a developer i was ment to be



  • edited September 2009
    Sheeesh, i just read the spec for the Playstation 3.
    Man thats one german machinegun .. lol.

    The PC offers something equivalent, for tripple the price. Not talking about the uncarriable
    giant 30 years out of date Size.

  • edited September 2009
    Cool, may it as it be.

    The next step must be to recreate my old assembler-adventure-game.
    And I loaded the windoom sourcecode in simple C, that i will study thoroughly.
    Doom is, in my view, an exception to all this Woulfn-stighn-o-mania.
    While in all the others you murder other real-life looking and controlled players,
    in doom you are in a very colourfull and cool Monsterworld. As the Monsters
    themselves are freaks of genesplicing their exploding and mutilation somehow
    feels like cleansing and freeing them. And its all in this infantil pseudo-hell world.

    Yeeha! I knew it. Its all to simple. I did not touch anything cody for the last 7 years,
    but it just works miracles. I eat through the code in a very fast pace. I should have
    learned the Windoom code next weak.
  • edited September 2009
  • edited September 2009
    You can reread some of my old posts too. I edit them filling in new

    So this is an excerpt of the windoom sourcecode. This one let the monster
    check, if its able to attack you directly.


    I need to write a small preeditor, that reformats this much faster layout
    to standart LONG C-code. As I told you earlier: Its all about the self made
    tools one uses.
  • edited September 2009
    Lol, i made my first C# programm with visual C# express, knowing
    that its build on a 300 mb OS that is blown up to 10 gb using a suite
    that has visible loading progressing and saving times just to compile an empty window.
    Windows95: Official system requirements were 4 MB of system RAM, and 50 MB of hard drive space.
    We all now windows xp is still the same, just heavily overblown.
    Man i need to eat my way through this windows-jungle to create me
    own mashinecode applications that will only need 50 mb in total needing
    no compilaton at all... ah how sweet the sound.
    Thats, how my final games will look like on yer hd:

    Some kb in size bios/dos interface to boot.

    CORE the komplete kernel, without this silly .exe extension, will be
    a solid 100 mb in size block right at the start of the booted partition.
    It will automaticaly update itself and has all the configuration in it.

    SYSTEM a permanently defragged 600 mb in size wadfile right after
    the core. In it comes everything, from mainloop to all kind of system-tools.
    Every application will be installed out of the kernell and be added to
    this wadfile.

    USER will be the rest of the harddisk. Space will be granted by the kernell.
    So that say WoW gets a solid 20 gb in size block. Readwrite activity
    will be very restricted preventing fragmentation from the start.
    All this brainless patch-o-mania will be forbidden. Ah sigh i feel it.

    Yeah, give me 3 month for that giant goal, but with the speed i rise
    that shall be not a problem. I need to find a better way than windows
    to deal with memory and hd-operations. Its not tolerable that, when
    you install some bigger projects, a webpage of some 100 kb needs
    10 times longer to open.
  • edited September 2009
    Wow, what the f....
    My live becomes one swirl, i do everything and its all just drumms.

    I feel like this:
    and this :-)..........
  • edited September 2009
    sheeesh, there is so much to learn, but at least its extreme fun :-)
    Kanji realy are amazingly well structured, as if its an perfect alphabet.
    Sad thing about programming is, that it realy is very dry, because you
    need to learn a realy huge amount, before you can do even the slightest
    task. And I have so endless much other things to do..
  • edited September 2009
    Interesting conversation (or monologue?)... just a quick Hi from Hildesheim :)

    The only two (really bad) games I've programmed so far were two projects for university credits... Wheel of Fortune in Java and a simple strategy game in C++. Edit: Oh yeah, and a "Siedler von Catan" clone in Shockwave/Lingo. Which was desastrous, both the programming and the result ;)

    But this was almost five years ago, right now I'm doing mostly database applications... less fun, more pay...
  • edited September 2009
    Sure, programming is extremely massive.
  • edited October 2009
    man i rotate maximum, there is so much imense reallife on my back
    but its getting "the matrix' style now with me ..

    ok .. i will show v 0.1 of "Roko out of Style" in exactly
    50 days .. so be happy and be prepared to be satisfied thoroughly, muah!
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