I may try them out yet, I don't have anything against them - I don't doubt it's very good, it wouldn't have had a game made for it otherwise. I'll check them out once I have some more free time from this pesky so called "real life".
So my suggestion would be try reading it (At least until Volume 4, March of the Wooden Soldiers) - if by that point you're still not into th… moree series, then it's obviously not your cup of tea, so you can decide to drop it.
But the main series just gives so much more mythology/lore on all characters, that in most people's cases - it furthers the enjoyment and understanding of TWAU (my mate @HazzatheMan can also verify for you).
In the end, the choice is up to you. All I'm trying to say is don't let the naysayers influence you into not even giving this (fantastic) series a chance (I actually found out about TWAU first when it was announced, then I researched a bit and found out about "Fables", so I read through and caught up with the main series before I started playing Wolf, and it furthered my enjoyment of the Game).
Oh, and added note - most of the spin-offs (Cinderella, Fairest etc series) are quite good too (though in my opinion, main series is still the best), except the "Jack of Fables" (which has Jack Horner as the main character - just can't stand him) which I consider to be the weakest out of them all (not just purely because of my dislike for Jack, but even taking story into account)
I only have Jack of Fables as part of my Fables collection purely for my "Completionist" attitude.
I may try them out yet, I don't have anything against them - I don't doubt it's very good, it wouldn't have had a game made for it otherwise. I'll check them out once I have some more free time from this pesky so called "real life".
Haha, fair enough mate.
Oh, and added note - most of the spin-offs (Cinderella, Fairest etc series) are quite good too (though in my opi… morenion, main series is still the best), except the "Jack of Fables" (which has Jack Horner as the main character - just can't stand him) which I consider to be the weakest out of them all (not just purely because of my dislike for Jack, but even taking story into account)
I only have Jack of Fables as part of my Fables collection purely for my "Completionist" attitude.
I'm not a big fan of the Fables series and I don't know much about the comic story lines, so please forgive my ignorance....but considering that the game is a glorified murder mystery from the viewpoint of a detective looking to crack the case....shouldn't the final plot outcomes be influenced by how well the player discovers evidence and draws conclusions regarding the suspects? I found Season 1 to be severely lacking in that regard.
Some detective scenes like Batman and some abilities to use in hubs like the time scanner in Guardians of the Galaxy (but a piece of technology like that can’t be implemented into the world of wolf). Maybe have some less QTE’d fight scenes like the ones in minecraft story mode with actual dodging and stuff and a little challenging like in story mode.
I'm not a big fan of the Fables series and I don't know much about the comic story lines, so please forgive my ignorance....but considering … morethat the game is a glorified murder mystery from the viewpoint of a detective looking to crack the case....shouldn't the final plot outcomes be influenced by how well the player discovers evidence and draws conclusions regarding the suspects? I found Season 1 to be severely lacking in that regard.
It's too bad Willingham killed Colin off as early as he did. I love the banter between him and Bigby. The only chance of Colin appearing in … moreS2 would be to write the season as another prequel (unless he cameos as a severed head, like he did in the comics).
Reading the comics gave me a much bigger appreciation to the game and it's lore/characters. The game and comics have different tones to be sure, but they are rich with fun and interesting characters and some pretty decent story lines.
My only regret is not knowing Fables even existed until I played TWAU.
So my suggestion would be try reading it (At least until Volume 4, March of the Wooden Soldiers) - if by that point you're still not into th… moree series, then it's obviously not your cup of tea, so you can decide to drop it.
But the main series just gives so much more mythology/lore on all characters, that in most people's cases - it furthers the enjoyment and understanding of TWAU (my mate @HazzatheMan can also verify for you).
In the end, the choice is up to you. All I'm trying to say is don't let the naysayers influence you into not even giving this (fantastic) series a chance (I actually found out about TWAU first when it was announced, then I researched a bit and found out about "Fables", so I read through and caught up with the main series before I started playing Wolf, and it furthered my enjoyment of the Game).
I agree with Poogers about the smell ability. That would be a nice addition.
All 3 of Bigby's transformations should return (his huff an… mored puff attack though, would depend on the situation):
* First transformation stage (yellow eyes, more hair, claws)
* The full were-wolf stage
* Ultimate Big Bad Wolf form (Bigby's true/original form)
3 highlights from In Sheep's Clothing for me:
The Snigby tension man!
The Jersey Devil fight was badass
And the episode finale (specifically 'Fight' or 'Smoke')...
You know, because of this thread I actually got inspired of making a video of 5 things I'd like to see in season 2 of TWAU. Thanks for the idea!
It took super long to make but hopefully you like it:
Note: I just signed up, and I am not 100 percent sure about the guidelines so if I did not to follow a rule then let me know and I will remove this post at once.
I have posted this somewhere elseBUTIm gonna add more things at the end that I came up with
More investigation sequences! (I really like the action ones too though). I am currently studying criminology in two different branches, so investigation in games/movies are truly entertaining, especially if done in a complex way. For example, types of bullet entrances and what they indicate, powder remains and what they point to, noticing details (Can intriguing objects be discarded as evidence because they show no signs of usage? Can a knife be discarded as evidence because it doesnt have trails/smells of blood -does it smell like bleach, indicating it had been washed? Can a suspect bathe and blow smoke on himself/use lots of perfume to hide something from Bigby's senses? etc), the possibility to connect evidence (like in Batman) and be able to do it even if you connect the dots wrong (and if you connect the evidence wrong then it has consequences).
Action sequences. While playing Bigby you get the chance to A-be nice or B-rough up. When I choose to rough up, I would also like to have the option to stop. Because, for example, in season 1 when you choose to B-Threaten Todd, it lets you either shake him up or hit him. Now, I would have liked to JUST intimidate him (slowly kneeling in front of him), but I didn't want to shake or punch him. It wouldn't be such a Black or White situation that way. I would have liked to Intimidate him (so Todd will be intimidated of Bigby even later on)(Todd would still have an attitude later on), and then gone back to simple questioning (so Todd now is like "you cant play good cop AND bad cop, Bigby!" or something) BUT its more realistic -in my opinion.
-Another example is when you are questioning Dee (or was it Dum?) and you grab the bottle. You get to either Smash his face, or Offer him some. I would have liked the option to Drink myself, or to just Intimidate him/Threaten him with it (placing the bottle on his head, leaning close, passive-aggressive sentence). This example applies to more of the scenarios presented in the game.
-Last example of this: When you are fighting forgot-his-name at the bar, where you get the option to Tear his arm off or Let him Be. Now, I would have liked to be able to Stop while tearing his arm off (therefore bruising it/slight dislocation) -or- get to kick him once more time before letting him be.
No Romance necessary. Me -and surely some others- don't like the idea of Needing the character to fall in love in someone. I get this is very common in most (if not all) hero stories, because it helps you connect with the character. Its not because I dislike Snow. I'm also not saying this because I don't want there to be love in this story at all (especially because its canon and all), but because I want the Choice to be with her or not. It is a game of choices after all, so here is what I propose:
-Love ending: You and Snow are fully crushing on each other at the end, giving you that "just kiss already" vibes. She sees the Big Good Wolf.
-Neutral ending: Snow gives Bigby shit from the beginning (according to what I have heard from the comics), and Bigby feels pushed away by her constant nagging and decides to stop being so flirtatiously Nice to her. They are just Partners, maybe friends, but no romance.
-Lone wolf ending: You not only don't end up loving her, but you also sass her back. Snow seems hurt but not surprised (because she was being sassy first, then she tunes down the sass -but keeps getting shit-, so then she gets distant). Both are tense and dislike each other, although Bigby takes his usual cold-shoulder approach while Snow is more expressive in her dislike. She sees the Big Bad Wolf.
MORE ENDINGS. The thing we love about telltale games is that you can have more than one ending. What adds value to this company -and differentiates it from the rest- is this very thing (plus the art style of course). I tend to notice that writers/directors/producers like their game so much that they avoid adding "non-optimal" endings to the game because they love them too much to accept that players can have choices that figuratively give a f-you to the optimal storyline.
Example: -Ending A: Good ending. You are the Big Good Wolf + You solve the case because you tied up most/all of the evidence. (you also get a trophy if you tie up all the evidence correctly). Maybe even get Snow's love (or not) -Ending B: Bad ending. You are the Big Bad Wolf + You solve the case because you tied up most/all the evidence. Snow is disappointed/hurt (or maybe just plain angry). People seem distant, fearful, and hateful. -Ending C: Neutral ending. You are the Big Wolf + You solve the case (...). You have done good and bad actions equally. People don't like you, but they admit you have done your job, therefore protecting them. They seem distant, respectful/accepting, fearful (but no hate). -Ending D : Good but Useless. You are good, but you suck as a detective. You couldn't connect most/all of the evidence, throwing your finger around and accusing people, getting the wrong leads and getting nowhere, heading to a wrong place while the Deal was going down somewhere else. Snow solves it. People see you as useless and weak. -Ending E: Bad and Useless. You are bad, and you also suck. You couldn't connect crap. Beating up people for nothing, threatening almost everyone that had nothing to do with it, getting people dead as a result of your actions (people attacking the supposed "killer", etc) . Snow solves it. People are Very afraid of you, they hate you, see you as a brainless animal. You get demoted of your Sheriff status. (Maybe you end up being a paid thug to pay for his food? don't know). -Ending F: Beast ending. Irrelevant if you solve the case or not. You keep on losing control throughout the game, becoming a full werewolf (or even wolf) wherever you go and things are easier, people spit information easy, however bad guys hide and are harder to catch (but oh boy you catch 'em). You keep de-attatching people's limbs, attacking people around, going full-beast at whoever crosses your way. This unlocks the options to growl instead of talking in almost every conversation. In the final scene of the game you lose control again and accidentally end up hurting innocent people even more. They end up sending you to -FableJail?- (but you escape and decide to leave as a wolf in the forest, civilization turned out to bee too much for you).
These are just some ideas though, would love if endings were also altered depending on who dies, etc.
Graphics. I rather have Telltale sticking to the same graphic format as the First game. I have peeked at the Guardians of the Galaxy one, and I really dislike that style. What makes Telltale unique is its art style. The moment you go full-3D, is the moment people will complain about the 3D being too unrealistic. People like the Telltale art because its unique, nice, and different. "Less is More" definitely applies here. HOWEVER, they will obviously refine the graphics, so I say they should aim for a "Batman Telltale" rolemodel approach. And for the love of jesus, no 'Guardians of the galaxy'/'game of thrones'/'ANF' graphics.
Characters! Don't be afraid to add more characters, even if they aren't important later on, even if they don't re-appear. The more characters there are, the more immersive the game is. A detective is surrounded by all the uncertainties of the world surrounding him. All these people: who are involved? who knows something? who is hiding something? who have a different agenda? You could use this, and expand this.
You can add more things to the main story's Problem and make the plot much richer:
-Maybe "The Farm" animals are plotting an escape, a riot, complaining about high Glamour prices. And other non-farm characters are backing them up. If you have their support, they might help you later on.
-A group of people plotting against you, or against Snow (same thing), or against something unfair. They use symbols (scribbling them around), they might know some information about The Main Problem but can't say anything because, if they spoke up, they would be in trouble.
-More of those "I just hate you Wolf, F you" characters. They may care about The Main Problem, but they wouldn't help you out if you paid them. Unmoving obstacles that challenge Bigby's patience.
-More of those "Oh-hi Bigby" characters, like Beauty, or Pig. She didn't hate you, she wasn't fully relevant to the main story, she helped you out once or twice. The purpose of these characters would be to test Bigby's integrity. Would he lie for them? Would he cover for them (even if it meant going against snow)? How does he treat them? Is he kind -maybe too kind? Or does he give a cold shoulder? These characters COULD give you some small hints on how to connect evidence that you have already gotten (in case you didn't connect the dots right) -or- accidentally misguide your connections. (this last bit would depend on being Good -where they give it willingly-, or bad -you push them-, or beastly -you attack them-)
Hints, clues. Be able to look at inventory objects. Have a little notebook with collected evidence. In that notebook you would be able to look at your evidence, and write (or re-write!) down hypotheses. Your connected dots can change according to new evidence, or altogether. Bigby needs to be careful here, because he could still connect dots that look right -but arent. And no one will change those for him. Different Clues or Hints are given discreetly and not-so discreetly. Examples:
-Descriptions of items collected in Inventory (these options only appear if you Choose to check these objects out): Their smell could indicate something, like "this spoon covered in blood smells just like this bar", "this box of matches is from his motel, look at the brand", "this package of cheap cigarettes is old (smell) but barely used. So it's from someone who smokes rarely or secretly", "this piece of fabric smells like bleach, bleach is used to clean blood", "The handwriting on this found note is from a Fable, I should check out people's handwritings and see who it matches", etc.
-More clues to find, more evidence. Most objects have details, some useful, some not. This way you don't just "happen to stumble on all the right evidence". For example, when looking at a corpse, maybe you check out it's pockets and nothing there (or inside the mouth, ears, nose, etc; and still nothing). Or when looking around an apartment: you can check all drawers, behind most objects, check under objects, etc.
Bigby's past. I don't know much about it since I haven't read the comics yet. Giving that Bigby is a drunk, it could be used to make him pass out and give us some amazing flashbacks of his life before. This new season has to involve some personal dilemma for the hero (like all hero plots) so if we could get short stories of Bigby being the BBW it would blow my mind. Plus, even if you are aiming for the Good Ending, these actions wouldn't affect your current Karma. However it Could affect certain memories and the way conversations go if they were to discuss the past. Character development, Character's depth.
9. The option to make Bigby's senses great again. I read somewhere that BigB uses booze and smoking to dull down his scent. But what if we could choose to make him stop drinking/smoking (or to drink/smoke more) and therefore altering his capacity to detect clues: he would get extra clues that would give us some extra help later on, in order to pick up all evidences and make perfect theories later on. However, Bigby -acording to the comics- gets too overwhelmed at all the millions of scents, which would quickly make his temper unstable (cost and reward of getting those extra clues). It would give us scenarios of "press <- to calm down" WHILE you are doing other things like arguing, interrogating, fighting. It wouldn't be easy, but it would really add many points to character development: Bigby's effort to be his new self, to be good, to make people stop alienating him so much.
I don't think they should avoid making something complex because of all the dumb ones that can't count to 10. Making this game more complex would also attract more audience. Like, c'mon, mystery + fantasy + badassery + Telltale is a great combo. It will also definitely make it pop up from the rest of the Telltale games.
Yes!!! I thought I was the only one who thought this.
Unfortunately though, it's unlikely they'd take that approach. Think of all the poor dummies who can't tell a pickle from a cucumber.
That second paragraph, yes! Memories would be such a good addition. From full playable memories, to conversations or hints. If they dug up his past it would be amazing.
I don't think they will add more episodes, but I'm definitely wishing for longer episodes.
And yes, a thicker and more detailed plot would add so much more immersion into the story, so many possible outcomes and possible interactions.
I definitely think what the new season will need the most is a more solid plot. Like season 1 was a great game and all, and in my opinion, T… moreelltale's best, but there were apparently a lot of rewrites, as can be picked up in those "next time" closing segments (or whatever you call them...), and while it didn't effect the game too much, there is a noticeable bit of decline in the later episodes (4,5), which felt shorter and a little rushed. So I'd much prefer for the writers to get a really clear outline of what they want and to keep a consistent, yet complex story that unravels in each episode, with multiple clues that might not be picked up at first glances.
I'd also like to see the investigation have a bit more of a personal feel to it, like something that's close to Bigby in a way that may effect him emotionally, giving way for more options and reasons for him to either loose control or to keep the beast inside. Not necessarily something… [view original content]
I agree with Poogers about the smell ability. That would be a nice addition.
All 3 of Bigby's transformations should return (his huff an… mored puff attack though, would depend on the situation):
* First transformation stage (yellow eyes, more hair, claws)
* The full were-wolf stage
* Ultimate Big Bad Wolf form (Bigby's true/original form)
I hope more fighting scenes will be as good as the Woodsman fight was, with it's immense variability and a huge number of ways for it to go … moredown. Unlike those in Batman where if you don't press a button it either goes exactly the same as if you did, or the game plain shows you death screen, thus boring as hell.
I don't think they need to make the game overly complex in order to make our detective skills matter...
For example, when you go to Toad's place in Episode 1 after it was ransacked....Bigby can observe objects in the room and comment on them....there's always a smart dialogue option that will discredit Toad's attempt to cover-up what happened along with less than ideal options that Toad will be able to talk his way out of....It bothers me that those choices don't impact more than the current scene.
If we make the smart choices, then it should lead to extra evidence that helps solve the case.
I don't think they should avoid making something complex because of all the dumb ones that can't count to 10. Making this game more complex … morewould also attract more audience. Like, c'mon, mystery + fantasy + badassery + Telltale is a great combo. It will also definitely make it pop up from the rest of the Telltale games.
Longer episodes. Seriously, the length of most Telltale episodes these days are much shorter than they used to be, while the prices have rem… moreained the same. I'm hoping they make each episode at least 2 hours long (making it feel like a game with exploration and investigation elements) instead of streamlining everything with constant dialogue and action sequences, which tend to add up to less content and shorter episodes. Not that any of these things are bad, but I think a mix of all these things is needed, especially for a mystery. Let us try to figure it out ourselves by investigating!
Also, I'd enjoy making the "connecting the evidence" sequences be less obvious and actually failable, just to make it a bit more interesting.
You have a point. Making good deductions should lead to better theories, I agree. Hooowever, I think that if they added More things to look at/interact with (some useful, some not) it would be more realistic. Therefore, you wouldn't just happen to stumble on all the right evidence, since mostly everything you interact with has a hint at something.
I don't think they need to make the game overly complex in order to make our detective skills matter...
For example, when you go to Toad'… mores place in Episode 1 after it was ransacked....Bigby can observe objects in the room and comment on them....there's always a smart dialogue option that will discredit Toad's attempt to cover-up what happened along with less than ideal options that Toad will be able to talk his way out of....It bothers me that those choices don't impact more than the current scene.
If we make the smart choices, then it should lead to extra evidence that helps solve the case.
Oh yes, I'm all for having more interactive crime scenes.
I would argue, however, that in most scenes from S1, there is generally one piece of evidence that starts further dialogue and advances the story......So couldn't you say that the rest of the pieces (that don't advance the story) are somewhat useless? Even if they hint at something, they aren't crucial.
You have a point. Making good deductions should lead to better theories, I agree. Hooowever, I think that if they added More things to look … moreat/interact with (some useful, some not) it would be more realistic. Therefore, you wouldn't just happen to stumble on all the right evidence, since mostly everything you interact with has a hint at something.
Well. Those "secondary" clues seem useless at the beginning, but they are useful for theories later on in the game. Like when you can guess who "killed snow" later at the end. Or when you find those little clues that altogether hint at the fact that "they are all prostitutes", "they use cheap underground glamours", "Faith fought with her friends over something", etc. I'm saying that even if they aren't Important/Crucial, they are still relevant.
Like, all clues found in the game are important in their own way. The only clue I can think of right now that wasn't really important is the "hmm, these books haven't been used in a while, they are dusty" part at prince's apartment.
An example of how they can add more Places-To-Look-At that aren't really important is, for instance, when you are examining fake-snow's corpse: everything you look at is important. I wish they had added the option to take of her shoes and look at her feet (maybe there was something there), or turn her head around, look at her arms, sniff her hands, etc. Those options wouldn't lead you anywhere, but they definitely make it more realistic: checking places where you don't find anything, and checking other places where you actually do (wether important or just relevant).
Oh yes, I'm all for having more interactive crime scenes.
I would argue, however, that in most scenes from S1, there is generally one pie… morece of evidence that starts further dialogue and advances the story......So couldn't you say that the rest of the pieces (that don't advance the story) are somewhat useless? Even if they hint at something, they aren't crucial.
Don't get me wrong, Batman is still a good game and I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's a stepdown from TWAU, Borderlands and first Walking Dead, sure, but the story was decent enough to keep me in front of my screen till it's 5 AM and I beat all episodes at once. Action sequences, however, were a huge letdown for me, Telltale better not pull this on our Season 2 of Wolf, they can do so much better. Also, their new engine is a poorly optimised mess, the game runs like shit on my PC, and it's not a bad one.
Btw don't worry man, I'll start reviewing TDAU soon. :P Got carried away a little doing stuff and I'm re-reading it all over to refresh my memory.
Don't get me wrong, Batman is still a good game and I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's a stepdown from TWAU, Borderlands and first Walking Dead,… more sure, but the story was decent enough to keep me in front of my screen till it's 5 AM and I beat all episodes at once. Action sequences, however, were a huge letdown for me, Telltale better not pull this on our Season 2 of Wolf, they can do so much better. Also, their new engine is a poorly optimised mess, the game runs like shit on my PC, and it's not a bad one.
Btw don't worry man, I'll start reviewing TDAU soon. :P Got carried away a little doing stuff and I'm re-reading it all over to refresh my memory.
While I absolutely loved Season 1, it was obviously hurt from the rewrite that took place after Episode 1 which didn't allow the game to be at its full potential. So I hope Telltale carefully maps out the season and tells the story to the fullest capability. I also agree with some of the gameplay features that other people have stated.
Yep. To be fair, not all fights in TWAU were as impressive as Woody's either, but Batman takes linearity to the point of absurdity sometimes. There wasn't a single memorable action scene in the whole game, not for me at least.
Pretty much sums it up. Hearing the fans not just in The Wolf Among Us' forum, but the others as well.
They will read that many fans are disappointed over the last episodes of X games: that they are too short, too superficial, choices don't matter too much, that they aren't like 'the good ol' games' (good like twau), stories don't add up, you don't really end up loving the characters, too little interactions, etc.
We wouldn't mind if they came here and asked us for our opinion about something. We would be more than glad to help them out, they got a whole year to figure it out anyways.
And by the way, season 1 was incredible. It is a exemplar role-model game for Telltale to stick to. Many people complain about present games because yadayada, but The wolf Among us season 1 had most if not all aspects of a game well defined. (I am taking into consideration the plot inconsistency due to rewrites, and short episodes, don't get me wrong -those could have gone better).
I think Telltale should focus on what they did good and use that as an example as to what to do. Meanwhile, listen to what they did wrong that time (inconsistency + shortness) and fix it, polish it.
I hope that Telltale doesn't think that we "didn't like season 1" because we did, oh we did. However, we are giving out ideas to make it even better, to add more cherries to the pie. And that's why so many people post idea after idea in this old wolf forum.
Be more like Batman! Batman's telltale's season two was simply GASP amazing. The first episode was so amazingly long. The fight sequences were waaay more interactive! You got to choose different ways to punch an opponent, different ways to approach a fight, it was way more interactive than what I was used to and it kept me on the edge of my seat.
You also had to use your head a way lot more, you got so many complex dilemmas that my mind was frying up --and I loved that!
Finally, the detective sequences were way more interactive, so many more things to look at and analyze. So little time to solve it! You had to keep on thinking, keeping your mind active, and be precise -or else. You had to be quick and decisive, or time would run out.
Honestly, if they make an approach like Batman Telltale season 2 (or better than it) I will be more than satisfied.
I may try them out yet, I don't have anything against them - I don't doubt it's very good, it wouldn't have had a game made for it otherwise. I'll check them out once I have some more free time from this pesky so called "real life".
Haha, fair enough mate.
Oh, and added note - most of the spin-offs (Cinderella, Fairest etc series) are quite good too (though in my opinion, main series is still the best), except the "Jack of Fables" (which has Jack Horner as the main character - just can't stand him) which I consider to be the weakest out of them all (not just purely because of my dislike for Jack, but even taking story into account)
I only have Jack of Fables as part of my Fables collection purely for my "Completionist" attitude.
I'll keep that in mind. From my experience, most spin-offs are weaker than the main series anyway - that's probably just the way of things.
No no no!
I'm detective Brannigan.
I'm not a big fan of the Fables series and I don't know much about the comic story lines, so please forgive my ignorance....but considering that the game is a glorified murder mystery from the viewpoint of a detective looking to crack the case....shouldn't the final plot outcomes be influenced by how well the player discovers evidence and draws conclusions regarding the suspects? I found Season 1 to be severely lacking in that regard.
Some detective scenes like Batman and some abilities to use in hubs like the time scanner in Guardians of the Galaxy (but a piece of technology like that can’t be implemented into the world of wolf). Maybe have some less QTE’d fight scenes like the ones in minecraft story mode with actual dodging and stuff and a little challenging like in story mode.
Yeah... I just said that.
Yes!!! I thought I was the only one who thought this.
Unfortunately though, it's unlikely they'd take that approach. Think of all the poor dummies who can't tell a pickle from a cucumber.
Whattt??? Colin dies in the comics?
3 highlights from In Sheep's Clothing for me:
The Snigby tension man!
The Jersey Devil fight was badass
And the episode finale (specifically 'Fight' or 'Smoke')...
I concede.
Reading the comics gave me a much bigger appreciation to the game and it's lore/characters. The game and comics have different tones to be sure, but they are rich with fun and interesting characters and some pretty decent story lines.
My only regret is not knowing Fables even existed until I played TWAU.
This guy should write Season 2 XD
It looks like a fourth stage is missing
I always choose to "smoke" - gives my Bigby more of a badass aura.
You know, because of this thread I actually got inspired of making a video of 5 things I'd like to see in season 2 of TWAU. Thanks for the idea!
It took super long to make but hopefully you like it:
Note: I just signed up, and I am not 100 percent sure about the guidelines so if I did not to follow a rule then let me know and I will remove this post at once.
A scene with Bloody Mary in her underwear.
(Oh, COME ON, Telltale. Don't give me that look. You took off Bigby's shirt in season 1 for the ladies.)
Now THAT is a bright idea!
Keep the same writers
I have posted this somewhere else BUT Im gonna add more things at the end that I came up with
More investigation sequences! (I really like the action ones too though). I am currently studying criminology in two different branches, so investigation in games/movies are truly entertaining, especially if done in a complex way. For example, types of bullet entrances and what they indicate, powder remains and what they point to, noticing details (Can intriguing objects be discarded as evidence because they show no signs of usage? Can a knife be discarded as evidence because it doesnt have trails/smells of blood -does it smell like bleach, indicating it had been washed? Can a suspect bathe and blow smoke on himself/use lots of perfume to hide something from Bigby's senses? etc), the possibility to connect evidence (like in Batman) and be able to do it even if you connect the dots wrong (and if you connect the evidence wrong then it has consequences).
Action sequences. While playing Bigby you get the chance to A-be nice or B-rough up. When I choose to rough up, I would also like to have the option to stop. Because, for example, in season 1 when you choose to B-Threaten Todd, it lets you either shake him up or hit him. Now, I would have liked to JUST intimidate him (slowly kneeling in front of him), but I didn't want to shake or punch him. It wouldn't be such a Black or White situation that way. I would have liked to Intimidate him (so Todd will be intimidated of Bigby even later on)(Todd would still have an attitude later on), and then gone back to simple questioning (so Todd now is like "you cant play good cop AND bad cop, Bigby!" or something) BUT its more realistic -in my opinion.
-Another example is when you are questioning Dee (or was it Dum?) and you grab the bottle. You get to either Smash his face, or Offer him some. I would have liked the option to Drink myself, or to just Intimidate him/Threaten him with it (placing the bottle on his head, leaning close, passive-aggressive sentence). This example applies to more of the scenarios presented in the game.
-Last example of this: When you are fighting forgot-his-name at the bar, where you get the option to Tear his arm off or Let him Be. Now, I would have liked to be able to Stop while tearing his arm off (therefore bruising it/slight dislocation) -or- get to kick him once more time before letting him be.
No Romance necessary. Me -and surely some others- don't like the idea of Needing the character to fall in love in someone. I get this is very common in most (if not all) hero stories, because it helps you connect with the character. Its not because I dislike Snow. I'm also not saying this because I don't want there to be love in this story at all (especially because its canon and all), but because I want the Choice to be with her or not. It is a game of choices after all, so here is what I propose:
-Love ending: You and Snow are fully crushing on each other at the end, giving you that "just kiss already" vibes. She sees the Big Good Wolf.
-Neutral ending: Snow gives Bigby shit from the beginning (according to what I have heard from the comics), and Bigby feels pushed away by her constant nagging and decides to stop being so flirtatiously Nice to her. They are just Partners, maybe friends, but no romance.
-Lone wolf ending: You not only don't end up loving her, but you also sass her back. Snow seems hurt but not surprised (because she was being sassy first, then she tunes down the sass -but keeps getting shit-, so then she gets distant). Both are tense and dislike each other, although Bigby takes his usual cold-shoulder approach while Snow is more expressive in her dislike. She sees the Big Bad Wolf.
MORE ENDINGS. The thing we love about telltale games is that you can have more than one ending. What adds value to this company -and differentiates it from the rest- is this very thing (plus the art style of course). I tend to notice that writers/directors/producers like their game so much that they avoid adding "non-optimal" endings to the game because they love them too much to accept that players can have choices that figuratively give a f-you to the optimal storyline.
-Ending A: Good ending. You are the Big Good Wolf + You solve the case because you tied up most/all of the evidence. (you also get a trophy if you tie up all the evidence correctly). Maybe even get Snow's love (or not)
-Ending B: Bad ending. You are the Big Bad Wolf + You solve the case because you tied up most/all the evidence. Snow is disappointed/hurt (or maybe just plain angry). People seem distant, fearful, and hateful.
-Ending C: Neutral ending. You are the Big Wolf + You solve the case (...). You have done good and bad actions equally. People don't like you, but they admit you have done your job, therefore protecting them. They seem distant, respectful/accepting, fearful (but no hate).
-Ending D : Good but Useless. You are good, but you suck as a detective. You couldn't connect most/all of the evidence, throwing your finger around and accusing people, getting the wrong leads and getting nowhere, heading to a wrong place while the Deal was going down somewhere else. Snow solves it. People see you as useless and weak.
-Ending E: Bad and Useless. You are bad, and you also suck. You couldn't connect crap. Beating up people for nothing, threatening almost everyone that had nothing to do with it, getting people dead as a result of your actions (people attacking the supposed "killer", etc) . Snow solves it. People are Very afraid of you, they hate you, see you as a brainless animal. You get demoted of your Sheriff status. (Maybe you end up being a paid thug to pay for his food? don't know).
-Ending F: Beast ending. Irrelevant if you solve the case or not. You keep on losing control throughout the game, becoming a full werewolf (or even wolf) wherever you go and things are easier, people spit information easy, however bad guys hide and are harder to catch (but oh boy you catch 'em). You keep de-attatching people's limbs, attacking people around, going full-beast at whoever crosses your way. This unlocks the options to growl instead of talking in almost every conversation. In the final scene of the game you lose control again and accidentally end up hurting innocent people even more. They end up sending you to -FableJail?- (but you escape and decide to leave as a wolf in the forest, civilization turned out to bee too much for you).
These are just some ideas though, would love if endings were also altered depending on who dies, etc.
Graphics. I rather have Telltale sticking to the same graphic format as the First game. I have peeked at the Guardians of the Galaxy one, and I really dislike that style. What makes Telltale unique is its art style. The moment you go full-3D, is the moment people will complain about the 3D being too unrealistic. People like the Telltale art because its unique, nice, and different. "Less is More" definitely applies here. HOWEVER, they will obviously refine the graphics, so I say they should aim for a "Batman Telltale" rolemodel approach. And for the love of jesus, no 'Guardians of the galaxy'/'game of thrones'/'ANF' graphics.
Characters! Don't be afraid to add more characters, even if they aren't important later on, even if they don't re-appear. The more characters there are, the more immersive the game is. A detective is surrounded by all the uncertainties of the world surrounding him. All these people: who are involved? who knows something? who is hiding something? who have a different agenda? You could use this, and expand this.
You can add more things to the main story's Problem and make the plot much richer:
-Maybe "The Farm" animals are plotting an escape, a riot, complaining about high Glamour prices. And other non-farm characters are backing them up. If you have their support, they might help you later on.
-A group of people plotting against you, or against Snow (same thing), or against something unfair. They use symbols (scribbling them around), they might know some information about The Main Problem but can't say anything because, if they spoke up, they would be in trouble.
-More of those "I just hate you Wolf, F you" characters. They may care about The Main Problem, but they wouldn't help you out if you paid them. Unmoving obstacles that challenge Bigby's patience.
-More of those "Oh-hi Bigby" characters, like Beauty, or Pig. She didn't hate you, she wasn't fully relevant to the main story, she helped you out once or twice. The purpose of these characters would be to test Bigby's integrity. Would he lie for them? Would he cover for them (even if it meant going against snow)? How does he treat them? Is he kind -maybe too kind? Or does he give a cold shoulder? These characters COULD give you some small hints on how to connect evidence that you have already gotten (in case you didn't connect the dots right) -or- accidentally misguide your connections. (this last bit would depend on being Good -where they give it willingly-, or bad -you push them-, or beastly -you attack them-)
Hints, clues. Be able to look at inventory objects. Have a little notebook with collected evidence. In that notebook you would be able to look at your evidence, and write (or re-write!) down hypotheses. Your connected dots can change according to new evidence, or altogether. Bigby needs to be careful here, because he could still connect dots that look right -but arent. And no one will change those for him. Different Clues or Hints are given discreetly and not-so discreetly. Examples:
-Descriptions of items collected in Inventory (these options only appear if you Choose to check these objects out): Their smell could indicate something, like "this spoon covered in blood smells just like this bar", "this box of matches is from his motel, look at the brand", "this package of cheap cigarettes is old (smell) but barely used. So it's from someone who smokes rarely or secretly", "this piece of fabric smells like bleach, bleach is used to clean blood", "The handwriting on this found note is from a Fable, I should check out people's handwritings and see who it matches", etc.
-More clues to find, more evidence. Most objects have details, some useful, some not. This way you don't just "happen to stumble on all the right evidence". For example, when looking at a corpse, maybe you check out it's pockets and nothing there (or inside the mouth, ears, nose, etc; and still nothing). Or when looking around an apartment: you can check all drawers, behind most objects, check under objects, etc.
Bigby's past. I don't know much about it since I haven't read the comics yet. Giving that Bigby is a drunk, it could be used to make him pass out and give us some amazing flashbacks of his life before. This new season has to involve some personal dilemma for the hero (like all hero plots) so if we could get short stories of Bigby being the BBW it would blow my mind. Plus, even if you are aiming for the Good Ending, these actions wouldn't affect your current Karma. However it Could affect certain memories and the way conversations go if they were to discuss the past. Character development, Character's depth.
9. The option to make Bigby's senses great again. I read somewhere that BigB uses booze and smoking to dull down his scent. But what if we could choose to make him stop drinking/smoking (or to drink/smoke more) and therefore altering his capacity to detect clues: he would get extra clues that would give us some extra help later on, in order to pick up all evidences and make perfect theories later on. However, Bigby -acording to the comics- gets too overwhelmed at all the millions of scents, which would quickly make his temper unstable (cost and reward of getting those extra clues). It would give us scenarios of "press <- to calm down" WHILE you are doing other things like arguing, interrogating, fighting. It wouldn't be easy, but it would really add many points to character development: Bigby's effort to be his new self, to be good, to make people stop alienating him so much.
I don't think they should avoid making something complex because of all the dumb ones that can't count to 10. Making this game more complex would also attract more audience. Like, c'mon, mystery + fantasy + badassery + Telltale is a great combo. It will also definitely make it pop up from the rest of the Telltale games.
That second paragraph, yes! Memories would be such a good addition. From full playable memories, to conversations or hints. If they dug up his past it would be amazing.
I don't think they will add more episodes, but I'm definitely wishing for longer episodes.
And yes, a thicker and more detailed plot would add so much more immersion into the story, so many possible outcomes and possible interactions.
That 4th stage looks like a giant puppy that I would cuddle on a sad day :P
I went with 'Fight' on my initial playthrough...
Doesn't he smoke anyways at the start of Ep.5?
Seriously? Well Batman is gonna be fun to play then
yes Yes YES!
Didn't the TWAU comic have Mary naked like, all the time?
Also Bigby gets his clothes off way too many times in the Fables comics...
I don't think they need to make the game overly complex in order to make our detective skills matter...
For example, when you go to Toad's place in Episode 1 after it was ransacked....Bigby can observe objects in the room and comment on them....there's always a smart dialogue option that will discredit Toad's attempt to cover-up what happened along with less than ideal options that Toad will be able to talk his way out of....It bothers me that those choices don't impact more than the current scene.
If we make the smart choices, then it should lead to extra evidence that helps solve the case.
The first episode of Batman season 2 should give you hope.
You have a point. Making good deductions should lead to better theories, I agree. Hooowever, I think that if they added More things to look at/interact with (some useful, some not) it would be more realistic. Therefore, you wouldn't just happen to stumble on all the right evidence, since mostly everything you interact with has a hint at something.
Oh yes, I'm all for having more interactive crime scenes.
I would argue, however, that in most scenes from S1, there is generally one piece of evidence that starts further dialogue and advances the story......So couldn't you say that the rest of the pieces (that don't advance the story) are somewhat useless? Even if they hint at something, they aren't crucial.
Oh boy it is.
Well. Those "secondary" clues seem useless at the beginning, but they are useful for theories later on in the game. Like when you can guess who "killed snow" later at the end. Or when you find those little clues that altogether hint at the fact that "they are all prostitutes", "they use cheap underground glamours", "Faith fought with her friends over something", etc. I'm saying that even if they aren't Important/Crucial, they are still relevant.
Like, all clues found in the game are important in their own way. The only clue I can think of right now that wasn't really important is the "hmm, these books haven't been used in a while, they are dusty" part at prince's apartment.
An example of how they can add more Places-To-Look-At that aren't really important is, for instance, when you are examining fake-snow's corpse: everything you look at is important. I wish they had added the option to take of her shoes and look at her feet (maybe there was something there), or turn her head around, look at her arms, sniff her hands, etc. Those options wouldn't lead you anywhere, but they definitely make it more realistic: checking places where you don't find anything, and checking other places where you actually do (wether important or just relevant).
I like the idea
Don't get me wrong, Batman is still a good game and I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's a stepdown from TWAU, Borderlands and first Walking Dead, sure, but the story was decent enough to keep me in front of my screen till it's 5 AM and I beat all episodes at once.
Action sequences, however, were a huge letdown for me, Telltale better not pull this on our Season 2 of Wolf, they can do so much better. Also, their new engine is a poorly optimised mess, the game runs like shit on my PC, and it's not a bad one.
Btw don't worry man, I'll start reviewing TDAU soon. :P Got carried away a little doing stuff and I'm re-reading it all over to refresh my memory.
I agree. Batman fight sequences weren't too interactive. I mean, you did pick when and how to punch the thugs. But you didn't feel dynamic.
While I absolutely loved Season 1, it was obviously hurt from the rewrite that took place after Episode 1 which didn't allow the game to be at its full potential. So I hope Telltale carefully maps out the season and tells the story to the fullest capability. I also agree with some of the gameplay features that other people have stated.
Yep. To be fair, not all fights in TWAU were as impressive as Woody's either, but Batman takes linearity to the point of absurdity sometimes. There wasn't a single memorable action scene in the whole game, not for me at least.
Pretty much sums it up. Hearing the fans not just in The Wolf Among Us' forum, but the others as well.
They will read that many fans are disappointed over the last episodes of X games: that they are too short, too superficial, choices don't matter too much, that they aren't like 'the good ol' games' (good like twau), stories don't add up, you don't really end up loving the characters, too little interactions, etc.
We wouldn't mind if they came here and asked us for our opinion about something. We would be more than glad to help them out, they got a whole year to figure it out anyways.
And by the way, season 1 was incredible. It is a exemplar role-model game for Telltale to stick to. Many people complain about present games because yadayada, but The wolf Among us season 1 had most if not all aspects of a game well defined. (I am taking into consideration the plot inconsistency due to rewrites, and short episodes, don't get me wrong -those could have gone better).
I think Telltale should focus on what they did good and use that as an example as to what to do. Meanwhile, listen to what they did wrong that time (inconsistency + shortness) and fix it, polish it.
I hope that Telltale doesn't think that we "didn't like season 1" because we did, oh we did. However, we are giving out ideas to make it even better, to add more cherries to the pie. And that's why so many people post idea after idea in this old wolf forum.
Be more like Batman! Batman's telltale's season two was simply GASP amazing. The first episode was so amazingly long. The fight sequences were waaay more interactive! You got to choose different ways to punch an opponent, different ways to approach a fight, it was way more interactive than what I was used to and it kept me on the edge of my seat.
You also had to use your head a way lot more, you got so many complex dilemmas that my mind was frying up --and I loved that!
Finally, the detective sequences were way more interactive, so many more things to look at and analyze. So little time to solve it! You had to keep on thinking, keeping your mind active, and be precise -or else. You had to be quick and decisive, or time would run out.
Honestly, if they make an approach like Batman Telltale season 2 (or better than it) I will be more than satisfied.
Add Goldilocks to season 2.