Have you ever gone through a spiritual experience?

edited July 2017 in General Chat

Have you ever gone through a certain spiritual enlightening that made you reflect on and possibly change your outlook on life? Kinda odd question I know but I'm curious. Anything that you believe counts as a spiritual experience can qualify. Doesn't necessarily have to be religious but it often overlaps.

As always please be respectful, don't insult or mock people over their beliefs, thank you.


  • Yes. It happened for me after I graduated from High School. I realized I was truly free and independent. And things that I always worried about, like homework, following school rules, being on time, and what other students thought of me, all of that didn't matter anymore. It was a really intense realization and actually made me sick for a year. I'm fine now, though.

  • When I came to terms with my bisexuality...I hid my infatuation for other women from my family...hell denied it in my own mind, here is the fucked up thing...even went so far as to try and drive off this beautiful girl in high school...she knew what I was...but I was so damn afraid of myself that I rejected it. I had a good amount of boyfriends...and I do love men...but finally when I gave in and let her guide me....it was like waking up out of a dream where you are drowning. I love both men and women...but I do prefer women.

  • Yeah I had a serious operation and enough painkillers to knock out a elephant, I cant really put what happened to my psyche into words but im a vegan now.

  • I was facing a huge heartbreak a few years ago, it shut my whole world down and I was devastated. At that period I was considering attempting suicide and I was so unhappy with life in general, my grades my family issues - everything. She made it very clear she didn't want to hear from me again. Last year I had a dream that gave me the biggest closure I could have ever expected for in terms of that heartbreak. I'm a spiritual person in the terms that when I dream of something, something that I remember being significant or interesting, I google what it means and this dream needed no explanation. The significant other was in some dangerous situation and I saved her. She told me everything was going to be Okay, and it truly gave me the closure that I couldn't give to her in person. It gave me catharsis, and if you know me you know that I cant deal with a certain situation sometimes without closure.

  • what happened to your psyche is the painkillers

    Yeah I had a serious operation and enough painkillers to knock out a elephant, I cant really put what happened to my psyche into words but im a vegan now.

  • Share the Peyote bub.

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