Is there even a 0.00000000000000000000001% chance?
SPOILER ALERT i would make the whole thread a spoiler alert but it's annoying to always click "reveal thread"
Is there any chance that Ben will somehow avoid either of his deaths? I know it sounds stupid... because:
But think about Kenny. No way he should have survived what he did. seriously though, dozens of zombies on each side of the alley, one bullet.
I'm thinking, what if Kenny missed? He could have aimed at Ben and look at a walker, then his arm moves, Ben gets scared and passes out, Kenny kills walkers, walker bodies fall on Ben (making other walkers not eat him), later some guys find him and help him.
Ben was my 2nd favourite character. His death was sad, yes, and people would call bullshit that he's alive, but I don't care.
But if Ben was dropped in the bell tower, I don't think there is any way around it.
We see him paralyzed and being eaten alive. Much like Kenny in season 3 flashback.
Ben was one of the best characters, even though everyone hated him. I don't think he deserved to die, and he should at least be considered for a later season to be risen from the dead.
Ben could at least return as a walker if you dropped him. If that's as close I can get, then I'll take it. But seriously guys, does anyone else agree this is a good idea?
I really want Ben alive. I didn't need to make an entire thread about it, but I did because that's how much I care for Ben.
Ben was less of a screw up than Gabe or Nick, Ben is better than both of them yet more characters like Nick and Gabe than the characters who like Ben.
I don't think so. I agree that Ben was one of the best characters of the franchise. I let him go from the bell tower in episode 4, I had never felt that much as a monster in my entire life. At the moment, it's probably the choice I regretted the most in any TWD game.
He's one of my favourites too! Would have liked more different conversation options with him though.. but as of your question, I doubt it.
I dropped Ben at the bell tower too....It actually tears me up that I did that. I regret it for sure...I'm usually not so stone cold, but I was with him. He didn't deserve it.
But as for the OP's question, sorry but no, I 100% do not think there is an reason Ben is alive....Even if Kenny did miss....He's got that piece of balcony stuck in his chest...I don't even think he could pull himself up from that without screaming, and then passing out and likely being eaten by walkers.
I am pretty sure that Lee watches Kenny shoot Ben though from the other side of the fence? He just doesn't see Kenny escape...But Ben was right in front of the gate...Lee would have seen him die. So yeah, he's dead no matter what.
Haha. Yeah. Cos Ben didn't cause the deaths of 3 group members, the exile of one, the disappearance of another, the loss of their home and the death of somebody who was not apart of the group but was helping (sarcasm) while Gabe only pointed a gun at somebody but didn't shoot, while everything else was determinant. And Nick only killed one person and nearly shot a few others but didn't. I think you might want to replay season 1-3 unless this is a joke thread, which I really think it is.
Not joke. Also I want to know all of the deaths. I know he causes a lot of deaths. I heard he causes 5 deaths in 1 playthrough.
4.Vernon's girlfriend. I forget her name.
still think it's a joke 
Number 5 would be Kenny.
Ben is one of my favourites, too! I wish he lived longer.
A simple No for you,Mate!
No. I like Ben more than Nick and Gabe.
Kenny didn't die though.
He's either impaled on a spike and shot by Kenny or breaks his spine and is eaten by walkers. So uh, no.
I'm pretty sure Kenny used his bullet on Ben to spare him from the pain of being devoured by walkers and it was Ben's worst fear to become a walker. I also imagine that Kenny escaped through the sewers like Lee did in episode 4 when he was cornered.
Nice avatar pic, mate
Hell just pushed Telltale's writers to do that, just to watch you choke down that sock.
I am sad he did not die sooner...I like Kenny's family
Brie and she wasn't his girlfriend, but rather his daughter figure.
I explained that part. But yeah...
Dude, Ben's dead.
Even if Kenny did miss and Ben somehow passed out, that wouldn't have stopped the walkers from attacking him. And not only is it very unlikely that Kenny would've killed the walkers coming up behind him in time to do that, but the walkers guts likely would've gotten into his open wound.
So he's worse off no matter what if Kenny did miss, which I doubt.
I hope Ben's still alive so i can kill his dumbass again lmfao
Not even a 0.00000000000000000000001% chance?
hey, knock it off man, if I say no then 0.000000000000000000% chance
0.00000000000000000000000% chance? Ben real cool bro, don't be a hater.
What if I'm a hater? does it change the fact that ben is dead?
Might want to try mayo on it tho...