Hope they bring Christa back next season.
If Telltale wants to make next season the final season then i hope they atleast try to wrap up the missing characters like Molly , Lily and Christa i dont even care if they ignore Kenny s missing status in the wellington ending or if they Kill off every determinant character as long as they actually wrap up those missing Characters cause if they want to finish their series on TWD they should at the very least wrap up the story on those characters
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Christa's dead, just let it go
its still unconfirmed to this day so yeah until they confirm it or shown her dead body then no she s not dead.
i literally dont care if they just shown if some random character mentions they re dead or you just see one of them dead as a walker for no reason i just want to atleast see what happened to those characters althought it would be more appreciated if i saw them return.
Molly's story is wrapped up. Lilly probably won't come back. Maybe Christa.
C'mon man you hear someone push somebody (most likely Christa), then you hear her scream, then a gunshot; after that one of the scavangers runs to catch Clem (why would he be interested in a little girl if Chirsta would be alive, wouldn't he want to chase her instead ?), in the version where you try to sneak away it's even more obvious since Christa gets stabbed.
Also if you fail the QTE the other scavangers will tell the "Jesus are you fucking kidding me" guy to just finish Clementine off, in a relaxed manner, to which he replies "Gladly" and then kills Clem. Why would the others stand around doing nothing telling the other guy to just shoot Clem if Christa would be running away ?
This season seems to be all about Clem, so the chances of returning characters is at an all time high. Christa? Yes. Lily? Probably. Molly? Nah.
Just imagine seeing Lilly again after all this time.
i just want to know what happened to both christa and lilly.
i dont care if they confirm in a tweet that they both died, i just want to know what happened to them
and if Ben s alive in season 1 when Kenny s ´´Death scene´´ pops up you can clearly see a walker bite him so in what way does a gunshot that could have missed make it more unbelievable? Especially since Christa yelled before the gunshot not after so maybe she fell or something like Clem did in the river.
i agree with this 100% .
The scene with Kenny was remade, he was supposed to die, you were supposed to hear him get chewed by walkers and hear him scream, but they removed all that, probably left some animations in there.
Christa let out a single yell, then a gunshot and then..nothing...and as I said before:
"if you fail the QTE the other scavangers will tell the "Jesus are you fucking kidding me" guy to just finish Clementine off, in a relaxed manner, to which he replies "Gladly" and then kills Clem. Why would the others stand around doing nothing telling the other guy to just shoot Clem if Christa would be running away ?"
game over scenes are not canon thought.
Honesty, another comeback will be so unrealistic. World is big. And Clem meet again old friend or enemy? I understand when Kenny comeback, can happen but again? That too much.
I don't see the point in her returning at this point and considering she'd probably be death fodder or another body taking up space its best if she stays gone.
this is the last season i just want to see these characters actually get some closure besides ´´They dissapeared thought the entire franchise and never appeared again.´´
i would have agreed with you if there were more seasons after this one but since season 4 is the last one i just want to see Telltale give closure to the missing characters .
I think since this is the final season, there's a pretty good chance some loose ends will be tied up. I can imagine both, Christa and Lilly making a return in some form. If we don't though I won't be too annoyed to be honest.
The only one I can see coming back is Lilly. There's no reason to bring back Molly and I think Christa's dead.
I'm convinced Christa and Ava/Tripp will come back. Offscreen deaths, like with Kenny, usually mean the character has more to do in the story.
I'd like that too but I don't think it'll happen.
If she reappears, would you choose for Clem to take AJ back to Richmond with the Garcia's or take him on the road with Christa?
I'm still holding out for this guy!

Kidding! Well... sortof. I highly doubt he has a chance to appear in the final season but you never know. It'd be cool to see Christa or Lilly again at any rate.
I would definitely pick christa .
I think Tripp is going to come back next season and say "i got really lucky"
Yes, but the point is that they had supposedly dealt with Christa and were now focused on Clem.
what about mike,arvo and bonnie*?
they HAVE to come back,right?RIGHT?!
Ava/Tripp are 100% dead, there is no way they'd survive that height. Deal with it.
Why don't they make a DLC extra like 400 Days that instead deals with MIA and determinant characters? They can have the final season's focus be Clementine and still address loose ends. Sounds like the best of both worlds to me!
Missing: Lily, Molly, Christa, Every 400 days character(even if they went to howes), everyone at Howes, Mike, Arvo, Kate(determinant). I didn't count Bonnie because she is a 400 days character. And if you went into Wellington then Kenny is missing. Imagine if we see all of these characters. It'd be stupid but i have nothing to back it up.
I'm thinking, Clementine goes to the place where AJ is at, then everyone from howes is there. Christa is there too. Clementine and Christa hug, then Clementine sees everyone else and is like "what the fuck?". Blah blah blah, shit happens and she forgives them. Clementine asks if they've seen a baby, they like "Bitch, what fucking baby?" "My baby asshole" Clementine leaves to search, but Christa follows her. They see Lilly's corpse and Clementine is like "huh, nuuuu..." Christa like "wat?" Clem like "that is someone that left before you came and met us." They kill her then Clem sees Mike Bonnie and Arvo. Clementine pulls out a ninja star and kills Arvo, she pulls out the Excalibur and murders Bonnie and Mike, Clementine ascends and meets Lee, they hop on the almighty Heaven Tiger (Shiva) and fly off into the sunset. She sees Kenny and Kate holding AJ, they divebomb them and kill Kate because she's such a little bitch. They take AJ and tell our lord Kenny to hop on. They fly back to Richmond to kill any other Garcias that remain. Except Javier, because he starts making love to Heyzues and all is whole. Except Christa is just alone after Clementine ascended.
It started off serious, but I got really fucking bored and un-creative.
Do you gramma,orpuncuation, even.?*
I love Nate, he was honestly the best 400 days character.
Oh god Nate would be such a great character to have retuuuurn! Along with his undying love for Russell.
Look at the AMA. Telltale avoided saying anything that referenced them dying. I asked if it's plausible for Tripp to survive the bridge or being shot, they said: "if Tripp got shot he dead." That's not exactly what they said tho.
I doubt they're gonna have a major role for the final season.
Agreed. Christa and Lilly are definitely the two I'd be overjoyed about seeing returning from the unknown status.
I'm not feeling it. Even though Kenny is my favourite character, the rest of S2 was making me think of doing decisions around him - A already established character from the previous season. It was unfair and made my decisions biased admittedly. If I want a last good Clem season I want the choices to be unbiased and organic, in order to make a better impact.
Now that's a story I can get behind!
Yeah, but I forgot Clint, Joan, Max, and Lonnie.
At least tell us what happened to her. I could never except the "sometimes people disappear" thing.
There was water below. And people said the same thing about Kenny in season 1 and Kate in van. Relax.