Every Clementine sorted by s2 ending and how to get them
Here is every Clementine sorted by s2 ending and how you get them. It is a combination of your season 2 ending and the following choices, respectively:
- 1- Join New Frontier or 2- Refuse
- 1- Inject AJ or 2- Return medicine
- 1- Say goodbye to AJ or 2- Spit in David's face
Kenny ending
- A Graceful Gunslinger (111)
- A Family-Oriented Fighter (112)
- Fierce but Forgiving (121)
- An Enlightened Combatant (122)
- A Free Spirit (211)
- A Survival Strategist (212)
- Bruised not Broken (221)
Wellington ending
- A Trusting Fighter (111)
- Loyal to the End (112)
- A Balanced Thinker (122)
- Spirited and Assured (211)
- Uncompromising, Unstoppable, Unbitten (221)
Jane ending
- Strong through Solidarity (111)
- A Dedicated Friend (112)
- A Sympathetic Sharpshooter (121)
- A Realist in the Chaos (122)
- A Renewed Soul (211)
- A Survival Warrior (212)
- A Hardened Survivor (221)
Alone ending
- A Reformed Loner (111)
- A Committed Caregiver (112)
- An Apocalyptic Protector (121)
- An Apocalyptic Philosopher (122)
- A Liberated Warrior (211)
- Tough as Nails (221)
So far there seems to be 7 Clementine personalities if you went with Kenny or Jane, 6 for alone, and 5 for Wellington, but let me know of any that i missed.
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1 thing, I got enlightened combatant by not joining the new frontier
Okay it is possible that enlightened combatant is 222 as well as 122. It is hard to tell sometimes from the Clementine peraonality descriptions.
is there a 212 alone clementine? or a 212 wellington clementine?
I missed several of them so let me know the names and choices for the missing ones if you have them
It'd be really nice if TTG makes the choice and consequences public. Because the way it works is pretty arcane.
Does anyone know the exact series of choices to achieve "Uncompromising, Unstoppable, Unbitten?" Because I absolutely love that title.
I've got one for you A SURVIVAL EXPECT 212 alone
You forgot "A Survival Expert" for the Alone Ending.
If you're correct about the numbers, they happen to be 212.
Just for reference, my choices and consequences:
Wellington(2,1,1), Spirited and Assured, split up, go after David. No hug.
And all of these will have zero effect on Clem in season 4
because Telltale.
I got:
Wellington Ending
I was trying for "A Balanced Thinker".
Wonder why it turned out as "Objective above all" both times
Yeah , I wonder how they're going to make it work. Are they going to change the dialogs options for each Clementine?
But I doubt it, how can they make 42 Clem based on 4 choices ? .....
We might just have 3 or 4 different choices based on our own Clem, maybe 1 choice per episode.
We'll see....