I Hope Telltale Makes Clem Determinet at the end of Season 4

Since this is the Last Season they're doing for Clem why not make her a Determinet Character. Why not have an Ending where she Survives the Season and another Ending which she Dies in.
And please don't come and fanboy about Clem okay because i won't take you serious then
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What's the point? Either way, we're never playing as her again. Just give her a straightforward ending, her story is over.
Well for a start people always complain about barely any choices and none that matters, and now all of a sudden it's all "what's the point" I don't understand.
You can have options for the other characters, but not the main one.
They can still do that By the way by giving us an Ending where she lives and an Ending where she Dies. Either way, her Death Sequence would be a good way to bring Lee and some other Characters
To be honest I hope there only one and final ending to TWD.
I don't want multiple endings. It didn't work for S2 and ANF. Just have one simple ending like in S1.
Yah. It would pay homage to the original game and it's source material. Sometimes, fate just happens. You don't get to choose.
I am in favor of multiple ends.
My issue with it is that it's too easy to do. I rather them come up with different scenarios. I believe that sooner or later down the road they're going to come back to this series - may not even be the same team on-board. Having Clementine killed off even as just a possibility makes no sense. I find that writing paths that are different based on a culmination of choices takes more work, and the pay-off will be more rewarding. Season 2 had several endings, but at the end of the day the differences are simple: Who do you kill? Do you stay with them? Expand on that concept of having different paths at the end; I want TellTale to shut us the fuck up forever - those of us that are fed up and tired with the illusion of choice. I don't want them pulling cheapshots like, "And Clementine lives happily ever after with AJ in this ending. Cry. Clementine leaves AJ alone and goes off on her own. Cry. Clementine sacrifices herself like Lee did for her long ago. Cry." Way too easy and predictable. This is the last season, go all out as if it's a masterpiece rather than a piece of shit.
I think this final season refers to Clementine as the main character. Maybe this is Telltale's way to try new characters that are not tied to the original Season 1 group, some like FTWD in the main series.
Simple reasoning: It was not only Rick and his side who survived the Zombie Apocalypse, there are thousands of other survivors around the world, besides the USA.
I hope the final is as dramatic and exciting as Season 1, whether it's a single or multiple finish.
As long as her dying or living isnt some obscure choice, I dont think it should be easy either way, but there should be some logic to it, not like who Clem goes with in episode 5 of A New Frontier, which was entirely impossible to predict that those choices would have any outcome like that.
I have been thinking about an ending, where Clementine doesnt actually die (I dont think she has to, we already did this with Lee, remember?), but instead she sacrifices someone else that we have been following the entire season so she can live herself, obviously it should be a choice or something, but I think its a nice way to show the tragedy of the world without killing her, since killing characters that the player loves has been the main way of causing despair to the player so far
I still want an ending that is tragic in another way, we already did the whole "beloved main character dies at the end of the season", and I would like to explore other means of causing despair in the player rather than just killing of beloved characters, what if, instead, Clem sacrifices someone else that we get to know throughout season 4, so she herself can survive, so in a way, we come full circle (Lee sacrificing himself for her), but we see what the world does to people, and that even if you are a good person (I still think she is), you still have to make bad choices sometimes
I agree with multiple endings. I disagree with making it a simple "does she live or die" choice.
Because we'll get the same thing we did in A New Frontier. 90% Clem lives. And that's boring. I always feel when the choices are that lopsided that something was wrong there. The important choices should make us more divided.
I'd much rather something like Season 2 where we had multiple endings. Honestly, I thought that was great, the only problem was we knew the endings would be quickly undone in the beginning of Season 3. Now, there will be more permanence in those endings. I think it will be much more interesting than a simple kill Clem or let Clem live choice because most people are going to pick "let Clem live."
If season 4 is realy the last season PLZ let us play as Clem. I would hate to see this series come to an end (and also to an end of clementines story) without playing as her. As much as I appreciate the other characters I would hate it if I couldn't make the choices for Clementines last journey. TellTale pls don't disappoint us!!!
I don't care one way or the other since its probably going to suck anyway. Each season has gotten progressively worse. Telltale has a track record of killing characters when they don't know what else to do with them. I think Clementine will die leaving an older AJ as the lone survivor. It's a depressing end but the most likely one knowing how unimaginative Telltale's new writers are.
I thought they mentioned in the trailer we were going to be Clem.
they did
S2 did multiple endings fine it was only fucked up by S3 but we wouldn't have to worry about a s5 so there's no reason not to do it.
It’s the final season so it would be better if there was just one cannon ending. Also they can’t just leave the final season on a cliffhanger.
no but they can make it so that Clem ends up in different places safely for example one ending she stays in Mcarrol Ranch , one ending she s in Richmond and one ending she s on her own .
If all your choices from the previous seasons come back to determine whether she lives or dies, then sure.
Actually, I'd hate that.