If John/Joker got his own Mini-Series.
Do you think that this would be something that you would purchase from TellTale? Because I know that I would. Playing as Joker would be awesome and super different from any other TellTale Games because that would be the first time we play as a true villain and one that can shape the future of the Batman series. Joker can be manipulative, deceptive, or even humorous. Perhaps Joker can encounter Deadshot and Deadshot and Harley get into an argument and he strikes Harley, Joker can either tell him to go away, not care about Harley, or even tell Deadshot that he will get his revenge. Later on the Joker gets the drop on Deadshot and the player can choose to either kill off Deadshot, paralyze him, or just let him go which would affect Deadshot's appearance in Season 3. We don't know if a Season 3 is planned but based on their ratings and how good this game is doing I think it most likely will. I hope they make something like this with the Joker because I've always wanted to play as Joker and this is the perfect chance for TellTale to do it. Let me know what you guys think!
I would buy it, but I don't believe it'll ever happen.
It's extremly difficult to make Joker a protagonist, because no matter what, one of his core traits is the lack of moral compass, his inability to do the right thing.
You cannot lead him forward in story arc by just capturing Alfred or threatening to poison the whole city. He doesn't care about that sort of things.
In my opinion, Joker is more fit in GTA style games, like Saints Row, even. A lot of purple in these series, btw. =P A lot of guns and fun too.
SR series, btw, is basically about taking over the city from other gangs.
I don't know, I think the only scenario where we can play as Joker is the one where he's forced to face equally bad people and fight them. Gang war seems like a good opportunity.
Joker vs Penguin vs Two Face vs mafia vs cops.
But, honestly, all of this is just very wishful thinking on my part, I don't believe they'll do any game with Joker protagonist.
Also, GreatWhiteWolf1, if you want to play as the Joker, go get Saints Row. Especially, the second.
Would Joker only hurt other criminals? Would he be a straight up villain or would he be an anti-hero? I don't know how I feel about being the villain, as that's never been a thing I've wanted to do. I haven't watched Breaking Bad, despite its critical acclaim, because I know that the main character is a drug dealer (no matter how sympathetic he may have been initially) who isn't being put behind bars. That he is getting away with crimes would bother me the entire time I was watching it. So... do I want to play a video game which allows me to give in to all my worst instincts? I am not sure. Sometimes I play Bats a bit more brutal, but that's because I get to hurt criminals. I could play a game as an anti-hero but I don't think I'd want to be a straight up villain.
I'd love to play a Pre-Bruce John game. Like maybe just his time in Arkham before Bruce arrived, and the game could end just as John gets word Bruce Wayne is in Arkham.