Kirkman Gives Minor Spoilers for Season 4 In #175
In the Letters column, someone asked if we would see another animal duo. Kirkman responded we might see one in a video game getting ready for it's forth season.
Probably a new character with a pet. But kinda like the idea of Clementine getting a tiger. I really want to see the tally if the final choice is saving your pet tiger or AJ.
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Ugh. No unrealistic fantasy animals please. We all know that a tiger would realistically have mauled the King the moment it got the chance.
I would give it a chance. There is very little in the gaming industry or the entertainment industry that hasn't already been done so I understand why you may not be a fan of the idea. But judging by the feedback discussions the Dev team want to give us a good game. I would give it a chance to see if it is done right ?
Having Clem have a pet tiger is too much. Not only did they do that with Ezekiel, but it’ll be too unrealistic even in TWD terms. Why would a tiger befriend a 13 year old girl? And how did the tiger even get to her? At least with Ezekiel, he knew Shiva when she was born at the zoo and saved her life.
If it’s a dog or a horse, Then I wouldn’t have a problem with it. Who knows if Kirkman is even talking about Clem having a pet. Maybe it’s someone from her new group.
Im not sure Clementine is a big fan of dogs after season 2
Then make it a horse lol.
That is a good point. Honestly I think that if they do include a wild animal or beast that it may be killed during that scene.
I don't think he's talking about Clem, I have a feeling we will see a Daryl like character with a dog by his side at all times IMO
Tigers are not fantasy you nerd! #TigersRRealDLB!
Probably a dog.
Oh and yeah....the tiger would have eaten him...
But Ezekiel saved its life, and there are thousands of instances of tamed tigers as well as people who actually own pet tigers, so realistically it would work ?
And the “tigers can starve, ya little douchebag” thing won’t work here cos it has been confirmed that Ezekiel fed walkers to Shiva, so “fantasy pets” even though tigers aren’t exactly a fantasy and people can own them, are completely plausible for the next season
I wouldn't mind if they introduced wild hogs/boars into TWD. They could be used for finding food in the wild and can be used as an early warning for danger. And I've heard they're very hardy and durable creatures. It seems like even today, with humans hunting them to keep their numbers down, they are spreading quick throughout the US. In a apocalyptic situation, their numbers would only explode.

And if you doubt their durability, here's one that was able to hold its own against a Tiger, with the tiger having the size advantage and already having its teeth around the boar's neck.
Gabe: Uncle Javi, Clem's back!
Javier: Great! I wonder if the kid...wait, what is that she's riding?
Kate: Is, is that a...
Clem: [rides up to Richmond's gates on a raptor] Guys! You will NOT believe the day I've just had! The shit I've seen!!!
I could accept a character having a pet dog/cat or something of the likes, anything other than that like a bloody tiger, bear, falcon, etc is just not ok with me, I rather they keep the story as grounded as possible. Characters like Jesus or Ezekiel/Shiva are given all these incredible attributes just to make them look badass when in the end, it just ends up being cringy, immersion breaking and overall unnecessary. If Telltale wants to impress us they should try to do it through an amazing grounded story with compelling characters and plot, not through cheap tricks like making characters unrealistically badass by giving them insane ass pets that lay wrath and destruction to every enemy on their path!
Do I hear a telltale Jurassic Park/TWD crossover?
Include the T-rex plz
Okay I'm calling it now.... they're gonna include the walker-fighting bear that they scrapped from s2e4. You heard it here first, folks.
Out comes clem riding a giant falcon with an “I ❤️ mom”tattoo on it’s bald patch.
I can either see someone with a bear or a tiger. I even had a thought of an alligator
I don't know about you guys but I'm up for a penguin.
I would LOVE for there to be a moment where Clem meets someone and they have a dog.
New Guy: Hey there kid. You ok?
Clem: Yeah, I'm fine just...
New Guy's Dog: growls to defend owner
Clem: (backing away slowly) I'm just... gonna leave now...
New Guy: Oh this is just Betsy. She don't bite.
Clem: Dogs have teeth. Teeth bite. I'll pass. (still backing away)
New Guy: Oh come on. She's friendly. Just let her smell you and...
Clem: (showing scar on arm while STILL moving backwards and displaying that lovely temper) DOES IT LOOK LIKE I WANNA PET YOUR F###ING DOG!?!?
New Guy's Dog: (growls louder)
New Guy: Alright right! Alright right. Sheesh. You ain't gotta be rude about it.
Clem: (to herself she feels bad now) Thanks for the temper Kenny/Jane...
Huh. Actually, that would be a pretty good scumbag Clementine moment. The part where she says "I'll pass" could be an option to either go and pet the dog, to say I'll pass, or just stare at it making the dog more aggressive. And when the guy tries to ensure that she's not dangerous, an option to go and pet her where Clem cautiously approaches and pet's the dog and explains how her last interaction with a dog didn't go so well, or to have your "lovely" reaction.
The only thing that would make it better was if the raptor ate Gabe alive.
I would kill for a scene like that, what we really need (among alot of things) in the final frontier is humanizing Clementine a bit more again (and while I liked the scene personally, Id like some humanization that is not period talk)
It would be really refreshing to see Clementine be genuinely afraid of something as simple as a dog, since it would be a nice throwback to season 1 with more innocent Clem, and a nice departure from her "edgy"/"badass" persona
You and 81% of players cooked Gabe for your pet raptor.
19% of players only cooked Gabe’s leg with added apple sauce for raptor flavouring.
If there’s a T-Rex I’m naming it Bob. Nobody ever calls a dinosaur Bob.
It's true. EVERYTHING has been done before. :O
Curse you unoriginality! >.<
As Clementine has spent so much time on the road in season 4 she will get over her fear of dogs, get a dog companion and become the next road warrior.
Please forgive my shitty photoshop skills as this ony took me two minutes.
How about a monkey?
Please do not even try to defend that dumbass fucking tiger, you might give telltale more shitty ideas. The tiger would have mauled him. Instantly. And I say fantasy because "omg when the apoc starts imma own a pet tiger who will follow me around and somehow always know who the bad guy is and always protect me!!!" is 100% fantasy. The most realistic thing would be a dog (lol ok) or a horse. That's it.
Yall ready to see some more glitchy ass horses in New Frontier 2.0?
I have seen god knows how many scrapped files but I have never heard of a scrapped bear. Maybe I forgot. Maybe this has to do with the scrapped zoo files? Can you link me where you saw this?
"Hey, Clementine, did you get stung by a bee...?"
Like the majority of the walking dead fan base, I fucking love the tiger so please don’t tell me not to defend it if I want to do so
Well I for one would love to see Clem wielding a giant killer bird like that evil guy from Mulan.
Ah yes, I can imagine it now ~
But on a serious note, this is great news to me. The scenes with Sam the dog and the raccoons were some of the highlights of Season 2 and I'm glad to hear that more animals are going to be getting some focus in The Final Season.
Hey. If choices really do matter in Season 4, I'm all for options.
Loud minority
And what makes you think this is a minority?
Twd Tv show spoilers
Well as for the tv show Shiva, everyone was pissed when she died, and every time I finish an episode I wait for skybound to upload a reaction compilation and literally everyone did not want her to die, with even a few of them crying over it and not a single one of them was happy about it, so through those groups of people it doesn’t look like the minority like her to me. And just to through a little personal info in there, my aunty and my cousin were also upset over Shiva’s death, so it isn’t just “people associated with skybound” or “people of the internet” who like her.
And the comic shiva is pretty much the exact same as the tv show one so I’m assuming that she also has a good amount of fans. So I don’t think that the minority like her and the majority dislike her, it’s actually quite the contrary
Also, since it seems unfair that I’m digging around places where people will most likely like Shiva, I am going to upload a straw poll I created here in case people want to vote for some unbiased feedback on whether or not people actually like her
The idea of people turning to walkers is a fantasy in its own self so how come it's unrealistic for clem to have a tiger? People forget what they're into sometimes...
Exactly, right?