Favorite Sam and Max Quote

edited November 2007 in Sam & Max
Long Story short, played 'Hit the Road' when I was an anklebiter(yeh Im an Aussie), never realised the game was based on a comic book and have only just recently figured it all out.

Anyways would like to see some of your favorite quotes from the game / comic / cartoon series if you have them. Something to keep me entertained while i'm at work :)



  • edited October 2006
    Where did the cartoon air in Australia? I can't remember much, but Sam and Max were familiar to me before I even played the game. I recognised Sam and his voice in particular. :D

    I can't actually remember any quotes at the moment though. :(

    ...I can recall a tonne of Monkey Island ones, but that doesn't really pertain to the topic. :D :p
  • edited October 2006
    Gimmie the monkey ones :)
  • edited February 2014
    Yeah.....Sam and Max aired on Foxtel for those kids who were rich enough to have it....on Fox Kids
  • edited October 2006
    Ok, here's one of my favourite scenes from Monkey Island 2 (at least in which I can remember almost everything. :D )

    LeChuck: ...I will then take your bones, still alive and in great pain and make them into a chair. I will call it my "Screaming Chair". Every day I will sit in it and listen to you scream. Any questions?
    Guybrush: [Out several dialogue choices] Where do babies come from?

    And two from Sam and Max Hit the Road;

    Max: Mind if I drive?
    Sam: Not if you don't mind me clawing at the dash and shrieking like a cheerleader.

    Sam: I think I've got something in my eye.
    Max: Try digging it out with a fork! That always works for me.

  • edited October 2006
    "Gratuitous acts of senseless violence are MY forte!"
    "You're such an adorable urchin, Max."

    "Get away from him you malefactor!"
    "I'm not a malefactor, I'm a lagomorph!"

    "I'll miss the way he smelt like a bag of damp hamster shavings. Just like Grandpa."

    "Hey Max, check this out!"
    *tug* *chop*
    "I'll never shave again!"
    "You never did."
  • edited October 2006
    In Australia the cartoon aired on the Fox Kids channel ..then later was shown on channel 10 in the mornings..
  • edited October 2006
    Max: Did you check the car to see if it's okay for a long trip, Sam ?
    Sam: Well, the Wheels are still on... and here's the ignition key... everythin checks out !

    Max: Aren't you going to look under the hood ??
    Sam: Hell, No ! It's all dark and thick-smelling in there, and i might get grease on my Hat ! Here's a pile of maps ! Let's drive away now !


    Sam: Flint's a character and a credit to his overzealous psychotic creed.
    Max: I don't think he gets hugged enough
    Sam: You're a lovable dope, Max
  • edited October 2006
    Snukey's employee: can i help you with anything else?
    Sam: Nothing
    Snuckey's employee: you have no idea how often i hear that.
  • edited October 2006
    Azurice wrote: »
    Max: Mind if I drive?
    Sam: Not if you don't mind me clawing at the dash and shrieking like a cheerleader.

    That always reminds me of the old Jack Handey joke;
    When I go, I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather
    Not screaming and clawing at the dashboard like the passengers in his car
  • edited October 2006
    Snukey's employee: can i help you with anything else?
    Sam: Nothing
    Snuckey's employee: you have no idea how often i hear that.

    i never really understood this joke. i've played the germand and the english version. can someone explain it to me?

    is the punchline, that every fastfood waitress always asks, if he can do something else for you, and nearly everyon says "no"? is the joke really so simple? if it is, this was the dullest joke in the whole game. don't misunderstand me, i love "hit the road", i even wrote a retrospektive for a german website a few days ago. i fell in love with the characters and the humor nearly 13 years ago, and i still play the game from time to time, not for the puzzels (i know them by heart) but for the dialogues.

    but this joke... not my cup of tea...
  • edited October 2006
    Hero1 wrote: »
    ..then later was shown on channel 10 in the mornings..

    That's probably where I watched it. :D
  • edited October 2006
    Max: If it wasn't for the carefree innocence of this carnival i'd be breaking his knee-caps.
    Sam: Your a demonic little imp max
  • edited November 2007
    Some favorites from Sam & Max Hit the Road:

    "It's the gold record for Conroy's runaway hit: "Two-fisted, beer-drinking, gun-toting, hard-loving, fast-driving country-western Liverpudlian."

    "It's hard to believe he sold a million copies of "Tobacco Spit Blues."

    "Daddy's two-steppin in his two-foot grave."
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