Possible relationships/character developments I want to see in Season 2

edited October 2017 in The Wolf Among Us

Following are the possible relationships I want to see explored/further developed in season 2:

1. Bigby/Snow

Well, as a Snigby fan since reading the Fables comics (which only strengthened after TWAU season 1), this is a no-brainer. While they can't be actually in a romantic relationship (because they don't formally become a couple until the comics), season 2 can still give us many Snigby moments such as the following season 1 examples:

  • Snow's face getting red when she sees Bigby topless.
  • Snow saving Bigby's life at end of "A Crooked Mile"
  • Snow and Bigby's tender/sweet moment at the beginning of "In Sheep's clothing"

This relationship can also be affected by the possible Bigby/Snow/Charming love triangle (discussed next) furthering their character development.

2. Snow/Bigby/Charming

When they were married (back in the Homelands), Charming betrayed Snow's love for him when he slept with Rose Red, there's no question about that.

With Snow, she's been abused (heavily implied to be sexual abuse) once when she was held captive by the 7 dwarves (back when she was still a teenager), and again with what she had to go through with Crane.
In season 2, I think it would be great if we could explore these 3 characters (Bigby, Snow, Charming) relationship. (Doesn't have to be but) Maybe set up a love triangle?

They could have it like Bigby loves Snow, and Snow has feelings for Bigby (but sort of shows a denying appearance), and Charming, while still being an irredeemable womanizer, tries to get in Snow's good graces (and player's Bigby can choose whether to act jealous or not).

And Bigby and Charming maybe can have some sort of rivalry going on (with Charming being smug and looking down on Bigby, similar to Bluebeard, but in a more sophisticated/elegant kinda way.....opposite to Bluebeard, who was basically acting like a thug).

3. Snow/Rose Red

Two of them always have had a rocky relationship (with ups and downs, being on good terms once, and some time later, being at odds with one another), despite being sisters. I would love to see them bicker/argue with each other with Rose showing her rebellious streak (i.e. Rose purposely taking actions which would defy/embarass Snow) and show Snow's frustrations with her sister.

4. Bigby/Cinderella (a.k.a. Cindy)

Bigby trained Cindy in the art of combat (except swords which in that case Bluebeard seemed to be the instructor), and taught her the way of espionage, which made Cindy Fabletown's best Spy. Therefore, Bigby always had Cindy's loyalty (which Snow called upon in the main series' final volume in order to assassinate Totenkinder), and she always did tasks that he entrusted to her (such as luring Crane out when Bigby finds out Crane had betrayed Fabletown to the Adversary, and also being Snow's bodyguard when Snow takes a break/holiday outside Fabletown in the mundy world).

What's also unique about Bigby and Cindy's relationship is that, despite having strong affiliation (Master and Student, plus Boss and Employee) and friendship, there's no romantic relationship between these two (while something similar can be said about Bigby and Beauty, Bigby and Cindy's connection is much stronger in the comics)

5. Bigby/Colin

I loved Colin and his sarcastic attitude. And since it is canon that he frequently escapes, gets caught, and taken back to the farm (continuous cycle, until his death in the comics), it would be great to further develop their somewhat ironic, but hilarious relationship.

6. Boy Blue/Flycatcher/Pinocchio

In the comics, these 3 are basically best friends. They basically hang out together, visit the same comic book store, and have fun. So if Flycatcher stays on the cast, and Boy Blue and Pinocchio are added, then this friendship is a must see.



  • I have no doubt we're going to have quite a few Snigby moments - they're a canon couple in the future, and it suits the game's tone well to have sexual tension between them and develop it. However, I wouldn't want any sort of a love triangle - it's too early for it from the perspective of Bigby and Snow's relationship, and it's also not what I'd like to see in a noir detective game. Maybe some hints of it, maybe a few lines, but nothing too big.

    I'd love having Colin back though! And at least a few other characters from the first season, like Woodsman, Nerissa, maybe Toad. It'd be very interesting if they'd act different towards you depending on your behaviour earlier, plus I really like them :)

  • I want to see how the clear tension between them devolves into a rocky work life like in the early issues of the comic.

    Bigby and Snow are friendly with each other in TWAU, and Ep.3/4 clearly shows the attraction is there. But then you read the comics and they're at each other's throats about everything and Snow has apparently pushed any romantic feelings for him over a cliff...

    Call it work life and the fact that she is his boss, but let's be fair that while their love is very strong in the series, Snow does also fall for him very quickly in Fables (anyone who reads the comics will surely agree)

    armis37 posted: »

    I have no doubt we're going to have quite a few Snigby moments - they're a canon couple in the future, and it suits the game's tone well to

  • edited July 2017

    Well. my "love triangle" scenario (and basically all character relationship scenarios above) is with assumption that the degree of it used to show in the game is adequate and not overboard (in Snigby and triangle relationship case, I'm looking at something more subtle, and not too obvious to the point if becomes a hindrance to the detective story) - probably my fault I didn't make it clear in the thread.

    As to whether it being too early, well, I'm not really sure I agree with that (assuming as I stated above, the degree of relationship shown is subtle, not overbearing), especially if Telltale considers adding Charming into the mix in season 2 (I think love triangle between the 3 of them could possibly serve as a great foil for Bigby/Snow's relationship).

    Since Charming is Snow's ex-husband, it wouldn't really make sense to add him to Season 2 (that is, if Telltale really does add him), without them addressing Snow and Charming's relationship (to some extent), and as extension of this - how it affects Bigby and Snow's relationship ( and their attraction towards each other, as it was implied during TWAU season 1).

    But regardless, if you have a different opinion, I respect that.

    Regarding season 1's returning characters - I wouldn't mind seeing Woodsman again (Adam did a great job voicing him, although his Bigby voice is still my favorite). However, Nerissa, and Toad I find to be unlikely (despite liking those characters) because as I've stated in other comments, Nerissa appearing will basically contradict what happened to her at the end of TWAU comic (which will open a whole new can of worms for both Telltale and TWAU comics writers), and Toad (and TJ) is now stuck on the Farm (and Bigby is banned from going to the Farm). Colin's an exception because he just keeps on escaping (and getting caught again then send back to the Farm....then he escapes again).

    armis37 posted: »

    I have no doubt we're going to have quite a few Snigby moments - they're a canon couple in the future, and it suits the game's tone well to

  • Their rocky relationship is shown in the Cinderella spin-off too (with Cindy's inner monologue saying she's tired of Snow complaining about Bigby and saying those two should get a room).

    I wouldn't mind some tension between them to balance the relationship up to the point it is in the comics.

    With that, something comes to mind - maybe the reason they become distanced could be about something more personal than work-related?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I want to see how the clear tension between them devolves into a rocky work life like in the early issues of the comic. Bigby and Snow ar

  • I'd love to see a subplot where Bigby gets glamoured into another character. That would be such an exciting scenario in a video game.

  • -crosses fingers for Bigby as Mr. Toad-

    I'd love to see a subplot where Bigby gets glamoured into another character. That would be such an exciting scenario in a video game.

  • edited August 2017

    Personally I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Bigby as Bloody Mary.

    -crosses fingers for Bigby as Mr. Toad-

  • Actually the moment of that part in the Cindy spin-off is shortly after S1 of TWAU, and by shortly after I mean 1/2 a year to 1 1/2 years after S1. I would be interested in the opening cutscene being Snow looking into the magic mirror and seeing Bigby kill Crane.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Their rocky relationship is shown in the Cinderella spin-off too (with Cindy's inner monologue saying she's tired of Snow complaining about

  • I know that the way that I listed the Cindy spin-off event is not the actual chronological order (it's just that I happened to remember the luring Crane moment first when writing this thread).

    As to Bigby killing Crane, I'd only wish to see it if it furthers the story. No point in seeing it if we have it and no affect on story whatsoever.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Actually the moment of that part in the Cindy spin-off is shortly after S1 of TWAU, and by shortly after I mean 1/2 a year to 1 1/2 years af

  • I kinda hope Charming can find someway to fit into season 2, but if I remember correctly there was something Charming not being in Fabletown for longer than 20 years

  • Was there?

    Do you remember which Volume it was? I could try to find it.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I kinda hope Charming can find someway to fit into season 2, but if I remember correctly there was something Charming not being in Fabletown for longer than 20 years

  • Pretty sure its the first issue, he states hes been gone for a really long time

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Was there? Do you remember which Volume it was? I could try to find it.

  • A scene where Bigby talks while in full wolf-form would be surreal to watch.

  • edited August 2017

    Hmmm.....went through first couple of issues of "Legends in Exile", but wasn't able to find anything (regarding how long Charming was gone from Fabletown).

    Perhaps you'll have better luck than me?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Pretty sure its the first issue, he states hes been gone for a really long time

  • I would like options where Bigby can choose not to get romantically involved. Like a Love ending with Snow, a Neutral ending where he stops trying to be so nice to her (since she can be harsh and -according to what I have heard from the comics- sassy to BigB), or a Lone Wolf ending where they give each other a cold shoulder over differences.

    I would love to see that love triangle though! This would be more interesting with the Neutral ending idea. As in, Snow goes for Charming and BigB sees it as a heartbreak and decides that he made that whole crush-tension-with-Snow thing up, therefore taking distance. Or, get a Lone Wolf ending and just get visibly jealous or just aggressive.

  • This! Or scenes where you can loose control and become a wolf (although this would make people fear you, giving you a Bad Ending if overdone). Plus moments where you can choose to keep calm by pressing something repeatedly, in order to avoid people fearing you.

    A scene where Bigby talks while in full wolf-form would be surreal to watch.

  • This would be so fun. It could last half a chapter, where Bigby accidentally intakes a potion meant for somewhere else, and gets a massive crush on someone.

    I'd love to see a subplot where Bigby gets glamoured into another character. That would be such an exciting scenario in a video game.

  • I still haven't read that spin-off yet dude :P

    Well actually, when you brought up the Bigby and Cinderella relationship it did make me wonder if there was something more going on between them??? It's not entirely impossible, Cinderella does sleep around a lot in the comics and Bigby is still a man with, well, 'needs' so to speak (not counting Werewolves of the Heartlands here, as he was married to Snow by then)

    I guess when I was reading the comics the thought of 'those 2 might've done it at some point' crossed my mind. Plus the whole Sarah Tanaraque (butchered that surname, whoops) ordeal shows Bigby isn't above sleeping with other women despite his affections for Snow.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Their rocky relationship is shown in the Cinderella spin-off too (with Cindy's inner monologue saying she's tired of Snow complaining about

  • True, but I think Snow knows the truth of it. Bigby and Snow don't seem like the couple that would keep secrets (plus I believe that Bigby told Snow about EVERYTHING that happened during Werewolves of the Heartlands, including the bit with that girl who tried to seduce Bigby)

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    I know that the way that I listed the Cindy spin-off event is not the actual chronological order (it's just that I happened to remember the

  • I can confirm that Snow mentions Charming has returned only recently from the "inbred royalties of Europe" in the first Volume of Fables.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Hmmm.....went through first couple of issues of "Legends in Exile", but wasn't able to find anything (regarding how long Charming was gone from Fabletown). Perhaps you'll have better luck than me?

  • according to what I have heard from the comics- sassy to BigB

    Oh he can be just as bad. I think they enjoy winding each other up ;)

    I would like options where Bigby can choose not to get romantically involved. Like a Love ending with Snow, a Neutral ending where he stops

  • I definitely want to see Bigby in his 'final form' again. That ending fight in season one was simply badass.

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