Dear Telltale: Please add Songs during the credits after each episode
Whether you like or disliked Season 2, it can't be argued that the one thing that Telltale did right was adding songs during the credits at the end of each episode.
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
This feature in Season 2 had made me immersed in the feels of the story and its emotional impact. I remember when I use to play each episode in Season 2 I always excited about what was going to be the next moving song after the episode ends. ANF on the other hand...
Four out of five of the episodes had the bland and draining generic soundtracks after the end of the episodes. To be fair telltale did the same thing in season 1 but they added a song at the end of both season 1 and ANF. I think Telltale should take the direction of season 2 when it comes to delivering emotional vibes. If Telltale is going to take the same route as ANF then four out of the five episodes are going to feel like cold products rather than emotionally distinctive episodes. Just my opinion.
But that costs money!
I've always thought that something from John Frusciante's 2005 album, Curtains would work well as an end-credits song.
We wouldn't want them to part an effort into their game would we?
You posted episode 2 twice and left out episode 3
I totally agree, I loved the songs
this is asking too much, but main menu changes like season 2? I love dynamic menus in games. Ones that change based on your progress or positioning when you last played the game.
I can't agree with you even more. The ANF menu screen was a cop and paste version of Batman's menu
I don't care. With those add-ones, it will make much more money.
I just hope they make a soundtrack like Transformers cuz it's make me feel... something ya know?(just shut the fuck up if ya don't know)
I don't know why, but I really liked the S1 credits music.

Yes please! I was so disappointed when ANF didn't have ending credit songs. The ones for season 2 were beautifully picked and I hope they do it again.
Yeah telltale always has great music choices especially in guardians and TFTBL that song in ANF ending also was good.
this should be my thread dammit
Agreed, or at least animate it a bit, for the background to feel alive, atmospheric, not just plain artwork. Here's the example:
Fixed it.
Thanks for noting.
You're welcome
i agree while i dont really like watching the credits roll i loved the songs that played in season 2 s credits.