A New Frontier pause menu freezes and mysterious debug menu
Hello, I recently bought The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, but I have a problem with weird bug. When I pause a game, it goes to pause menu and then freezes. I can't unpause it, I can't pick any option from pause menu, all I can is to press ALT+F4 and try again.
Also there is this weird debug menu, that opens whenever I press left stick on my controller, or Back button. Im using this debug menu to pause a game, this way I don't have a problem with freezing. I'm using DS4Windows with my PS DualShock controller, mapped as close to xbox controller as possible but I doubt that debug menu is caused by this.
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I think @TWDazehnuu made this.
I don't know about that easter egg, but I found this:

You've cracked the code.
Now tell us what does it do? Can you intecract with it?
You can access it by pressing left stick on your controller.
When you do it from main menu, you get to menu on first screenshot and I have no idea what it does, I didn't try it.
When you do it from ingame, you get to menu on second screenshot, you can pick up any episode and it just load right into that part of the game. I did not try debug most upper and bottom buttons.
So Telltale literally has the rewind feature on their engine, they just have it deliberately blocked from players... for some reason?
Yep. Although I didn't test, if it rewinds leaving your choices from previous parts unaffected, or just create random choices. But option is there and very easily accessible with controller, to the point it is annoying (I am used to push the sticks to pass time at cut scenes).
You found the Lost Rewind button.... So the legends were true.
Same here
Anyone know how"Fake Age Restricted" affects gameplay? I've never heard of this.