What is #potato451 ? (Really, I don't get it)
Can anyone tell me what is that ? (My English isn't good maybe that's why I couldn't understand)
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Can anyone tell me what is that ? (My English isn't good maybe that's why I couldn't understand)
I laughed so hard when Petra said Ugh I hate potatoes
Same xD
I'm still waiting an answer...
Jesse: ADMIN!
Romeo: What?
Jesse: #potato451
The Admin died
I hope it does not happen
Maybe its a puzzle? Put the right numbers/item in and it takes way his powers?
XD, I think it's a code between Romeo, Xara and Fred, that means a powerful weapon.
It’s probably that terminal from the sea temple in episode 1
I always thought its a command, or at least something close, thats why they'd need to use a terminal for it. With the way Xara reacted to it, it probably takes Romeo's admin powers from him. Like, turning Romeos creative mode into survival but with more drama.
Maybe it's the real account name of the admin
It is probably a password, the terminal they talked about was probably the confirmation place, and the #potato451 is the password.
Why does she hate potatoes, I wonder? Was it a spur of the moment statement?
It's especially funny if you have Jesse say that his/her favorite food is potatoes earlier in the episode.
I'd totally forgotten about that! You are officially awesome...
Thank you!?
Maybe it's a command to take the admins power?
She hates potatoes because she doesn't like vegetables, her favorite food is sword lmao
I guess it's some sort of command to take Romeo's powers away from him.
Ya know... Like PC Minecraft commands?
You're asking that after seeing a chicken named "Waffles"?
Waffles is a chicken you uncultured swine. The dog was called Blocco. Get your facts straight boi
Oh, you're triggered by this, what a goosy kiddo.
The journal mentions you need to input it into the [shudder] "Primary terminal" so I'm betting it's the World Seed code. You put it in, everything goes back to normal. (I'm also betting -- if this is true -- that we will make some alterations or something. Use the code #potato452 or 450... but then that would probably diverge the paths way too much.)
Episode 5's synopsis says: "The final battle with Jesse's new enemy brings the battle home to Beacontown and the world will never be the same." Some of the final achievements in episode 5 allude to godly powers and places: "Among Equals" and "Ascension".. So Jesse is totally going to get Admin powers.
because in fred's journal said use it in terminal entrance
That could be a secret location
If that goes like that i guess you will have decision
But no, (Seriously!!!!) if there is a choice they need to do sth for next ep/season