Finished Season 3 for the first time, quick thoughts
Firstly the conclusion to Season 2's events were incredibly lame. After all that deliberating and debating about my decision over Kenny or Jane, all I got was a few short flashback sequences and Kenny dying in some irrelevant car crash. My expectations were low because I know it's difficult/impossible to give proper stories to the numerous conclusion of S2, but this was worse than I expected.
Secondly, I really didn't like how the focus was on some irrelevant family that wasn't part of S1 & 2. Why did they have to make total newcomers the protagonists? I really think the entire direction of S3 was a misstep. Clem should have been the protagonist because we already know and care about her. I will say that the story of javier and his family was pretty well handled and directed in and of itself, in fact i would say its a better story than S2. However I just wasnt that invested in these main characters, or - not as much I would have been were Clem the protag.
Thirdly, another huge misstep (which i complained about on this forum yonks ago) was the baby trope. Sadly what was building in S2 has continued in full and now Clementine's entire personality and will to live is essentaily based on baby trope. It really hurt her development and personality. I feel the writers wrote themselves into a corner on this one. And hilariously enough the ending of S3 looks like S4 will be even more of Clem-looking-for-baby. LIKE C'MON!!!
I did enjoy this season and I think it's better made than S2. But I didn't care as much for the main characters which was a huge letdown. I think S2 & 3 are pretty close but S2 may just edge it because of the characters. I'm not sure tbh.
- BTW Gabe and David (especialy David) were annoying as hell. I was honestly glad when him and David ran off together. David was like Kenny in that he meant well but he kept doing annoying dumbheaded things and it's just annoying.
- Is there anyway to save Mariana? I would love to do a playthrough with her instead of gabe.
Bare in mind I've been in pureposeful darkness over community opinions. Now, after finishing the season, I will go out and see what everyone else thinks. Thanks y'all.
You can't save Mariana. I do wish Gabe died instead, then I wouldn't have to see Gabentine every time I scroll on Wattpad.
Lol! IMO Clem is way too good for Gabe so I was not into that flirtation aspect at all. They seemed to make decent friends however.
Yeah , i also find this a bit annoying. But overall , i liked the season. I think that we needed something like this - play as different person , but Clem to be around all the time. It's good for Clem to see that a family manage to survive so long , because everyone that CLem has been with , have died eventually. I think that the creators did this twist very good and we will play as Clem in the final season , so not even a big deal.
Once i completed season 3 it all instantly felt like it didn't matter anyway
Enjoyed playing it tho, but it's all focused on Javier....... we only got bits of playtime with Clem, it's not that i hate Javi, but it all started with Clem in S1/2
Difficult choice at the end of season 2.......... then they just kill jane and kenny the worst way -_-
A New Frontier was complete garbage, easily the worst Telltale game of all time (Yes, worse than Minecraft or Jurassic Park). All the main characters (Except Javi and Clem) are terribly developed, choices from previous seasons don't mean jack shit, I fucking hate Gabe (What was the point of keeping him alive over Mariana if he doesn't do anything but cause trouble? I changed my ending with having him dead so I can never see his ass again), the writing was terrible and those stupid lies pre-release (Episode 1 was split in two because it was TOO BIG / Biggest season so far).
To make it worse, she can even kiss the kid on the lips for knowing him only a couple days.
Okay I just watched it on youtube and yeah that is ridiculous IMO. Clem is way more mature than Gabe and she's been taking care of a baby for months, i really dont believe she would be in the headspace to fall for someone so.. immature.. as Gabe (at least not in my storyline).
To make it worse x2 telltale's excuse for it was "you ever get a crush on someone you just met?"
Uhh, yeah but that doesn't mean imma actually kiss them after only two days when they're still a stranger to me. Jesus Christ a monkey could understand Clem's true character better.
I liked a New Frontier because it's about zombies. You're supposed to kill zombies, not constantly talk to other people
and I really enjoyed the action sequences
I don't remember killing a lot of zombies. All I remember is killing New Frontier people.
I was meant to include fighting off desperate survivors and psychos too but forgot to include that
Speaking of things out-of-character-for-Clem, I thought it was extremely odd how in ep5 she compares David's attempt to protect Gabe, to how Lee protected her in S1. I was like "yo girl you really comparing this psycho to Lee?" Firstly David didnt even go back to his home to find Gabe and his daughter when the ZA started. Secondly Lee gave his life for you Clem! What has David done that compares?!
That line felt so odd to me, like the writers tossed it in as a throwback to S1 & Lee but didnt understand what it meant. It just didn't feel like a comment the real Clem would make
If you like constant action and killing zombies, you can play like bazillion games that concentrate on that, Dead Island, Dead Rising, Dying Light, Stay of Decay, 7Days to Die, DayZ, H1Z1, They Are Billions, Killing Floor, or even Plants vs. Zombies.
In TWDG zombies were always the background. It was the far reaching story about people forced to survive in that awful world, exposing both terrible side of humanity and the trivial things that can bring laughter and happiness. It was about characters, deep, complex and grey, about them changing throughout the game, their relationships, traits, their limits. It was a breathtaking tale full of emotions. Of course, the action and zombies were there, but it was used smart enough to create a balanced story.
ANF tried, and failed. You can enjoy the adventurous side of this game, but other aspects are so blatantly bad that it's no point of trying to justify or protect it.
What did she say?
"You were trying to take care of him (AJ). Reminds me of someone who did the same thing for me..."
This is Clem, talking to David. The same David who in the flashbacks kicked Clem out of the group for trying to give AJ medicine. I don't know why she's even going easy on David nevermind comparing him to Lee. What the heck? Can anyone explain this?
(They were talking about AJ here, not Gabe as I initially recalled)
YT link: https://youtube/HC01QYYaif8?t=36m58s
She may be talking about Kenny, given that he seems the more likely candidate to compare to David. Also, he was the Season 2 character in your game. I think that line is determinant, as I don't recall that line in my playthrough (I had the Alone ending) but I could be wrong.
David is no we're close to Kenny in character depth and just being a good character. The whole deal with Kenny (basically sense season 1) was that if u sided with him almost everyone disagreed but it would pay off in the end. I mean think about it he's right about basically everything besides wanting u to kill ben but he redeems himself if you keep ben alive. He was suspicious about the dairy: they were cannibals, thought the motel wasn't safe and needed to leave: motel gets raided by bandits, wants you to leave lily: if u keep her she steals the RV, wants to go to Wellington but everyone's thinks it's not real: it's real, doesn't trust Jane with baby: Look what happens. The big problem with Kenny is he only cares about people he's close to and considers family, which means he will do anything to protect them even if that means risking someone else's life. The only thing David is right about is bringing Kate and Gabe to the the place he says other then that he fucks everything else up.
i think the problem with the season 2 endings was that telltale made too many endings with it so they couldnt possibly continue the story even if they only brought in the characters in each ending as determinants because a three way determinant character who is not guaranteed to shown up would clearly be either impossible for telltale or just take way too much work which would drag the script down even more because of the focus on it.
I feel like telltale should have just made only the Kenny and Jane ending in season 2 because then they could have just made Jane and Kenny Carley/Doug type determinants.
But because both Kenny and Jane can be dead in the season 2 finale telltale just gave up and dint even try.
And even if we consider the alone ending then telltale could have just made the characters return as Members of the New frontier/Make Kenny and Jane absent from the first 2 episodes besides flashbacks and make them shown up in Richmond with different Reasonings: Kenny being there to take care of AJ in his ´´Last moments´´ and Jane because she just prioritizes survival i mean if telltale was willing to make her commit suicide then having her stay in richmond instead of leaving with Clem would make more sense than the bullshit suicide scene she gets.
The video i posted (not mine) also has Kenny as their determinant, so youre maybe right.
Do you know why Clem is speaking positively of David protecting AJ when David is the one who kicked Clem out of the group... for protecting AJ?
Kenny was right about some things and yes he was loyal to those he cared about, but he was also a hardhead who you couldnt have a conversation with because when he got something on his mind he wouldnt change it.
Some bad things off the top of my head: Kenny didn't help Lee in the drugstore which couldve easily cost Lee his life - some scouting partner Kenny was; You mentioned Lily stealing the RV but before that Kenny freaking MURDERED her Dad (in my eyes - because there were so many other ways to go about that then killing him as fast as he did); Oh and as for Ben! well firstly... Wait no, he was right to want Ben gone because that dude was a total liability lol.
I think the time I warmed up to Kenny most was near the end of Season 2 when he took the punishment for Clem and damn near lost his eye for her, and also when everyone but him was going easy on Arvo (WHY was mike so lenient on this dude who almost had us all killed a short moment ago?!)
Just checked it on youtube. That was... interesting. Kinda pathetic that she just gave up like that after getting so close to Clem
When I picked Jane in my previous playthrough I hoped she would treat Clem like a little sister from here on out, but nope, she just leaves Clem and the baby on their own. I guess everyone was right about Jane on this forum, damn.
I will say that the fact she was pregnant (with Lukes baby im guessing) is a nice dark touch.
He was a hardhead because when he was determined to do something he would do it but I would always follow him because I know he is right. The Larry situation is a hard event to analyze because we don't know what would've happend if Kenny didn't do what he did. All I know is when someone has a heart attack in a meat locker that we're stuck in and my little girl Clementine is in with me you bet your ass I'm making sure he's not coming back, I mean how can you save someone who's having a heart attack without any medical assistance? I'm kinda confused by your drugstore statement, if you mean when lees trying to get into the farmicy Kenny was with his family comforting his son after a traumatic experience which I completely understand, and when the drugstore is getting overrun he gets the car ready and comes back to save lees ass (if you supported Kenny when Larry accused Duck of being bit but I'm pretty sure like 75% of people did that because it's a pretty easy decision.) the only decision I feel was a bit harsh was killing Ben. He shouldn't have came on the boat with us but I don't think he should've died, I mean the bandits would've just attacked earlier if Ben didn't make the deal.
The drugstore at the beginning of ep3. The sucker stood by as Lee was wedged under the door.
As for the bandits, if ben hadnt kept the deal and the bandits a secret then the group could have planned around them (by leaving earlier, seting up a trap or whatever). he put the entire group at risk with his betrayal. no excuse for that liability in my eyes.
A New Frontier was just a big disappointment. There were too many rewrites and episode 1 was split into two because it was "too big" I was confused by that because season 1 and season 2 had about two hour episodes. The average episode length was about 1 hour and 15 minutes. I wouldn't have a problem if we were given quality episodes but the episodes felt rushed and were very predictable. I also didn't like the forced romance with Javier and Kate or Gabe and Clementine.I honestly just think Clementine should be alone or romance should be optional. Don't get me started on Gabe he is super annoying and ungrateful. I get he's a teenager but dang he's a handful. I found Kate super annoying as well she was so thirsty for Javi also, after all that happens she has the nerve to ask Javi for a family : / wtf. The only characters I liked were Javier and Clementine. I know Clementine had her moments but I still liked her. I don't mean to be harsh I really want Telltale to succeed and improve.
My main (and only(?)) problem with this idea is that they had to go back on they're stance and sloppily retcon it in order to have it in there. To pretty much no one's delight.
I feel like people are over exaggerating that, but whatever.
That's determinate. Confusingly so, but still determinant.
I understand.
Gabe is like that annoying kid in The Strain tv show, if anyones seen it they know what I mean, I think they even modeled him after that kid.
Here's a couple of favourite screenshots from my playthrough