Do you ACTUALLY want another season of TWAU/TFTB?
Hi, right from the start I want to admit that this topic might be a little controversial. I hope that you are going to respect my opinion, just as much I respect yours no matter how opposite of mine it might be. Thanks in advance.
Now that we've got that obligatory hello out of the way, I am going to cut to the chase. Some of you who hung around the TWAU section back in the day might remember me as the one who tried to keep the hope up for another season for years, going as far as creating a love letter fanpage website (, which is now sadly expired)
I'm saying that because while I have been a strong fan of Telltale up to 2015, I gotta say that I am not a fan of the direction the company took post-TFTB. There are plenty of problems and I don't want to dive too deep into them here but what I want to focus on is the overall decline of the quality of their games. Just to be absolutely clear - I am not saying that what they've made in the past 2 years is absolute junk, but let's face that fact that it is nowhere near half as good as the holy trinity (TWD1-TWAU-TFTB)
So, after the recent rumors from E3 have emerged regarding Telltale developing a sequel for one of their older mature titles, I've seen a lot of people get their hopes up that it would be a new long-awaited season of TWAU or TFTB. But I've been wondering - do you ACTUALLY want to see another season of either TWAU or TFTB?
These games were such masterpieces and were successful mostly because they were created out of passion - at least that's how I feel about them. I can't say the same for their subsequent games (side from TFTB of course). TWD opened a lot of doors to Telltale, and it enabled them to score a hefty amount of cash from the gameplay style they have established. But money taints, it's what happens with most developers when they get a whiff of the pile of benjamins. Most of their recent games feel like there were made more as moneymakers in mind rather than entertainment. Shorter episodes, "improved" engine, IMO more predictable and cliche writing... That's just how it is. So here's the question - do you want another season of TWAU or TFTB to share the fate of TWD? Because as much as I prayed for these two to get a sequel, I have to say I'd rather them to end where they ended and preserve the memory of what masterpieces they were rather than two great games with terrible half-assed sequels.
The fact is: Nick Herman, Pierre Shorette, Dennis Lenart, Martin Montgomery, Sean Vanaman, Jake Rodkin - the guys who are mostly responsible for the brilliant writing and directing of TWD S1, TWAU and TFTB are now gone from Telltale. And I personally do see the new writers to carry out their legacy without f***ing it up. Maybe it's just me, I don't know, but I'd rather them to say away from attempting to continue these games. Not to mention the new engine which would completely obliterate the amazing atmosphere that TWAU and TFTB had - they pretty much replaced the cell-shading with just regular real time lighting. Look more realistic for a game like TWD, yes, but I cannot imagine this type of art design work in a game like TWAU which was defined by it's iconic noir art style. Same goes for TFTB.
Long story short - there is simply no way that a sequel to TWAU or TFTB would live up to the expectations. I guess it turned more into a rant, I apologize for that. I'm very interested in what the other opinions on this topic are, because I could go on for days and days talking about Telltale's downfall (at least in my eyes) and how it will without a doubt affect the quality of the potential sequels for the games which simply deserve a better fate. I'd imagine a vast majority are going to disagree with me, I'm curious as to what makes you think the opposite - if that's the case of course.
Have a good day!
Not until they prove themselves to be able to make great games once again, if they even have the chance before they go bankrupt.
Dude I'm not gonna lie I love the Wolf Among Us so much I just made a lame TellTale account here just to say yes I really think they need to make a second season. Man I'll probably never use this account but when I bought that game I came in thinking "eh I bet I'll play this game once and forget it tomorrow" boy was I wrong. The story telling is awesome the voice acting is spectacular and the story? Like you said Jacol it's a masterpiece. So noir so... deep. It really makes me sad to think they might not make another season. I really hope they do even if it doesn't meet my expectations because at least I'll know they tried. So yes make another but don't just shit it out like another Walking Dead game or Call of Duty like most game companies do. Keep it close to home and it will have fans crying.
No i honestly don't. I would much rather have season 2 of Game of Thrones, which unlike these two was left on a deliberate cliffhanger instead of ending ambiguously.
Yeah same!Without the original writing and directing creators there,it's possible that TWAU season 2 and TFTB season 2 will be shit and that's my fear but still want it but only if those creators are still there(but they are not)Yeah so far I WANT GOT Season 2
Im not defending telltale here, but its just my humble opinion.
Well, look at Batman, it's my second favourite TT game with TFTB being the first, although I'm pretty sure its not gonna get a sequel. I think the writers did an amazing job.
Why, you may ask. Firstly, there is no excessive swearing (seriously, this has become a THING in M-rated games. The reason twau wasnt first is because of this.), also because the episodes are 't insanely short, like TWAU episode ahem 2-5. Also, by far Batman has the choices with the most impact. (Even in minecraft its just visuals).
Therefore, I really like TWAU and it deserves a sequel. But that doesn't mean current telltale writers are bad and cannot pull it off. In fact, I think they've done a better job recently than they did in the past.
I initially wanted a TFBL S2, however after ANF and several key members of TFBL left telltale i have second thoughts of wanting a S2. With that said I think telltale can still make a good S2 of wolf among us if they put the work into it.
They fucked up TWD already with ANF, they'll fuck up Wolf S2 and Tales S2 as well.
Well, we don't have much to go on apart from The Walking Dead Series to tell how TTG handles sequels nowadays, but so far, sequels they've made haven't lived up to the original, so I'm afraid about the possible sequels of their games, especially Game of Thrones since that one had more variety in the ending than Season Two of The Walking Dead Game.
Despite my feelings towards ANF and the increasing worry of what goes on behind the scenes, the actual people, especially the writers and directors, are very talented. Often times, they're put into shitty situations by the upper executives and do get treated more like slave labor rather than employees. With that in mind, I'm still hopeful that, if we were to get future seasons of these games, they can still be good, despite some key figures leaving. While some left, others have stayed (Nicole Martinez is still around for TWAU, while Eric Stirpe, Mark Darin, and Zack Keller can still do TFTBL). I still have some faith, so Telltale, please don't screw me over.
I would still like to see a second season of TWAU, just as much as I want them to continue making TWD games even after being disappointed in a new frontier. I think If Telltale takes the negative feedback seriously, they could bounce back. TWAU and TWD s1 are my two favourite single player games. Although some magic is gone, I still think it's worth. They still have the capability to make incredible games. Besides, making a lame sequel won't take away from the originals, but there is a chance that they could be amazing if done right.
They should try only if they're going to give it their best. If they're content with anything less just leave it be.
Honestly, no. After ANF and a bunch of original writers leaving, I don't really have faith in Telltale to make a decent sequel. They'd find a way to screw it up.
See, this kind of logic I will never understand, why would you ever want them to NOT make another game? if they make it, there is the chance that it will turn out great, if it doesnt turn out great, Ill just forget about it, HOWEVER, if they never actually make the game, there is 100% chance that it will never exist, so youll never know what could have been, I would rather have the chance of a good game, rather than no game at all
To be honest, despite TWAU being a favorite Telltale game, it had some its fair share of rough patches. IIRC, Telltale was understaffed and working on a shitload of projects at once during its development, and the original creator of the comic decided on a rewrite mid-development, so it ended up getting the slightest bit shafted. The art style, world building, and characters were all perfect--I'm not sure the game's ending was perfect enough to justify never revisiting them.
TFTBL, however, was awesome and ended on an interesting note. I'd lay money down a sequel, but I don't know if it would be necessary.
My biggest problem with Telltale games is that they've totally abandoned the audience that made them so much money to begin with. The fans of games like Sam & Max, Monkey Island, or Back to the Future, which focused on humour, exploration, and honest-to-goodness creativity. I know that stuff like The Walking Dead or Minecraft is seen as "intense" and "interactive", but I hate having 3 seconds to respond to NPCs and increased reliance on reflexes over thinking. The big appeal to point and click games is thinking, and there isn't a lot of that in their games anymore.
I suppose Batman has some of it, but no amount of "really good writing" is going to change the fact that Telltale is a ghost of what it used to be. Between Jurassic Park, The Walking Dead, and Minecraft I've lost pretty much all faith in Telltale as a company. I know that's not going to sit well with some people, but it's how I feel. As nice as it might be to have more Wolf Among us or another Tales from the Borderlands, I'd almost love a return to what this company started with. Although I doubt we'll ever get a proper follow-up to that annoying cliffhanger in Monkey Island..
I don't trust them to make great sequels anymore. They have lost their mojo.
I trust Telltale....kind of. Yeah, they've made a couple of stinkers the past couple of years but i still believe they have talent. The problem is mostly in Telltale rushing out their games and constantly rewriting them on the fly. This is not good, especially for episodic games where the game is "tailored" by how you play and what "choices" you make. Furthermore, the talent of the new writers is subpar, no offense to them. They obviously have talent but i think it is just a cheap way for Telltale to get employees, so they can pay them less. Most of Telltale's original writers left to join other, more profound studios, e.g. Ubisoft. Also, linking back to another point i just made, the Telltale executives need to let the writers have creative freedom. Let them work at their own pace. They work for you, don't rush them. Also, work on a game or two at a time. Overall, i do want a sequel to the smash hit, neo-noir thriller that is The Wolf Among Us. Am i super confident that Telltale will put out a masterpiece? Of course not but i hope that it lives up to or close to the original. Thanks for reading!
Tftb: yeah maybe, it wont hurt to have another rollercoaster ride
I'd be alright if they tried their hand at a new TWAU. Batman was a good detective mystery, so if they got those writers, then I wouldn't be too worried and perhaps even cautiously optimistic. Although, I definitely do not want another Tales from the Borderlands until the current team proves themselves and we know they are capable of producing content at as high a level as TFTBL. I haven't actually played it, but I've heard Guardians of the Galaxy's humor is pretty poor. There's also the fact that most of the writing talent from that game has moved on, which worries me greatly. So, I'd be happy if they tried TWAU and sure, if they fuck it up, then we can at least say we got a sequel. Tales is far too pure though. Humour is hard enough to write on it's own, and Telltale's current games show they struggle with writing a regular story, never mind a comedy. I don't know if I could handle a bad Tales from the Borderlands game.
no dude pretty sure the title of telltale game that changes the most based on your choices would be Borderlands because there are several alternate scenes and also Dumpy who only appears if you pick Jack .
pretty sure they lost the rights to Monkey island thought.
well i dunno much bout TFTB, since i haven't played the original borderlands games other than the TTG one; BUT i DO think TWAU S2 sounds like a good idea tho. ^_^ i feel like they just left us at a goddamn cliff hanger tbh. :P
Hey bro the walking dead is pretty good my dude
That was weird how that posted twice wtf
ANF aside, I thought minecraft/TFTBL & more recently guardians is a step in the right direction. and now that MCSMS2 is announced I feel they'll do even more great things.
I liked GoT for what it is, but the world/characters are already set. aside from minor emotional decisions I don't want a 2nd season. i'd rather telltale focus on something original and not restricted! I wish they do an original IP or TWAUS2 than do a GoT game.
I believe in tell tale. Why? Well, the wolf among us was a masterpiece thanks not only to tell tale but also to bill willingham and who write the comic story of fables and other spin off. If you read the comic you will notice that the game is really similiar.
What i mean is that if season 2 will finally happen they probably follow the comic again. Yes i think too that the game need great writers. I trust in tell tale but i also afraid they're starting to do more quantity than quality
Thank you for your response, I am surprised that more than 1 person agreed with me more than less, and unsurprisingly most of you are old-timers/Telltale veterans. I guess being around for so long lends perspective.
As decent as the current team at Telltale may be, there is realistically no way that a potential sequel to their golden era games would live up to at least half of the expectations. I guess that's the hazard of creating something so brilliant... I never doubted that the sequels to these games would be a tad worse since most sequels in general tend to be a slightly less brilliant than the original, but without these key figures such as Nick and Pierre I don't see how Telltale could pull off a new season which wouldn't butcher their legacy. I'd simply prefer to keep the fond memories of these gems.
i think telltale the walking dead is specially the clem's story is really good and telltale should go on and countiniue this game is so awsome and i love it i'm sure so much people think just like me.
i dunno maybe