Once Again, PSN sale and I can't decide what to buy...
So... here I am again. The Playstation Store is having this huge Mid-Year sale across many titles of many systems. I've browsed through it, and the two games that caught my eye are Sniper Elite 4 (40$ CAD) or Watch_Dogs gold edition/complete edition(20$ CAD). The former-- I've wanted recently, and is a pretty good deal considering it came out just a few short months ago, and the latter is something I've been eyeing for a long while now. Do any of you here recommend one over the other? I know people didn't like WD too much, but from what I've seen I think it seems pretty enjoyable. I do like my open-worldy games.
So, here's some stray thoughts I have about them, just to put it out there. I have not played the games, but from what I've seen, here's what I can gather:
Sniper Elite 4 (40$-normal ed. ||| 60$-complete ed.):
- It came out 4 months ago, and is already half price in a sale... Insane! The Deluxe-complete edition is only 20$ more than the base game right now... that's even better! I could wait for the complete edition for next year, but I don't know if that'll be the same or more than the price offered now... hmm...
- It looks to be a big, beautiful sniping fantasy.
- Large complex levels, stealth involved, many objectives.
- I've played Sniper Elite V2, but this looks to be huge steps ahead of that one. Bigger levels, better level design, improved stealth, good lighting and environments instead of dark-gritty landscapes.
- BUT, I've heard it's only 8 levels long. (Long, 1 hour levels, but it does seem sort of unfortunate.) Again, haven't played the game myself, so I'm basing my opinions on what people have said, sooo....
- Oh yeah, and don't mention co-op to me, because I don't have any friends who own the game or who would want to buy it, I think.
Watch Dogs (20$-complete ed. ||| 12$-normal ed.):
*It's about 12$ for the standard, and 20$ for the complete version. I've seen it cheaper than that but I don't know if waiting is a good thing. Who knows when another opportunity comes along like it again..
* Interesting Hacking Mechanics. Cool NPC details of their secret unseen lives.
* Open World, giving the player many things to do.
* I'm pretty interested in the Hacking invasion mode, where you can invade other people's games, and play some sort of hide-and-go seek. Although, who knows how easy it'd be to find other players considering this game is 3 years old, with a popular sequel already released recently.
Keep in mind this'll probably be a Long-term buy, where I won't play it right away.. I just bought the entire main Metal Gear Solid series last week, as it was all on sale and had never played any of them before except for Ground Zeroes, so I thought why not start at the beginning of it all. Anyway, this purchase here will be played later this year when I have time for it, and when I'm done with my new MGS Backlog.
Watchdogs is an okay game. I had fun with it, but it also has it's faults.
Pro: - Hacking is fun
- great Explosions and Shoot-Outs
- good graphics overall
- the end-missions are pretty great
Neutral: - sometimes pretty difficult
- the soundtrack is okay (don't expect GTA standards here)
- side missions are repetitive
Con: - The main character is pretty bland. He is very inconsistent in his character - sometime he acts human at other times like a heartless killer. But the balance just doesn't fit. A bad written character
- The story is kinda boring - an average uninspired revenge story without any real highlights or twists.
- the first third of the game isn't that good...i was bored very quickly...but after that it get's better.
I would say it's a 6-7/10 game.
If you have the choice than I would choose Sleeping Dogs instead. That's a really fun game and the best GTA clone I've played so far.
Watch Dogs. Had a lot of fun with that one. I liked most of it. Seems to be one of few who actually liked Mr. Pierce as well. I prefer him over this new guy in Watch Dogs 2. Generally I prefer 1 over 2 here, which seems to be the minority in this case.
I think that Watcg Dogs is better than Sniper Elite 4.
If it’s watchdogs 2 go for it! If it’s watchdogs one that game is not as good as the sequel but I enjoyed the plot but after the story you kind of get bored with it. It might be better than sniper elite 4 but I can’t say much about that as I’ve only watched let’s plays of sniper Elite.
Honestly just get Watch Dogs 2 it's what the first game should have been and actually has characters with personality. It's just plain fun and doesn't try to (badly) drill it into your head that you're a terrible person.
Sniper Elite is better, Dog_Watching_Simulator i'll bore you to death after the first two hours, i know that because i managed to finish the game two years after it came out.
Yeah.. I've decided on Watch Dogs. I figure it's been a while that I've been eyeing it, and while Sniper Elite may not get a price like that in a while, I'll probably be too busy with other games in my backlog and school again this coming September and onwards so the wait won't be too long for that once a good sale price/price drop comes again.