From what I can see, a lot of people are complaining about Clementine's haircut saying that it makes her look like a Tomboy. One thing that people don't really understand is that Clementine kinda sorta IS a tomboy, in a way. As I recall (And I think a lot of people forget when talking about this), Clementine use to play soccer when she was a kid. Doesn't that sound like a Tomboy to YOU? I mean come on guys. Be REAL here. Lul
I'm not the biggest fan of it, but I don't hate it to an extreme like some do. I always expected Clem's hair style to change at some point.… more She has been primarily independent for most of the apocalypse, so keeping her hair in that pigtail style was going to become unmaintainable at some point. I'm surprised her hair didn't become all matted and snap Lilly's hair ties. The hairstyle I thought she would get would be either some type of short dreads out of circumstances or a Jane style cut out of convenience. As a matter of fact, it would have been cool if she had a haircut that resembled her mom's hairstyle in the family picture.
The pigtails were one of the most unique things about her character design and it always stuck out, and how it was Lee who cut her hair for her to keep that style and all that. They just had a lot of context behind them.
Now Clem just has that "EDDDGGGGY STRONG FEMALE PROTAGONIST KACHOW GOT THAT HALF SIDE SHAVED GASP AND MAYBE SOME HAIR TO DANGLE NEAR THE EYES?" Its stupid and generic, and it has no purpose other than just trying to look "bad-ass." Did Telltale forget Clem already was bad-ass? Does Telltale know a "bad-ass" character is more bad-ass when it isnt blatantly obvious they are suppose to be bad-ass based on looks? But instead be bad-ass based on their actions?
From what I can see, a lot of people are complaining about Clementine's haircut saying that it makes her look like a Tomboy. One thing that … morepeople don't really understand is that Clementine kinda sorta IS a tomboy, in a way. As I recall (And I think a lot of people forget when talking about this), Clementine use to play soccer when she was a kid. Doesn't that sound like a Tomboy to YOU? I mean come on guys. Be REAL here. Lul
Yea. But I'm just building off of Other people's logic in regards to the Tomboy argument. Kind of a stupid one tbh. Either way I think the hair looks fine. I have no issues with it.
Yea. But I'm just building off of Other people's logic in regards to the Tomboy argument. Kind of a stupid one tbh. Either way I think the hair looks fine. I have no issues with it.
From what I can see, a lot of people are complaining about Clementine's haircut saying that it makes her look like a Tomboy. One thing that people don't really understand is that Clementine kinda sorta IS a tomboy, in a way. As I recall (And I think a lot of people forget when talking about this), Clementine use to play soccer when she was a kid. Doesn't that sound like a Tomboy to YOU? I mean come on guys. Be REAL here. Lul
Not a fan of it personally but at the end of the day it's only hair I guess haha
Don't think I'm ever going to be in a situation where I'm like "Oh no, Clem's about the die... and she needs a new hair cut, jeeze!" lol x
I just hate how they cut off her pigtails.
The pigtails were one of the most unique things about her character design and it always stuck out, and how it was Lee who cut her hair for her to keep that style and all that. They just had a lot of context behind them.
Its stupid and generic, and it has no purpose other than just trying to look "bad-ass." Did Telltale forget Clem already was bad-ass? Does Telltale know a "bad-ass" character is more bad-ass when it isnt blatantly obvious they are suppose to be bad-ass based on looks? But instead be bad-ass based on their actions?
I think clem has gone through so much disaster that it is time to see her rise ubove the ashes and finally be the badass survivor we want her to be.
Being kinda sorta a tomboy doesn't mean getting a Miley Cyrus cut. That's just sexist, man.
Yea. But I'm just building off of Other people's logic in regards to the Tomboy argument. Kind of a stupid one tbh. Either way I think the hair looks fine. I have no issues with it.
Nah, it really doesn't look ok for a number of reasons, but ok
its really nice
Meh, honestly.