Unpopular Opinions in Gaming?
Stealing the idea from this thread because I thought it'd be a good idea to have a thread that extends to all of gaming.
So have any opinions towards certain games that not many people agree with? Don't be afraid to share them here.
And please respect everyone's opinion, okay?
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I don't particularly care for The Last of Us or its ending.
Fallout 3 is trash, both gameplay-wise and story-wise.
Same here. Didn't wanna mention it in my comment because I didn't want to be crucified, but I guess cat's outta the bag for both of us
I'll update when I think of more.
Borderlands is boring as shit.
minecraft suks
That is not unpopulair everyone hates that ending.
Yes but a lot of people still seem to love the game regardless and I just can't get into LiS anymore knowing how the story ends up.
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*** Life is Strange storyline is freaking garbage and half of that is because of the cunt Chloe**
I just want to say I never cared about her. When I was 7 and I played Kingdom Hearts 2 I just didn't like her look, her voice and purpose in KH2 in FF7 on the other hand... She is a adult with a brain of a 8 year old who is high all the time I could go on.
And Mass Effect 1 Gameplay and open world map system is GARBAGE
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I think most people like Uncharted 3 over 1:)
Skyrim is trash.
Yeah, to be honest, it's a good game but I'm surprised that so many people think it was the best game ever when it released.
But I heard many people thinking Uncharted 3 is the worst one of the franchise.
my reaction
GTA 5's story is great.
This really shouldn't be unpopular, holy hell.
They put a lot of thought into the plot and dialogue of that game and it pisses me off how vastly unappreciated it is. That story was great and it's probably my 2nd favorite story in a game period.
I didn't stand in a line for an hour and a half to meet Trevor Phillips' actor and get his autograph for nothing.
Ghosts to this day is still the worst CoD they have ever shat out.
At least Advanced Warfare had Kevin Spacey and Infinite Warfare had Kit Harrington.
It really shouldn't be. I'm not 100% on if it's officially considered unpopular, but I've seen a lot of people shit on it, and I really did enjoy the game and have played through it completely twice. And that's awesome about the autograph. Steven Ogg is gonna be at Walker Stalker Con this year and I wanna meet him!
Oh no, don't worry. You're right. People give it a lot of shit.
Thanks! That's where I met him! Steven is an awesome and down to earth guy!
What's up with all the hate on Skyrim, Fallout, and The Last of Us? Skyrim is the greatest action RPG of all time. The Last of Us has probably the best ending to any video game ever. And Fallout... well yeah, they are extremely clunky and glitchy. I love New Vegas to death, but it's because of the world and how you can affect it. In order to experience this you have to fight your way through glitches and bad gameplay, which is why I've been praying for a Fallout 3 and New Vegas remaster that will never happen.
Joking, everyone has a right to their own opinion. But as for the graphics, at the time they were objectively amazing and beautiful, the reason it doesn't look super colorful or flashy is to mimic the time era the game comes from. As for the gameplay I wouldn't say it's that bad, it just has some issues is all.
Just joking. It's pretty overrated.
Firewatch had a lot of untouched potential due to crunched deadlines. However, I found the ending to be quite interesting as it is open to interpretation as to what Delila was all about. Personally, I believe Ned and her were behind everything that happened to Henry after Brian's death.
I really enjoyed the atmosphere and visuals of that game. Delila's actress is also one of the best.
Firstly, while I love Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 and Skyrim, and I admit to having sunken my money into all of the DLC thereof, people act as if these games are God's gift to mankind. I love them all, but they are not THAT good.
Secondly, I loathe most multiplayer titles. The sole exception to this rule which I actually like is Team Fortress 2.
Thirdly, while the business model for release was a mess, I LOVED Hitman when it was fully released.
Hearts of Stone was better than Blood and Wine, in my humble opinion.
I don't understand the popularity of Life is Strange. The game had it moments but the cult following it has baffles me.
Skyrim bored me to tears.
Totally agreed. "Mothership Zeta" was an absolute mess.
I'm indifferent towards Red Dead Redemption. Not a bad game in my eyes, but I have nowhere near the love for it that most people seem to have.
I get a agressive reaction I LIKE YOU!
I said it before in the last thread like this and I guess I'm saying it again:
The Last Of Us is pretty average. I got bored of it about halfway through and never had the urge to play it again.
Do you know what other game fell into this category?
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
They're about equal to me.
~ I think Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 is great (...for a laugh).
Just not the love story in it...
And it's the game that introduced Silver the Hedgehog, who is probably my most favorite Sonic character...
~ Speaking of which, I think Silvers voice is cool.
~ I think the PS VIta is a great console... it's just been neglected by Sony...
~ I think the PS Vita port of The Jak & Daxter Trilogy is... bearable... and can be... enjoyable...
But it's still not good.
Eeehh... I can't really think of anything else at the moment...
The plot of Kingdom Hearts isn't that difficult to comprehend, I understood it when I was 12 (until DDD came along...).
GTA is done as a franchise and the whole driving around and shooting people thing has had it's day as well. Open world games in this day and age need a little more than that to be interesting.
As a whole:
I don't care for any of the Dark Souls, Witcher, Mass Effect or Resident Evil games.
Overwatch is definitely overrated, it got old fairly quickly.
I find MMO's, MOBA's and strategy games boring as hell.
From what I have seen, most Arkham fans prefer Origins over Knight. I think Knight is better by quite a large margin.
Both Modern Warfare games are overrated, the first Black Ops is the best COD game.
All the Battlefield games are overrated.
Bioshock: Infinite is the best Bioshock game.