Which character death effected you the most in Walking Dead Game?



  • GohanFGCGohanFGC Banned
    edited February 2018

    If they killed off Clem then THAT would be the last straw for Telltale Fans, and the final nail in the coffin for Telltale.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Pretty much every kid/youth besides Alex, Arvo, and maybe Becca tend to be killed off as the final part of this redundant trend involving making Clementine look good/seem special in comparison.

  • Hope they keep Clem alieve

  • --Even though this is "Final Season" anyway, not to mention that there are plenty of other games and licenses that Telltale can make into games.

    But ah well, guess I better fetch that hammer then. :naughty:

    GohanFGC posted: »

    If they killed off Clem then THAT would be the last straw for Telltale Fans, and the final nail in the coffin for Telltale.

  • James is also alive.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Pretty much every kid/youth besides Alex, Arvo, and maybe Becca tend to be killed off as the final part of this redundant trend involving making Clementine look good/seem special in comparison.

  • edited February 2018

    Luke's death,everytime i watch it i'm sad because it's fucking stupid.He was the perfect character to replace Lee and a choice at the end between Luke and Kenny would have been so much better.That's why i hate season 2 everyone dies at the end that's stupid.

    I still think season 2 is better than A New Frontier though.

  • So that's Duck, Sarah, and MotivationtohateNewFrontier, then? Also determinantly Gabe. I'm so glad determinantly Gabe. But either way, seems a bit balanced if they were trying to make Clem look special by comparison.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Pretty much every kid/youth besides Alex, Arvo, and maybe Becca tend to be killed off as the final part of this redundant trend involving making Clementine look good/seem special in comparison.

  • Doug. Too soon, too unnecessary. :'(

  • edited February 2018

    Who? Oh, Little!Nick? Yeah, he was also a thing.

    James is also alive.

  • edited February 2018


    Goddammit, that one snuck up on me! :joy:

    Also determinantly Gabe. I'm so glad determinantly Gabe.

    I'm definitely not, but that's a writeup in and of itself.

    But either way, seems a bit balanced if they were trying to make Clem look special by comparison.


    So that's Duck, Sarah, and MotivationtohateNewFrontier, then? Also determinantly Gabe. I'm so glad determinantly Gabe. But either way, seems a bit balanced if they were trying to make Clem look special by comparison.

  • RIP Ken Jr.

  • I really liked Doug as well :(

  • Well, I mean numbers wise, 3 alive, 3 dead, one could got either way, kids have a 50% survival rate lol

    DabigRG posted: »

    MotivationtohateNewFrontier Goddammit, that one snuck up on me! Also determinantly Gabe. I'm so glad determinantly Gabe.

  • edited February 2018

    Oh, when you put it like that, I suppose that is another way of looking at it.

    Too bad I still can't say I necessarily like it. Is that technically a good thing?

    Well, I mean numbers wise, 3 alive, 3 dead, one could got either way, kids have a 50% survival rate lol

  • Well, I don't know about good, but it's a thing. But yea, thinking about Sarah and Duck were much more fleshed out than the indeterminate survivors. The kids group still seems to fair better than the adults, they've taken a beaten.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh, when you put it like that, I suppose that is another way of looking at it. Too bad I still can't say I necessarily like it. Is that technically a good thing?

  • Well, I don't know about good, but it's a thing. But yea, thinking about Sarah and Duck were much more fleshed out than the indeterminate survivors.

    Well, Sarah definitely was anyway. (Not to knock Duck or these other characters you're alluding to.)

    The kids group still seems to fair better than the adults, they've taken a beaten.

    That's because there's much less of them.

    Well, I don't know about good, but it's a thing. But yea, thinking about Sarah and Duck were much more fleshed out than the indeterminate survivors. The kids group still seems to fair better than the adults, they've taken a beaten.

  • Mariana's one shocked me so much. I was so used to seing telltale censor anything affecting children in a negative way i.e. offscreen mentioning or hiding the deaths, or with Clementine's non canon deaths in season 2, little blood or suffering at all.

    So when it actually happened, I was upset (Mariana was my favourite character) and also excited and shocked that telltale would graphically kill a child.

    Made a video about it and got more than half a million views too.

  • That doesn't seem to mesh well with Sarah screaming for her daddy as she's eaten.

    cutupuss- posted: »

    Mariana's one shocked me so much. I was so used to seing telltale censor anything affecting children in a negative way i.e. offscreen mentio

  • Yeah, seriously. Mariana got off extremely easy, but what else is new?

    That doesn't seem to mesh well with Sarah screaming for her daddy as she's eaten.

  • That's not how you use "effect."

  • Season One: Kenny
    Season Two: Kenny
    A New Frontier: Kenny

    the guy can't catch a break

  • Sarah because I wanted to save her and be best friends with Clementine. I still think Sarah could of been helpful to Clementine socially and mentally instead of being alone.

  • Lee's death aside..

    s1: Carley being shot by Lily. How dare she!
    s2: Omid followed by Luke. I was so happy to see BrOmid again and then BAM! It was too soon and I wasn't ready! :( After that Luke became my fave NPC and I was SO not expecting him to die. I was SO expecting a Kenny or Luke choice at the end and I was SO ready to go with Luke. I even asked Bonnie and Mike to take me with them!

    s3... as far as I'm concerned doesn't exist. Or at least doesn't follow on from 2 anyway as it's not Clems story so s4 will be my s3.

  • Since I'm following the rules and can't pick Lee or Kenny...

    S1: Duck/Katjaa (But really it's Lee)
    S2: Carver/Luke (But really it's Kenny)
    ANF: Gabe/Marianna

  • It is hard to pick one, Marianna's, Luke's, carley, sarah. Those stand out the most

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