This is probably a little weird.... but I don't care
Inspiration comes from the most unlikely of places, sometimes so...... here goes. Clementine's appearance in A New Frontier has finally let me know what my "type" of girl is. She's perfect (granted she was more my age, of course). Her personality is perfect for me, incorporating strength, intelligence and wisdom with the survival skills to keep herself and the ones she cares about alive. On the opposite spectrum, she is very loving, caring and kind to those she cares about and those that she learns that she can trust.
That's everything a man could want. Men will act macho and tough but at the end of the day it's all about finding a woman who's loving and caring. That's what we want... to feel loved and cared about.. and a woman's love can't be underestimated or matched. It has the power to heal. Clementine encompasses every aspect of what I'd like in a woman. Heck, I'd even take someone named Clementine. xD
I don't think she possesses much wisdom, she seems to act on emotion and thinks with her fist before she thinks with her mind. That's dangerous and it can get her killed.
Hmm..Okay ?
True....... True ( o_o)
How old were you in 2003? Because afaik, she and I are canonically peers, so part of how I see it is that she'd probably be in my datable age range at this time.
Maybe as a daughter. I’m old enough to be her father.
Hey as long as you keep it in your age range whatever floats your boat.
I'm sure there are girls with the aspects you touched on in the real world but they'll never be the fictional character Clementine. It is probably a similar thing some will say about Vegeta's character qualities when looking for someone. The strong attitude displays high confidence and leadership skills also makes a good father. And there are plenty of Vegeta-like guys in the world but you'll never be with the actual Vegeta from the Dragon-verse.

Whoa, what the heck is up with Javier there?
He's seen too much. They've finally broken him o_O
I'll say.
I have to agree. Me and gabe are connected on a spitural level. I can imagine caressing his soft tender body in bed together and hearing him whisper "muerto" into my ear. He's arrogant, probably likes to be called Daddy, what more do you want in a man? ecks dee basically, u r saying that u don't blame Gabe for liking Clem for all those reasons. Got it. Cool.
I'm trying to figure out this post.
Because da shit...?
What in all name of lord did you just typed?