How will season 4 work?
So is Clem going to find AJ like in the first episode?, then what will the rest be about, learning about his new life? Will the people at the ranch try to fight her? What are your guys theories?
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AJ'll probably get moved to another community and clem needs help finding him or something.
I wish that would be different. She spent pretty much all of last season trying to find him. I think if they extend the search throughout this whole season, too, AJ's reveal won't really pay off. Plus getting AJ back early will help to see the more Nurturing side of Clementine instead of her just being the "Badass" all the time. I think what made Lee's character so good was because he could balance his badassory with his care-giving side. She was the badass in the last season, now she needs this season to catch up on her care-giving side.
True that
I suspect that Clem will find AJ in Episode 2 or 3. She will then be drawn into some sort conflict the group is involved in while trying to figure out if she should leave AJ with his new family or take him once the conflict is over.
Christa definitely taking care of him. She finds them in the first episode but does shit along the way. Second episode is the way to Richmond, along the way we find Kate if she went missing and Tripp or Ava. Yes, fuck off with "OOOOOOOHHHGH BUT THEY SIED IN SEASSON THREESEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Because in the recent AMA, Telltale avoided saying they were dead. Mike, Bonnie and Arvo show up then you can either forgive for stealing everything or try to fucking kill them or just tell them to run. If you forgive them then they join you. In episode 3 they find the 400 days characters. They all go to Alexandria and be like, "sup Rick." But then Whyatt starts fucking around and they all get kicked out. Episode 4 is when they get to Richmond. If you went into Wellington then you get fucked in your butt and the gods try to master the arts of making Javier and Heyzues make out and I'm fucking bored and out of ideas and my ideas are snotty kill me now pls. Lit fam #yolo swag dabbing whip Neenah bae illuminati confirmed in cars 3. McQueen dies and everyone has orgy. Jk lols
drink bleach.
..... concrete theory, did you get the script early?
Yeah I agree she needs to show she still cares about people more often.
Yep sounds about right
If they want Season 4 to be unique, we do need to find AJ early on, plus they also kinda need to wrap up the story, so something needs to happen, hopefully it will have longer episodes than ANF so we can get a proper conclusion, but Im not holding my breath
I agree with everything near the bottom. Bleach is the most refreshing drink ever and it should definitely be consumed, it won't kill you or anything so go for it. And I thought I was insane.
I know right I've been drinking it ever since I've been a kid, when my parents put it in my cereal and told me to eat all of it.
It won't.
It seems that we're going to get AJ early on and then the story will go from there.