Possible allies to House Forrester S2!
Hey guys,On this post I will do a compilation of my theories and thoughts about the possible players on Season two of our game.
Next season will be as we all know,the cliffchanger for House Forrester,the moment the fighting is carry back to the Whitehills and this can only be possible with the cession of troops from Noble Houses that are still on their feet after the War of the Five Kings.
Also I must say that the aid that these houses can offer can be either nominally,Remember Mira's letter possing as Maergary Tyrell,or directly similar to the Glenmore Elite Guard, is our direct reference.On this category can play a role Great Houses as well as minor ones.
So Here my theories:
1.Remaining Houses of the Wolfswood.A possible plot for season two could be that the Lord of Ironrath goes through the Wolfswood on his post recovery at season two.There Rodrik/Asher could meet surviving members of these Houses(Either Old Forrester allies or other Bannermen to House Glover),Telltale could introduce here their "little backstory" and how they live on the actuality(Hiding on the forest as trackers,hunters since their strongholds were taking from them by the Bolton's).This quest could end with the objective of helping House Glover,House Forrester overlords in exchange of later help retaking Ironrath from the Whitehills.The situation would be a little more complicated than the books since there is no Stannis' plot on here and the Bolton's are apparently the ones that wipe out House Greyjoy from Deepwood Motte,but I trust telltale can find a link a bridge to connect all the storyline.
2.House Glenmore.Our beloved Lord Glenmore has still much to say on this story.Either if you follow Rodrik's path or not,the alliance with the Glenmores can be renegotiate.House Glenmore is one of the Houses of the North that has suffered less after the Red Wedding on the terms of troops and power(possibly because they are bannermen to House Ryswell,pro-Boltons of their influence on The Reach).This could be a chance to also clarify the numerous reference s to House Glenmore's cadet Branches(North,Riverlands,Reach) which could mean a strong asset to the Forresters.
The Lord or The Sentinel Traitor could pay Lord Glenmore a visit on Rillwater Crossing to put the affairs in order.
3.Nominally(House Tarwick).Let me explain this further,Lord Garibald Tarwick was an experienced courtier in King's Landing and a possible suitor to Sera back on Season one.There was a decision that concerned this Lord which meant to reveal Sera's parentage to him or not.The thing is that Garibald is the link to House Forrester influence in King's Landing being a way to live Mira's plot not playing as her plus the inflation the lordly position gives the players.I theorised from him before(At the end of the post I'll put the links) of being Westerlander lord which could mean on the gameplay the possible decision of forcing a letter,decree of a certain order from House Lannister to cut the Ironwood business from House Whitehill's hands,perhaps even tricking Cersei(convincing him that Lord Tarwick as a Bannermen to the Lannisters can organise a better control of the activity, helping slowly House Forrester retake control of their whole House.Lord Garibald Tarwick is that character neutral at first on the conflict but can emphasize with the Forresters cause seeing it just.The little interactions of the character with the "link" can be switched either with Tom or Mira depending on whom is alive.
4.House Brandfield.This is other interesting possibility,House Brandfield was destroyed on Robert's Rebellion long ago but the house remains alive thanks to the last member of it Malcolm Brandfield.Uncle Malcolm apart from having the "nominally" influence on House Targaryen (that would prove the difference in the long play).On his stance in Daernerys' court several decision s can be presented to restore the Branfields' power,forming an army on the road of season two(mercenaries, Unsullied) that can prove very useful to the final right of House Forrester.He could even marry(Unmarried) a member of an important family of Essos giving extra strength to the House.Malcolm's plot can be one of the main keys.
5.House Whitehill.I know,How would House Whitehill aid on it's own destruction?There are several wholes on their house as well as "weaken lidership" or "problem on the succession" depending on your choices back on episode 6.Either you kill Ludd or Gryff the interchangeable scenes on season two will change and perhaps will even prove a difference.The possible introduction of Whitehill family members,either Ebbert Whitehill(master at the Cidatel) or Tohrren Whitehill(less possible,cause can be Lord Whitehill on Season two).The untold Whitehill family conflict between its members could bring the downfall of the House on Season two.Ebbert could bring Anti-Whitehill influence on the Cidatel and could have an interesting plot.
If not Gwyn Whitehill(doesn't depend on Asher route or not) will be put in contact with the Lord to put an end to her own house tyranny.
6.Random House.This could be Telltale's surprise for season two,either a minor House we already know(House Warrick) or an encounter with other great House(see House Baratheon on the Wall-Gared's story,House Frey/Tully or even House Tyrell again).
There are lots of speculation on this point.I like the House Warrick theory(remember Britt the awhile who killed Gared's family?This is the way),We could be put on the role of a minor/mayor member of the House and see a perspective of Whitehill's rulership on the lands surrounding Nightlong.The abusive demainor of the ruling house could provoke the Warrick to switch sides and start backing the Forresters.Perhaps even a marriage between Ryon and a member of the house could be implemented to secure the alliance.The great House encounter is a very plausible one,I already explained on the House Tarwick category the contacts with House Lannister;But here I mean to focus on the others.
Perhaps a meeting with David or Stannis on the Wall could be possible,it's rather difficult of them to meet with a deserted of the Night's Watch,Plus Stannis' campaign on the North is not show canon.The House Frey/Tully one was proposed long ago on the community,I trust that Talia was the character to take the "job" hiding her identity manipulating an old Waleed Frey,On this line Riverland's occupation by the Blackfish could be introduced.
A House Martell one is nearly impossible but who knows...
Links to Theories:
House Tarwick and Garibald:(https://telltale.com/community/discussion/116881/house-tarwick-and-garibald)
House Tyrell and House Glenmore:(https://telltale.com/community/discussion/116620/house-tyrell-and-house-glenmore)
Situations for Season two:(https://telltale.com/community/discussion/116631/what-situations-would-you-expect-to-see-in-season-two-if-they-make-it)
Talia&Walder Frey:(https://telltale.com/community/discussion/114415/talia-walder-frey)
Ideas on the comments!
I want them to make some kind of a deal with Stannis the Mannis, so we could have Stephen Dillane play him once more
I don't count House Durwell obviously cause it's an extinct House,which only member(Sera) is a bastard renamed by the Tyrells still any theories and possible thoughts are welcome.
Sera could be integrated on the game on Tarwick's storyline with more or less scenes depending if the marriage stands or was broken thanks to Mira.
Yeah I dream with it too but sadly is one of the most distant possibilities we can get along with the Martell one.Stephen Dillane was not very happy with his time on GOT and I doubt he would agree to be on the game.
Well House Forrester is kinda dead, most of its members are killed, it has no people left.
I thought he was happy eith his time on the show, that he just didn't understand the love for the show. More or less like Ian McShane. But maybe I just understood it wrong.
It's not about how many members are left if not the possible allies they can get
The thing was that he didn't understand the character he portrayed(He said he didn't understand Stannis' motivations and such) and with the whole ending of his plot.He disliked the ending of the character saying that the kid-burning scene was really disgusting.
But please we are here to share your predictions and such on this compilation post so be free to share them
I am rather curious as to which House is willing to aid House Forrester while the North is still under Bolton rule. There's plenty of ideas to explore after the Forresters have been driven from Ironrath leading up to the Battle of the Bastards when House Stark returns to power. Then of course the repercussions to the downfall of Houses Bolton and Tyrell which is going to affect a lot of prominent people in Season 3 or 4.
People very quickly forget this but I think the most obvious allies in S2 could be the Houses that Duncan mentions in episode 2 if Rodrik says "Summon our allies."
"Houses Elliver, Grayson and Brownbarrow were all slaughtered at the twins" I suppose you could say that means that they're all dead but I think Duncan meant that they're in no position to fight, not that they were wiped out.
I was wondering the same,It's not difficult to deduce that House Glenmore possibly (once more) would be the main ally in the North to the Forresters.Lord Glenmore is a controversial character whose loyalty is questioned along all season one.
Lady Forrester speaks about him as a "brave and honorable" But Arthur And Elaena spoke about him as a man easily intimidated.
Was he playing a major game at that moment? They appear to depend so much on the Tyrells sending the Elite Guard to the Reach.
The falling of the house will affect gavely to them as well as House Whitehill backing the Bolton's in a future BOTB they will end similar to the Forrester when House Glover fall to the Greyjoys.
Hey mate,I did consider the possibility of the return of this houses on the section "Remaining Houses of the Wolfswood" but I do agree with you.They could reunite with House Forrester and aid together House Glover on the recovery of Deepwood Motte.
As I said before the problem that Telltale must solve is the intervention of House Bolton on the show canon,but sure they can find a link to make a good plot on there
You should put Telltale as an ally because there wont be a season 2 without their support!
Am I putting Telltale as an enemy?I had no clue of it,Of course I criticize the company when something seems off to me but I do recognize their good labor doing this game and I encourage them to continue
Telltale more than an ally are the "gods" of the game or so say the whispers of the Weirwoods...
Any theories about season two man?
Could you link me to where Stephen Dillane says he disliked the ending of his plot? All I've found with googling is him saying he wasn't interested in the show personally, found it too brutal for his taste, and that he played the role just for the money and wanted to avoid the fans and the craziness around the show.
I think I saw it WIC or around,I'll send you a PM don't worry
Can't send you it(Arrayitemrequired or some shit)
Here the page on which they sort explain it.
So there you have it,He califies the show as brutal and doesn't blame the people who didn't watch more of it cause Shireen's burning scene.
Eh, fair enough. I mean, that's not exactly saying he found it disgusting, and he always saw the show as being too brutal for his taste.
When Stannis died on the show,I searched for video interviews about Dillane's vision on Stannis character.
Sadly I found none only this press news,that are not bad but I wanted to hear him speaking about it.
Yeah, it seems to me he's just one of those people who doesn't really have any interest in fantasy as a genre. Or at least not the kind of fantasy that GoT/aSoIaF are.
Even not understanding his character;he did a great job,Dillane is truly a talented actor.
There's also Tom's boss in King's Landing who is certainly a Forrester ally.
We still have no idea who that was even though game files reveal it was originally intended to be Olenna Tyrell who had Tom follow and protect Mira (for some unknown reason), that was scrapped and never made it in-game.
Tom did briefly mention someone named "Godwyn" whose collier store would be a safe place for Mira to avoid the city guard. It's worth noting that while getting to Goodwin's collier store never actually happens, it' is also always mentioned no matter what dialogue option you chose.
Now my theory is that Godwyn might be someone residing in King's Landing, probably one of Gregor's old friends. Some sort of oath to protect Gregor's children might be involved. It could even be that this Goodwin could be the King's Landing POV next season.
Or maybe I'm simply grasping at straws.
Another more far fetched theory is that Tom's boss is actually Josera and Elsera's mother who is a lady with some level of influence at King's Landing, though this would be very unlikely and dificult to explain and actually work with Game of Thrones lore.
Interesting thoughts man,I remember Godwyn but I thought of him only as other coal boy with nearly any influence in the Forrester plot.
I understand the plot whole that suppose in the past for Tom not revealing his original boss/master,as many theorised around that time the possibility of being Varys or one of Littlefinger's plots,being Gregor's lover could be a possibility.
But I don't buy the idea at all,Gregor was a Northern lord with all that implies;Going south to the capital and having a lover on it,seems a bit off.We already know that Gregor came to the Tourney at Lannisport which could also be the same Lord Garibald Tarwick assists and tells Sera about it.If the Gregor's lover is really around South I would like to meet her at the same time we are unleashing Mira's plot with Lord Tarwick.
Still she would fit better in The North,meeting with the Lord(Rodrik/Asher) breaking her background to him as well as it is a link for introducing the Forresters bastards,possibly forced to head south of the North Grove cause of the Walkers invasion.
Thanks for sharing your theory with us
I do suspect that if you do choose to remain at the North Grove, the White Walkers would still overwhelm the place and thus Gared and Gregor's bastards would be forced to flee south.
Hopefully we know who Josera and Elsara's mother us. Would be nice if she was someone with some influence. A meeting with the bastards and at least one of the trueborn Forresters has to happen!
Yeah that would be great man.Regarding the North Grove plot I tend to agree with you but I think telltale writers have other things in mind,
If I remember correctly Telltale said that the North Grove will have a major influence with the game's plot.
Leaving so early and discovering nearly nothing(Only blood magic gives power to the wildling zombies) it seems a bit off,if Gared & company leave the Grove would be on the middle of the season or even on the third season of this series.
The revelation/secret the grove contains may be a cheap solution or something amusing but they have to reveal something regarding it,not let the plot fade away with all the holes that remains.
Do you mean Gregor's noble is nobleborn or something like that?I doubt that on that possibility she could have legitimated the child's under her house name,Other thing would be if she is a bastard,she couldn't have done anything with the child's and left them go with Gregor for a better life.
I hope they explain further Gregor's decision of carrying his bastards to the North Grove with no guards no companions,Josera and Elsera said that he did it to hide his shame but in truth be left his sons North of the Wall with no aid of companions.
We need more information about Gregor's reasons.
So any new theories you guys want to share? My thoughts are still pretty similar...
Also keep in mind that I'll update this post with the new theories and original ideas of the community
House Forrester was pretty much smashed at the end of S1. Even if Telltale allows Asher/Rodrik to survive past the first episode of S2, they'll basically be fugitives on the run.
What's funny is that since in S6 the Boltons fall and the Starks are made Wardens again, it's pretty much confirmed that the Whitehill will inevitably fall with them at some point (unless they somewhy join the stark side? which is extremely unlikely)... so literally all the Foresters have to do to get Ironrath and the Ironwood back is... wait, possibly join Jon and Sansa on their quest against the Boltons.
And this honestly leads me to think that Morgryn will become the main antagonist one way or another since the Whitehills are all but confirmed doomed regardless.
Agreed. The North remembers. They will remember that the Whitehills helped the Bolton's betrayal of Rob at the Red Wedding. I don't think, without the protection of Bolton's, that any of the other houses would be afraid of them. Unless the Lannisters somehow exert their authority? But why?
As far as Morgryn... yes, he could become an antagonist. The question is, how does he do so if Mira is dead? Oooh, what if he marrys Gwyn?
I think Morgryn's marriage to Mira would just make his designs on Ironrath more "legit" (i.e. it would be within his legal right to claim Ironrath for himself). But he'll probably try to seize Ironrath in S2 with or without Mira's help.
I like the idea of Morgryn slyly observing from a safe distance as the Forresters and Whitehills slaughter each other, only making his move in episode 5 after all the "competition" has been wiped out.
One possible scenario is when Roose calls his banners against Stannis, the Whitehills leave a skeleton crew to man Ironrath, and the Forresters could take advantage to retake Ironrath.
Not a bad idea,then the Forresters could get a chance to recover the keep along with the other Wolfswood houses(not dead after the Red Wedding only recovering strength) and even after that make an assault on Highpoint.
And it is very likely that would happen next season cause Telltale's constant retaliation with the announcement(They might have changed their planning of a "multiple season" pact with HBO to only one more)I hope that is not the case but they have left sings.
Thank you guys for keeping this post alive is nice to see you taking part of it
I don't think Morgryn will travel North to push Mira's claim on Ironrath,the possibility that comes to my mind is that he would remain on the South(King's Landing)sending several spies to follow the conflict with the Whitehills safely on the distance.
Putting himself on the edge of the fight would only put him on a precarious position to play his cards on the game(Such as Littlefinger on Season 7,which end was an insult to the asoiaf fans).
As I say before on the post I would like to play Morgryn's schemes as a "hardened courtier" who has at a start a neutral position on the feud between the Northern Houses;Lord Garibald Tarwick will be an interesting choice(being possibly a Westerlander lord as I theorised before) which could lead with cool interactions on the capital plus his connections with the Sealord of Braavos and old relation with Sera depending on Mira's choices(bridge to explore the remaining a of her story,respecting her more or less if she revealed Sera's background or not).
Tom and Mira could intercalate several scenes on interactions with Lord Tarwick depending on who's alive working with him to bring Morgryn down,all of course depending on the player's choices.
On Essos playing as Malcolm,we could find a random exile that talks with us and revealed to be one of the members of the House that wiped out the Branfields family of their lands,the irony will be that because of his brutal actions he ended pushed out of Westeros by the Tyrells or the Crown directly.
Mentions to this "old rivalry" could be introduced as well on Lord Tarwick story even bringing us the perspective of the other southern houses(We only have the Forresters and Daenerys you could say) about their nearly extinction,the corvensation that reveals these details could be with Varys,Cersei or even Olenna Tyrell(as mother to Mace old overlord).
Of Course Lord Tarwick would have no knowledge about the events and will learn along the player on the scene.
What do you think guys about the possible event?Would you like it?Share your thoughts
Why are you so sure that everyone who serves or comes under the protection of House Forrester died at the battle of Ironrath? Gared visits the Tuttle farm in episode 1. Rodrik visits Red Rob's farm in episode 3....so its obvious that not everyone with allegiance to House Forrester lives at Ironrath and thus would have been present at the battle.
This conversation reminds me of the choice to have Rodrik/Asher either defend the gate or protect the small folk during the battle:
In Rodrik's version of episode 6, he uses a secret gate to sneak into Ludd's camp. So if you do elect to protect the small folk, who's to say some of them didn't escape using this hidden path? And if they do survive and are forced to live under Whitehill rule, won't they be MORE willing to risk their lives to return the Forresters to power (since their lord clearly risked his life to protect them)? Varying levels of support from the small folk would be an interesting way to make that episode 6 choice matter in S2.
To me, this topic became irrelevant after seeing what happens in seasons 6 and 7.....I find it highly doubtful that the Forrester/Whitehill conflict will be resolved BEFORE the Battle of the Bastards, so House Stark is the obvious (and only) ally they really need.
Now, if the game was following the canon of the books instead of the tv show, I would have a different opinion....the political machinations between Stannis Baratheon (prior to his march on Winterfell) and the other Northern houses would make for a much more entertaining discussion on this issue.
The Battle of the Bastards might be the best case scenario for ultimate victory for the Forresters. But it is doubtful that they would spend the next two years laying low. Especially with the Ironwood Grove at risk of total deforestation.
Struggling to survive and trying to find allies while the North is still under Bolton control would still be the plot of the season. The Stannis Army does have potential storyline for a hope spot. Even though we know how that's going to turn out.
How much time actually passes between the end of season 4 and the Battle of the Bastards at the end of season 6?
As I recall, season 4 ends with the death of Tywin and season 5 begins with his funeral. Similarly, season 5 ends with the death of Jon Snow and season 6 picks up right where he left off....so unless lots of time passed between episodes within the seasons, I don't believe the Forresters have to wait 2 years after the battle of Ironrath.
Why not?It would be clearly more original than animate the even that was the BOB,I still think that House Glover should play a role on the Forrester's storyline as well as the other Wolfswood houses(see the originals from DOTD or the ones that Telltale has created),first on a retaken of Deepwood Motte far more interesting than the whole BOB(we could see here the differences between show/book since Stannis part was cut off).The Forresters could arrive at Winterfell when the battle is over and pledge their loyalty along with their liege lord(Robett Glover show) to the remaining Starks.
The Taking of Ironrath would be better on my opinion before or after the retaken of Deepwood Motte(it would be so lazy to let the Forresters win only because House Stark do so),Rodrik/Asher would have an unexpected meeting after being rescued by a random hunter of the Wolfswood and carry him back along the Sentinel/Traitor/Gwyn and Talia to the man's cottage and after a conversation with the hunter will reveal the fate of this neighbouring houses.
And the Forresters will start to rally their help to the Battle Against the Whitehills perhaps revealing that the hunter was a lord of one of the houses or a Captain or a trusted man to one of them.The forces hidden on the Wolfswood would be gathered by Rodrik/Asher during season 2, helping house Glover first on the Taking of Deepwood(surely the Ironborn have a light garrison under Asha/Yara).The possibilities could be numerous given this scenario but clearly more interesting than a poorly animated BOB.
Regarding the Stannis possible participation on the game forresters story is quite dubious since his campaign in the North(gathering allies and such is not show-canon...) a meeting with the lord Rodrik/Asher will be difficult,Stannis march's to Winterfell directly on the Show(blame the show writers for that
)but still a meeting with Gared on his march South if the North Grove choices lead to different paths.
The Bastards and Gared could join Stannis retinue and even have some interactions with him and Davos,and end on a dubious fate after the still no book canon Battle for Winterfell,revealing if they're alive or not at the start of Season 3.
My ideas of Lord Tarwick and Malcolm's story are similar,Forgive me for the huge text
The Smallfolk that lived on the Castle Village of Ironrath are pretty much death at the moment despite Rodrik/Asher's choice of retaking the gate or saving the smallfolk there would be only a interchangeable scene with a random character that criticizes the Lord or praise him for his honourable actions perhaps even doing a summary of his time ruling on a more kindly or Angy way.
Yep I selected that action too during the episode:"Send Raiders,warn our people,Ironrath is under attack".The Smallfolk that lives on the Wolfswood should be grateful for that and for the rest I remain in my commentary about the surviving members of the Houses of the Wolfswood,explained down there!
Im not really sure
We can only speculate so don't bother yourself with it too much