Episode 5 Achievements - What could they mean?
The achievements for the last episode of the game's 2nd season are the following:
5.1 - Funny or Die
5.2 - Defender
5.3 - A Shadow Falls
5.4 - Fractured
5.5 - Darkest Before the Dawn
5.6 - The Last Laugh
So, here is my question; what could these achievements mean for the story of the game. Personally I am pretty sure about 3 of them. The first one is propably a hint at John Doe either starting calling himself The Joker or killing someone with his famous laugh gas. The fourth is that John will either turn on Batman/Bruce (if we picked the vigilante option) or become even more psychotic and aggresive towards him (if we picked the villain route). And finally the last achievement may signify a cliffhanger of sorts, with John/Joker getting the upper hand at the end of the season. Maybe by killing Tiffany, Avesta, hell, even Alfred or Gordon. What do you think that the achievements of the last episode mean and how does the story arc connect into them?
5.1 I think the same as you
5.2 This is where john starts doeing his vig stuff as in the words defender
5.3 I think if we pick the vig option john will go mad and turn on us as in the words a shadow falls.
5.4 He kills someone important to us by making us fall apart or fratched.
5.5 Batman is going to stop john Because its the darkest dawn basically he has until dawn to stop john.
5.6 Batman stops john and gives him the last laugh.
Yeah I caught that as well but can't figure out what does it mean. Collboy's theory that Batman is going to stop John makes the most sense
Hi dies whit a smiley
Good question haha these achievements seem that we're gonna have a hard time with our friend John xD
5.1 John become the joker and ask us to help him or he trick us, depends on the end of episode 4!
5.2 Bruce goes full Batman and saves people from Joker!
5.3 Waller betray us and the agency goes mad!
5.4 Bruce lose a battle or someone close to him (I think Alfred or Tiffany)
5.5 Selina or Avesta, give hope to Bruce, maybe a little romance scene in the Batcave with Selina
5.6 The last battle with Gotham in flame!
5.3 - this is just a loose speculation, but There was a "Shadow of the Bat" comic series in the 90's and each issue started with "Shadow of the Bat falls on...". These comics were focusing on the psychological aspects of several different characters from the Batman universe. In this episode's case, Joker could be the focus character.
Actually, most of the previous achievements sound pretty strange to me, and I don't feel like they related to what's really happening that much, lol
And I have close to zero idea what 5 episode achievements could mean, but I'll give it a try.
5.1 - Funny or Die. So, quick google search told me, "Funny or Die" is a comedy video website.
The scene on the bridge was quite a show, I think Bruce will deal with the consequences of it.
5.2 - Defender
I have no idea. Bruce buys a new caaar????
5.3 - A Shadow Falls
I think it means Waller goes too far.
5.4 - Fractured
I think it refers to Bruce's allies. Who's going to stay with him, or go against him, and in vigilante ending it also could mean we may chose to group up with Joker or fight him. Gordon and Selina return, if we were loyal to them.
5.5 - Darkest Before the Dawn
Some unexpected shit happening, Bruce almost losing, mb, Agency having the upper hand. I think, Waller may have him cornered. Allies come to help. Or, if he don't have any, he saves himself, but with great losses.
Also, the word "dawn" gives me some hope. Like, dawn is good, usually. Right? Riiiiiiiight?.........
5.6 - The Last Laugh.
I have a growing suspicion, who will have the last laugh will depend on our actions during the whole season. How many allies we made, how ruthless we were. And karma might come back and bite Bruce in the ass, if he was an ass the whole game. XD To the extend of something bad happening to Alfred.
And it ends with Bruce reaping what he sow.
How dare you even suggest that Bruce buys a new car? He loves that Batmobile even more than he loves Alfred.
Yeah, I know. Exactly my thoughts. I'll never go this route, I think players who'll chose to buy a new car deserve the worst ending.
Edit: but I disagree with you on Alfred part, I think Bruce loves him juuuuuuuust a tiiny little bit more. =/
Can he drive Alfred? No, Can Alfred help him get somewhere faster? No, can Alfred get him laid? No, can Alfred make Avesta go fangirl? NO.
Nah-nah-nah, he almost drove Alfred crazy first episode with this optional Bane romance option. Alfred helps him find the road every time Bruce driving batmobile, you really think Batman knows the roads, lol? And laid? Man, who do you think finds Bruce all those girls he's getting laid with on the regular basis?
But I would keep Alfred and Avesta apart. This nasty old man have more fire in him than he lets on.
As for the Funny or Die, there is an Alfred tribute from them, coincidence? I don't think so
Probably related to Windows Defender - someone is gonna hack the BatOS on the BatPC
6 There was an episode of the animated series called The Last Laugh if I am not mistaken