Is The Final Season or Wolf Among Us next in line after Batman?
So it sounds like episode 5 of batman will be coming out relatively soon. I've gotten the impression that the final season of walking dead is next in line but I don't know for sure. Is the final season or wolf among us season 2 coming out next after batman?
How is Telltale's Batman series and the Wolf Among Us? Do you have to be a fan of the base material to understand what is going on?
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The Final Season is after Batman.
I believe the plan is for TWD S4 them TWAU S2 to follow afterwards probably in the fall/winter.
S4 of Walking Dead was suppose to release early 2018 but Im pretty sure its delayed, so Im expecting it to release in June or around that time. Wolf Among Us 2 was suppose to be 3rd/4th quarter 2018, theres a lot less news about Wolf atm though. But yes, The Final Season should release first.
And to answer your other question, you dont need to know any backstory for either games, both you can just play with no knowledge of the source material, its all explained and not hard to follow.
Not Likely.
I'm still wondering about GoT.
To be honest Im pretty sure GoT S2 was low key canceled. It was announced on some nobody website a few days after s1 and then was never talked about again, until Job said something along the lines of "its not currently in our future doorway?" Or something like that, I cant remember the exact quote, something that made it sound like it wasnt something "Telltale sees in the future" at the moment, despite the fact it was already announced. So I think Telltale is kinda done with it. (Id say 2019 would be the last chance for GoT because I doubt they would bother making S2 after the show ends)
I believe they said that they will start working on it after the tv series ends.
Job J Stauffer (who is no longer at Telltale) said that they are waiting for the final season of the TV show before they release s2. An ex-Telltale employee on linkedin said that GoT s2 is, in fact, cancelled. It would be nice if Telltale could actually comment on this one way or another, but for now we are sadly left guessing with nothing but radio silence to accompany our thoughts.
Initially, they said TWD4 would release Q2 2018 if I recall correctly, though in a more recent interview with Telltale's new CEO he mentioned a summer release.
We know that there have been employees writing the first episode for a while now. So maybe we can expect a June/July release?
If it is indeed coming in June/July, would some news this April be too soon to expect anything?
On Brad Kane's (previously a Telltale writer) LinkedIn profile.
I wasn't excited anyway. GOT was okay at the best. I even gave up my hope for Tales from the Borderlands Season 2.
According to an employee's LinkedIn profile, Telltale has started working on episode 2. Whether that means episode 1 is completely written is not certain, but nevertheless this makes me optimistic for a June release!
The Walking Dead.
Who's the employee?
Nevermind, I found out who.
If anyone else is interested.

This narrative designer was previously working on episode 1.
FUCK YEA! We may get a decent premiere after all!
Telltale have a name for successful premieres. This one will be a blast. This Final Season will be amazing!!
If this means that Telltale has a plan and is actually looking ahead in the series before releasing the first episode this is a great sign for both story telling and choices! However I hope that's the case and not another "The first episode is too big so we're splitting it in two ridiculously short episodes so we can quickly have half of the seires over with." deal again. ANF really suffered from a lack of character development because they decided to make two short episodes making a four episode season instead of a complete five episode season.
Ehh... dont really count on this meaning Telltale is planning ahead. Telltale had future episodes of ANF planned out too but they ended up just getting rewritten and remade. What Im saying is, even ANF had this type of preplanning, and theres couldnt have been that good for almost everything to be rewritten and redone. Hopefully because of the complaints that ANF's preplanning was bad that Telltale is going to do some actual preplanning which isnt just "1 paragraph summary of this episode, we'll do the rest later"
Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I'm actually a bit more on the hopeful side if they're actually working on episode 2 before the reveal trailer is even out. Really, the best thing to take away from it is it'll be shown with more than just a general idea of what they're going to do, before waiting a week prior to launch to announce they're delaying it because it's too big/they still have no idea what to do. I mean damn, we didn't even have confirmation of which systems it would be on November before it drops, I honestly don't think they had much more than what was shown at the Game Awards by that point
Yeah I know, Im sure S4's pre-production wont be as shit as ANF's was, but we wont know until it comes out. I think my faith in Telltale's Walking Dead is just super low, seeing it seems Telltale isnt really truthful with the series., making me just think they'll do the same thing they did with ANF. Really hoping Im wrong and the pre-production is actual pre-production, and not something along the lines of "very small description of what the episode is, will probs be scrapped after ep 1 lmao." I just really hope Telltale knows that they cant make the same mistakes that ANF did, if S4 gets delayed (which it already technically was, it was suppose to be early 2018 but now its apparently coming out this summer, so oof) my small amount of optimism I have will be complexly gone.
Emily Grace Buck is a Narrative Designer. And Narrative Design involves MORE than just simple outlining. The outlining portion of the writing has been done for months by this point.
How much of Episode 1 do you think Telltale has completed?
Yeah, I understand that preplanning doesn't always mean it's going to be good and this could be another Ties that Bind Part 1 and 2 which were two ridicullously short episodes. I'm just hoping that they have a direction they're going for and they can write the majority of the story and still have the oppurtunity to rewrite things before the first episode is released so we don't get another story that is all over the place like ANF. I just know that in the Dragon Age games and the Mass Effect trilogy by bioware they made each game looking two games ahead and they were able to do a pretty good job with making the choices in past games have an influence on the next game even when it was just through dialogue and references, you really felt as though you were shaping the story. This was able to happen because they were looking ahed. But like you said we won't really know about the final season until it comes out.
We WILL be getting news at PAX East 2018, on April 6th about The Final Season, given to a hint on Twitter today and a few people saw the schedule for PAX East for Telltale The Walking Dead will be featured with the creative teams being there also Melissa Hutchison.
Where did you get this information?
Mary Kenney is lead writer for Episode 402.