What would've been better for ANF is..

ANF Episode One should've began with the same flashback that it already has, (Javi and his family at the house) but instead of cutting to them in the future looking out towards the campfire, Clems story should've begun. So basically the episode is just an elongated version of the flashbacks clem already has in the game. People would be less angry that Wellington/Jane/Kenny died if it was lead up to for the whole episode instead just 5 minutes.
After the flashback ended then it should flashforward to Javi and his family looking towards the herd at the campfire, and then leave it on a cliffhanger and the episode ends.
I wouldn't mind if they made episode 2 a mashup of ep one and ep 2 but cut certain unnecessary parts out as for the majority of episode one we'd of seen what happened with our ending of season 2 whilst playing as clementine.
For example:
Episode 1)
Javi and his family are introduced with the whole hose cinematic
Clem is brought back by the campfire with Jane where she exclaims that the tattoo hurts. Instead of Jane killing herself then perhaps Jane, Clem and AJ have to deal with the family (killing them/interacting with them) based on the ending of season 2, maybe the threat of the new frontier steps in and ruins things for clem and Jane. In every scene it should hint towards Jane being depressed / anxious for the future, just when things seem to be okay then she kills herself and you find out why.
The screen fades back to Javi looking at the binoculars at the herd, maybe everything that happened in episode one happens up to the point where they meet clementine and then the episode ends.
I realize that bumping this somewhat defeats the purpose, but I just wanted to say feel free to post any [further] thoughts regarding this concept either here or there.