Incomplete download

A slow download I can deal with, I don't mind waiting another hour for the game...

But my download just stopped about 4 mb in, insisting it was finished, and then the install was of course corrupted, leaving me no choice but to start again. The thought that this could happen at any point during this slow 71 mb download, over and over again is a little worrying.

Let's hope it was a fluke


  • edited November 2006
    I'm the same, it stopped about 40% of the way through with an error relating to ARM or something, I reopened the installer and it carried on where it left off.

    About an hour later after the download finished, the installer threw me out saying it was a corrupt download.

    I REALLY hope it doesn't happen again, and I wish I knew how some people were making full use of their bandwidth as I'm only getting 15kbs.
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