Bonnie and Lilly

*Lilly or Lily pretty sure the spelling has fluctuated so much.
Bonnie and Lilly have something in common, not just they are my favourite female characters aside from Clementine of course, they both are eventually portrayed as antagonists but I feel like their characters are written so well.
Bonnie is someone who can never change, she's never really sorry and can hold a fucking grudge if you do something she doesn't like. (good job I tried to save Luke in s2 ep5 so she was nice to me)
But she acts like a real human with her personality would, she's always helping out whoever's side she thinks is winning, for instance she left carvers group because she knew that the cabin group would make it out this time with added help and that if she wasn't with them she would be affected by the herd at howes, she went with Mike and Arvo because she knew they were stealing the car and she wouldn't want to stay with the group and deal with the consequences of having no truck. I would've asked to go with them if not for the fact that I liked Jane. She is a bitch and selfish yes, but she knows how to survive and I want clem to learn those skills. Too bad we will never see Bonnie ever again because the way telltale have configured the new save file system for season 3, "Did you let Bonnie drown" was not a choice in recreating your save so for those that play with a recreated save the game cant have Bonnie in it in case it's wrong and the player did let her die in their game universe.
Lilly is something else, hated her on my first gameplay and sided with kenny, but after that old fuck betrayed me at the end of the game when I replayed it years later I found that Lilly is such a good character if you side with her. She cares about clementine too, I took her with me after she killed Carley and asked to go with her in the RV. I don't mind that she drove away, just means that in both scenarios she has made her exit around the same location and therefore can be a character in season 4. Please telltale, bring back Lilly and make her a strong person that won't die from being an old self righteous fuck or kill herself because she thinks 2 babies would be too much to handle (aka wont die from lazy telltale writing)