Anyone else feel like a minority when it comes to opinions on the Internet?

So, to start out this conversation, I adore two games (both sequels). I'm super depressed though, because the whole internet seems to hate those games and anyone who likes them. Every arguement I've seen usually is: "This game is not tailored to my every need. Therefore it is trash. I hate it. Anyone who likes it is an idiot." Games are supposed to be fun, not perfection! I also LOVE the story of one of them. The main plot is ultra clichéd, but the lore (which they also claim it does not have but they never bother looking) is fantastic, and I've been writing several fanfictions. No one seems to understand how I feel. To me it looks like the Internet is full of spoiled brats who always need something to be absolutely perfect for it to be classified as "good".

I'm sorry, I just need to get this off my chest. Its been bothering me for a long time. It has always eluded me how people can hate something so much...


  • Sure you can post that you like things. There are real people who worked hard to develop those games, and they like to see that someone enjoyed them once in a while.

    So what do you do with the haters? The best thing, in my opinion, is to acknowledge the flaws they point out, and that they're justified in the way they feel about it, but that in your case, the strengths you point out and the overall experience far outweigh the problems. Not everyone likes the same styles of games, and it's OK for you to have your own opinions about them.

    Do your own thing, and trust that there are people out there who agree with you, even if they aren't the loudest ones.

  • I know there are people that agree with me, but it still doesn't help me feel better learning the player base dropped 80% after two months and that there's at least a thousand hate videos all over the Internet.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Sure you can post that you like things. There are real people who worked hard to develop those games, and they like to see that someone enj

  • Well I think TLOU is very mediocre and not good at all.

    So yea... I think I'm in a pretty fuckin massive minority.

  • you know i know this is a joke, but i've gotten so many emails saying similar things unironically because of my video about the last of us that i was kinda scared you were being legit for a sec.

  • i feel like this all the time i play a lot of games that people seem to hate on but i enjoy them and thats all that matters probably because some of my favorite games are akibas trip and senran kagura is probably why people hate on them i also enjoy overwatch and gta5

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