What if...

Steve and Alex show up? And they got diamond Armour.


  • Jesse, Lukas & Petra are on their way home when 2 mysterious figures in diamond armor show up.
    The strange people cannot seem to speak, and they can't seem to move their arms and legs normally.

    "Maybe they're from another world and they're lost?" Jesse says nervously.
    Petra disagrees, "We've been to plenty of strange worlds and none of them had people who couldn't move their elbows and knees!"

    The mysterious characters look mad as they shake their stiff arms up and down while holding their swords.
    Jesse and Petra are confused, but Lukas interprets the odd gesture as a sign of aggression.
    Lukas starts to slowly step back "Uh... guys, I don't think they want to talk... I think they want to fight!"
    "Well if its a fight they want..." Jess says as she/he pulls out a sword. "...then it's a fight they'll get!" Petra continues.

    The two angry characters lunge toward Jesse first! Clearly she/he is their main target!
    "These two have such a strange swordplay technique!" Petra comments, as she tries to fend off the combative strangers.
    "Wait, guys! Stop!" Lukas shouts, as he's reading a book he picked up at the library earlier on in the day.
    "These people aren't just any old thugs... They're... Steve and Alex!"
    Jesse exclaimed in disbelief, "Whaaaat!?".
    "Then why the hell are they attacking us?!" Petra says, annoyed.
    "I don't know, but I might be able to interpret what they are trying to say with this book." Lukas holds up his book and tries to communicate to Steve and Alex.

    He first holds his arm out straight, shakes it up and down a few times, then jumps in the air... without bending his knees.
    "You look ridiculous Lukas! What are you even saying?!" Jesse says, trying to hold back her/his laughter.
    "I think I just said 'What are you doing here?'"
    Steve and Alex appear to understand Lukas, and attempts to reply by moving their head left, then bending down in an awkward fashion, and jumping. They end the sentence with a fierce look whilst waving their swords around.
    Lukas gasps in fear. "What is it Lukas?!" Petra asks.

    "They said that they used to be the biggest stars in all of the worlds. But then you came along Jesse, and stole all of their fame. You and your "New Order".
    More and more people started wearing your outfit, instead of theirs.
    More and more people started to associate Minecraft with Jesse... instead of Steve or Alex.
    Now they've come to take back what was theirs, and to that, they must get rid of us!"

    "Woah, woah, woah! They're not gonna take us out that easily!" Jesse says, feeling brave.
    When Jesse took a look around though, she/he saw that Steve and Alex were holding redstone and pistons in their hands, with a malicious smile on their faces.
    Suddenly the ground beneath them opened up, and Jesse, Lukas and Petra fall into an underground cage!

    When they woke up, they saw Alex and Steve on the other side of the cage, taunting them.
    Jesse runs up to the cage and shouts "Hey! Let us out of here you envy-ridden saboteurs!".
    "I don't think they can understand that!" Lukas explains.
    "So how can we say 'Let us out of here so we can punch that stupid smile off your faces?!'" Petra says in frustration.

    Steve starts to jump up and down repeatedly whilst Alex pulls a lever.
    The wall starts to open up inside the cage as lava starts to slowly pour through.
    "I think he said 'Prepare to bathe in lava, Jesse!'"
    "Thanks for the warning, Lukas!" Jesse says in sarcasm.


    *Will Jesse, Lukas and Petra escape the underground prison before it is flooded in lava?

    How did Steve and Alex find Jesse, and why are they so intent on destroying him/her?*

  • Telltale confirmed back when they were making season one that Alex or Steve will not be in the game. I would assume that hasn't changed for season two.

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