Will cat women come back in eposide 5 season 2 ?
like i was thinking that she might return back to help batman fight them or do y'all think she was return in season 3 ?
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I came here cause based on the title I was intrigued by and wondering who "Senile" was... I get the feeling she won't be back though due to limited time left.

Lmao i just saw it
- Harvey Dent
She will come back, just for 6 or 7 minutes, to say goodbye, make the romance choice matter, or guilt trip you if you left her in the ice box, she will probably say that she was using us to get something from riddler she didn't tell us about, and she will leave in her bike.
Yea your right well i blamed my self and let her go free. Hopefully she does not do nothing stuipd
I really hope she will appear for longer then 5 minutes
I'm certain she will depending on how we acted with her. Either as an enemy or an ally.
As much as I like Catwoman, I feel like she won’t be in the spotlight as much or in the episode at all ):
My money is on 0 to 2 minutes tops.
I'll take you on that bet then, 6 or 7 minutes mine.
I mean Im assuming so... I hope so atleast.
Still sucks that Catwoman felt forgotten about this season. I thought S1 kinda shunned her badly after episode 3, but in this game episode 3 is her only real episode relevance.
Well, thats because catwoman was relevant to the story of s1. Now she really isn't
I mean she's relevant enough. She was part of the pact and all that. If she doesnt appear in episode 5 I'll be really disappointed. If she doesnt her role is just "I stole the USB fam" and then either gets thrown in a box and never appears again, or just goes man Pact is rude, and then leaves. Obviously she isnt playing a MAJOR role, but Telltale could have easily made her help Bruce out more and things like that.
Hope she returns in episode 5.
And let's add that in season one she was rather prominently featured in three episodes before being put aside (sort of) after that.
This season all she had thus far is one very big presence in episode 3 then barely anything in episode 4 even if you took the fall for her...For such a major character I expect more.
Not to mention one trivial detail : her and Bruce are supposedly in a relationship right now, a real one.
So yeah. Come on Telltale don't let us down.
Yeah its weird how you could probably argue Selina was kinda like the "second" major character in S2 up until Ep 3, cuz then they kinda shoved her aside. Its just kinda unfair because she is a fun character to interact with, which ep 4 was really lacking on the "characters to interact with" department. I really hope Gordon has a better role in ep 5, its unfair that he doesnt appear in ep 4 no matter what happens. I just hope Telltale doesnt forget about Selina and Gordon.
I'm 100% sure we will get to see both her and Gordon in episode five... the questions are how much involved they will get. I doubt we will see Selina be as involved as she was in episode three but I will be disappointed if she only shows up for a short time like in season 1 ep5 or season 2 ep4. I want more from her in the finale episode regarding all the build-up between her and Bruce.
Gordon will probably show up in the trailer and perhaps (hopefully) Selina as well.
I still kinda expect mass effect style suicidal mission in the end, with all our allies by Bruce's side, so I'm pretty sure Selina will appear AND help if Bruce didn't betrayed her.
I'm pretty sure Selina will show up if you don't betray her, I'd love her to team up with Batman for the finale. Hopefully it's not just a 1 minute cameo like in episode 4.
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