescots started to make less sense to me when the time went on but this is probably cause they decided to focus on Max and Chloe.
The Walking well might not be the most realistic concept in existence hell it's a WHAT IF scenario with rules established from the start so I can bend my suspesion of disbelieve, Life is Strange on the other hand doesn't do that and comes up with anything what it wants I wouldn't be surprised that in Season 2 we are gonna have space wizards to kill Chloe.
I am not trying to sound rude to you, the fans or the game itself btw.
I really like LiS very much, but more because of the beautiful artstyle, the atmosphere, the characters and the murder mystery - I admit, th… moreat the writing of the dialogs isn't always that good, it really feels weird sometimes and I also dislike the final episode (it's not the story conclusion , but the feeling of a rushed-down gameplay).
"If you set up a fictional world with fictional rules and don't establish or explain ANY of the rules, it is 100% fair to have your world's logic criticized using real world logic. There are NO exceptions. I love Life is Strange, but it does not explain jack shit about it's world and the rules of how anything works. You NEED world building. If you have no world building, then you deserve any criticism of your world coming your way."
But The Walking Dead does the same. It's a world full of zombies, why they are there and how fast everything established (and how such a thing like a zombie could ev… [view original content]
I really like LiS very much, but more because of the beautiful artstyle, the atmosphere, the characters and the murder mystery - I admit, th… moreat the writing of the dialogs isn't always that good, it really feels weird sometimes and I also dislike the final episode (it's not the story conclusion , but the feeling of a rushed-down gameplay).
"If you set up a fictional world with fictional rules and don't establish or explain ANY of the rules, it is 100% fair to have your world's logic criticized using real world logic. There are NO exceptions. I love Life is Strange, but it does not explain jack shit about it's world and the rules of how anything works. You NEED world building. If you have no world building, then you deserve any criticism of your world coming your way."
But The Walking Dead does the same. It's a world full of zombies, why they are there and how fast everything established (and how such a thing like a zombie could ev… [view original content]
I think the main reason why the majority of people like Life Is Strange so much is because of the graphics. Playing the game gives you that … more"at-home" vibe because of the sunny, warm atmosphere it provides. Like, if Life is strange had shitty graphics, would yall' be as interested in the story? Probably not. That's just how I see things.
I really don't see much of a difference other than the textures being somewhat higher res. Then again, I played s1 maxed out on PC with the chromatic abberation filter disabled.
Yeah the graphics really weren’t great I sometimes I would say telltale has done better graphics wise sometimes but they are improving graphics with before the storm.
This made me want to write a supernatural mistery choice driven videogame, for some reason. One with choices that determine practically everything: relationships, physical appearence of characters, gameplay in some segments (will you have this hub and find more key info and reveal a different part of the story or will you go and stop the one you think is the serial killer with guns and shit?), choices you can only make if you made certain choices before, choosing the whole personality of the main character and shaping it with the dialogs and stuff... even the backstory. Maybe not the escential backstory but more what it meant and how they felt and how important it was and what they learned from it. Even the fucking ending. I want so many endings that they will take years to find. I want only ONE ending that solves everything, that is determined by a seemingly small choice that almost nobody will make but will make the whole game go in a different direction and finding out the truth about the mistery and it will also be the hardest one to find, like, secret ending. Yet this ending has to have the same quality as the others. Not nessesarialy happier, but well written. And the endings will start to be determined in the first episode. Small choices, almost invisible like dialogs and things you do in hubs (determinant hubs) will determine the ending during all the game, not just the final option. And like, every path is about different philosophycal and deep themes and have all the ending break your heart and blow your mind... even the happiest ones. And great characters that even have changes themselves depending on your choices and stuff.
Very funny, but also smart, review that raises several of the problems I had with the game.
Both of those games are not my style/aesthetic at all. I find it too cheesy, trashy and cringeworthy to be able to enjoy it.
Yeah, he was pretty spot on about Life is strange.
In what way?
I think the main reason why the majority of people like Life Is Strange so much is because of the graphics. Playing the game gives you that "at-home" vibe because of the sunny, warm atmosphere it provides. Like, if Life is strange had shitty graphics, would yall' be as interested in the story? Probably not. That's just how I see things.
The graphics weren't great.
Yeah the graphics really weren’t great I sometimes I would say telltale has done better graphics wise sometimes but they are improving graphics with before the storm.
I never said the graphics were "great" lol. I'm just saying, it had a nice vibe to it. If the game didn't have that look, it wouldn't be as popular as it was today.
Meh his review comes off as Hey it is popular...so I will shit on it.
I think he made some good points.
If you like...however I do not agree. Some of these are nitpicks...some seem just to intentionally ignore the idea of fiction and that is to understand a fictional world has it's own rules that are not bound by logic. Now sure we can agree that LiS is not art on par with say season 1 of TWD, but he does seem willing to ignore things in the other game just to carry on his lambasting of LiS. So not a very unbiased review.
If you set up a fictional world with fictional rules and don't establish or explain ANY of the rules, it is 100% fair to have your world's logic criticized using real world logic. There are NO exceptions. I love Life is Strange, but it does not explain jack shit about it's world and the rules of how anything works. You NEED world building. If you have no world building, then you deserve any criticism of your world coming your way.
agree, it is most apparent in the finale that there is major plot holes, its cute to conduct your own explanation but they took it toooo far. like the origin of max power, those supernatural occurrences, the ghost doe and Rachel spirit, why does the janitor know more than max?, it feels they abandoned those themes and focused more on chloe and max and gave us a finale that's lacking. I can take out a few scenes of EP5 and replace them with more meaningful ones. it bothers me that they never explained shxt to be exact.
edit : especially when we're talking about "time travel," you HAVE to have rules set in early on. being vague about it will always lead to plot holes, they never established rules.

I never really liked LIS but I already paid for the full season so I kept playing it and I have no clue how exactly the world works in LIS so I had to use my own world logic but they kept ignoring things like DON'T MESS WITH ME BITCH written on your wall and those random text messages from Nathan's dad (I think it's his dad makes sense) get all ignored like it never happened it seems so freaking random.
I really like LiS very much, but more because of the beautiful artstyle, the atmosphere, the characters and the murder mystery - I admit, that the writing of the dialogs isn't always that good, it really feels weird sometimes and I also dislike the final episode (it's not the story conclusion , but the feeling of a rushed-down gameplay).
But The Walking Dead does the same. It's a world full of zombies, why they are there and how fast everything established (and how such a thing like a zombie could even exist) aren't explained at all. I really haven't had a problem with the inner-logic and I like the setting and the world that was created. I think Life is strange works more as a coming of age story, which uses metaphors and innuendos to tell it's story.
But the thing is that the Walkers were established in the first two Episodes of TWD Season 1 by Telltale. It's virus (we don't know how it started oke sure) they die of a gun shot in the head oke easy to follow, you die and come back except if your brain is damaged or get bitten so you will turn oke sure I can follow all of this.
The thing with LIS is that the time travel comes out of nowhere soooooo magic exist in this world? wait it happens because Chloe doesn't die so Max get's her powers to let Chloe die nooo wait that doesn't make sense is it because of the teacher who is killing people? wait whaaaaaaaaaaat? SURE oke it's time travel it's like magic but THEY didn't establishe the rules that well and start fucking around with it as soon EP3 came out. It's oke to experiment with your concept and idea but it has to make sense to the audience on a level.
The hole Prescots started to make less sense to me when the time went on but this is probably cause they decided to focus on Max and Chloe.
The Walking well might not be the most realistic concept in existence hell it's a WHAT IF scenario with rules established from the start so I can bend my suspesion of disbelieve, Life is Strange on the other hand doesn't do that and comes up with anything what it wants I wouldn't be surprised that in Season 2 we are gonna have space wizards to kill Chloe.
I am not trying to sound rude to you, the fans or the game itself btw.
I didn't say it was okay that TWD did it. If anything it's just as frustrating
The time travel inconsistency is part of why so many people don't like the ending.
The graphics really weren't that good. Looked like a game on the Dreamcast.
I really don't see much of a difference other than the textures being somewhat higher res. Then again, I played s1 maxed out on PC with the chromatic abberation filter disabled.
This made me want to write a supernatural mistery choice driven videogame, for some reason. One with choices that determine practically everything: relationships, physical appearence of characters, gameplay in some segments (will you have this hub and find more key info and reveal a different part of the story or will you go and stop the one you think is the serial killer with guns and shit?), choices you can only make if you made certain choices before, choosing the whole personality of the main character and shaping it with the dialogs and stuff... even the backstory. Maybe not the escential backstory but more what it meant and how they felt and how important it was and what they learned from it. Even the fucking ending. I want so many endings that they will take years to find. I want only ONE ending that solves everything, that is determined by a seemingly small choice that almost nobody will make but will make the whole game go in a different direction and finding out the truth about the mistery and it will also be the hardest one to find, like, secret ending. Yet this ending has to have the same quality as the others. Not nessesarialy happier, but well written. And the endings will start to be determined in the first episode. Small choices, almost invisible like dialogs and things you do in hubs (determinant hubs) will determine the ending during all the game, not just the final option. And like, every path is about different philosophycal and deep themes and have all the ending break your heart and blow your mind... even the happiest ones. And great characters that even have changes themselves depending on your choices and stuff.
...nevermind I'm just daydreaming out loud here.
Did you write any of this?