Clementine kick Gabriel in his pussy crotch

He is her bitch.
So alright,locked again this fucking discussion, I do not care you stupid fuckers to fuck by pigs.
This discussion has been closed.
He is her bitch.
So alright,locked again this fucking discussion, I do not care you stupid fuckers to fuck by pigs.
Will you ever stop making those stupid and pointless threads? I hate Gabe but Jesus Christ...
can you just piss off already you shitbird
I think if people would stop responding it would help. This jamoke gets more replys then my average thread.
Like the pics but these threads are kinda redundant
Judging by this guy's shitty grammar and the fact that he won't stop posting this...shit, I'm guessing this guy's 12 or younger.
Got more?
I wonder who did this marvelous image? Someone who was months ahead of the curve obviously...