What weapons would you like to see in The Finale Season?
Personally I’d like a character to use a electric weapon like a saw or a chainsaw. Also it would be cool if one of our group members could use a crossbow. The return of the hammer, hatchet, machete, sickle, machete, screwdriver and a knife. I would like to see new melee weapons example: flail, ice pick, ski-pole etc. Grenades or missile to kill antagonists like the return of possible Joan/Clint. Glock 27, AK47, Machine pistol, Rotary gun, shotgun and more. The Finale Season need to go all out if they want this Season to be successful. What do you think?
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well, the weapons must be made before summer 2003, because that's when the walking dead universe is set
A flame thrower. I would love to see that. It would also test the theory if a person burns to death would they come back as a walker.
Using obscure and weird weapons is not gonna magically make the game better... One of the big problems with A New Frontier was how it felt super out of tune with the atmosphere because it felt like a B rate action movie rather than a tense survival situation, I dont think bringing rockets and flamethrowers in is gonna help that.. they should keep it more grounded and bring the focus back to survival and interaction with individual people, rather than big communities
I for one have always preferred the people that use a simple hunters knife or whatever, small, agile, easy to conceal, but at the same time big enough to put force behind, and useful for tons of thinks like skinning, breaking upen shit and all sorts of cool stuff
That didn't stop them from giving Clem a Sig P320 Compact, which was made around 2013
I want Javier to show up either at the start or half way through with his baseball bat but modified with 2 circular saws attached to motors on each end activated by a button on a hilt. It would make for some brutal kills
Thought it was a regular glock? Oh well let's pretend it was a prototype
I'm talking New Frontier.
Season 1 and 2, yes, she had a Glock-17
For some reason I would really like to see Clem learn how to use a bow and arrow in The Final Season. Maybe we could finally get a couple scenes dedicated to someone showing her how to hunt (and possibly even fish like what was originally intended in Season 2.)
Ash’s chainsaw hand!
Old school sling shot, a bazooka and two short wakizashi. Give Clem two for a nod to Deadpool and so as not to completely copy cat Michonne.
Please introduce a chainsaw or drill weapons in The Final Season @Alyssa_TTG
Actually, I'd like to have a selection. Lee, Clem, Batman, and Minecraft's Jesse got to pick weapons. I would kinda like to see that again in TFS, even if it's just two.
This isn't Gears of War lmao, gas is scarce enough nobody will use it on a chainsaw when they could just as easily use a shovel or something.
Speaking of shovels, I hope we get the shovel wielding character that was in the initial ANF concept art
Charles 2.0. That would be grate.
I would like to see somebody teach our Clem how to use a CROSSBOW instead of a SHOTGUN to avoid attracting Walkers. Be a nice addition to Clem's Arsenal.
Nothing too extreme like a chainsaw or a flamethrower that shoots little baseball bats. This isn’t Deadrising or Dying Light, people.
If anything, I wouldn’t mind if they had a crossbow or a bow and arrow. Maybe not for Clem, but someone from her group.
I see any Dead Rising weapons and I'm going out for a pack of cigarettes and never coming back. The hatchet, a bow/crossbow, or Jack Bauer would be acceptable weapons.
I would love Clementine to use Michonne’s Katana.
If we're gonna be reaching for some outlandishly creative weapons then we might as well go all out with the one and only from the pits of dead memes itself!
Just gimme a giant Nerf gun, and I'll go to town on people.
Boat launcher
A gun that launches babies and toddlers. Can only be fired once, but load AJ into the damned thing and fling him into a horde of zombies and be done with him.
It’s not as if your gonna find some fancy flame thrower thing. I’d like to see more of the trusty fire axe.