Poll: Which version of Walking Dead do you like most? Show, comics, or Telltale games?
So there are three major versions of The Walking Dead. The comics that started it all, the tv show, and the games made by Telltale. Which one do you like the most?
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Game still wins best medium, but just barely. Comic and game are pretty much neck-and-neck.
If I'm being completely honest, I'm somewhat absent-mindedly watching the show these days. For me, it's pretty much become popcorn entertainment; entertaining enough for what it is, but I just can't take it as seriously as the other two mediums anymore.
I would say the games but after ANF..I'd say the comics.
And i agree with Deltino i can't take the tv show seriously anymore.
I do like the games best but this thread could only get biased responses due to this being the video game forum. I know plenty of folks who've never heard of the video game brand or barely speak of it when discussing Walking Dead. The TV show seems most popular among most folks from my experiences.
I've always found things like this interesting. I mean, S1 of the game definitely made a few headlines when it came out (for all intents and purposes, 90 game of the year awards isn't exactly something people scoff at), and the general reception of the series as a whole has been quite good. There's been acknowledgement of the Telltale series from Kirkman, Skybound, and even some of the people that work on the show. It's weird to think that there are people that never even heard of the game, not even in passing.
For my 900th post, I shall decree the version I like.
It's the Telltale Game series (From Season 1 to Michonne), with the comic coming in at a close second.
Like someone said above neck and neck.
The show BORES me!
Might be attributed to the age groups of the fans. Younger folks might be aware of the games because they are more likely to be gamers. Comics could draw older fashioned fans that use to read comics back in the day. And in general people younger and older can watch television regularly so could stand to reason how the show can reach the widest range of an audience over the comic and video game. More people would rather watch TV shows than read books or play video games I think.
Definitely telltale games. I like the characters better. I like the tv show too though
The games are the best. The comics are usually pretty good. The show is laughable by this point.
I would say the games because that's how I got into the series. I'd say the show is my second because I tried to read the comics but I couldn't get into them, probably because I'm not a big comic book person.
From where I stand, the TWD spin-offs like Clem's story and Fear are better than anything that has to do with Rick's story, which eventually stopped being serious enough for me to be able to continue following it, both show and comic. I just really don't think I'm compatible at all with Kirkman's writing or the TV show's take on it.
I stopped watching the show by the end of season 6 and stopped reading the comics midway through the Whisperer War Act. With that in mind, I find the show slightly "less worse" than the comics. Television is just a way more digestible medium for me.
When it comes to Fear vs the Game, I must admit I have pretty much forgotten the first two Seasons of Fear The Walking Dead (and I'm convinced one could start watching that show by Season 3 and still get everything that's going on). However, what makes it tricky to chose between those two is that by putting their most recent installments side to side, with ANF being god-awful rock bottom fiction, and Fear's 3rd Season being what may be considered the best TWD content we've gotten for some time now, I find it difficult claiming I prefer the Game, considering what it is right now, over Fear.
But despite all that, I can say for sure that I do hold more love and investment over what the game used to be (and might still be able to become again?) than I do for Fear's third Season.
I guess I'll have a final verdict after both Fear's 4th Season (which is looking damn good) and the Game's final Season come out.
Eh, I've only ever played the games, which I assumed was the most substance/depth this series would ever have and that's actually a pretty fair assessment from what I've been told.
I had little reason to watch the TV show back then & still haven't(though I do have the means to do so now) and the more I hear about the comic, the even less I'm tune-able to the notion of it's quality.
I love the games the most except for ANF. I used the love the show but after Season 6 Episode 9 which was the last episode that I enjoyed the most, I was starting to lose interest, I stopped watching after Season 7 Episode 11 cause it was getting boring, I dunno what the new story was supposed to be, Rick's group was getting its ass kicked by Negan over and over and they're making a lot of bad decisions thus resulting the deaths of major characters. When I heard that
They killed Carl, I was soo done with it cause that is one of the worst changes from the comic book and I didn't even read them.
I never read the comics and I can't get into it cause it's too much to read.
I used to love the TV Show out of all of them but now I find myself rolling my eyes whenever I hear them do something silly in the show, the show just doesn't feel as serious as it used to. I haven't read much of the comics, so it's gonna be the game for me, but after Season 2 and A New Frontier, I do think the game has constantly gone downhill.
The game. Have no interest in the others.
Comics obviously. Season 1 of the game is great, season 2 is fine and ANF...well. The show outlived itself and is pretty much a walking dead itself now (see what I did there,huh?). While the comics had some boring and wasted arcs, they are still superior to other walking dead media
Other than the games I haven't watched or read TWD now since 2015, plan to fix that very soon though.
TV show has ZERO VOTES
Yeah the show is really bad right now so i'm not surprised hopefully they'll do something better with season 9.
Let me know when Princess shows up.
Then I'll have another incentive to maybe give a shit.
that's a scary avatar
Woops this was meant to be a reply to @Louche
We already discussed this. @DabigRG 's avatar is a screenshot from the final season. If Gabe is alive he will return as Clem's canon love interest. As you can see, they will have organic and adorable romantic scenes where they smile affectionately at each other. If this doesn't look natural, romantic, and well written to you, you have no taste in good stuff!

The games 101%
Comics are garbage by now, show’s not much different. Thus, games by far.
Very debatable.
Without spoiling anything, there’s drama just for the sake of drama, characters behave ridiculously most of the time, story arcs are boring, repetitive or nonsensical at best. But that’s just my opinion, people don’t need to agree with me.
Never really got into comics outside of DC. The first two seasons of the game I'd rate above anything the shows done, but as of now I'm more invested in the show.
Like most, I prefer games, until I'm playing season one again.
As for the show, it looks like cheap Mexican soap opera and in the comics is not very different: Kirkman seems to be without ideas, I think it's time to call talent writers to continue and urgently change the show's showruner ..
They did change showrunner, Angela Kang’s gonna be the new one.
I seem to be one of the few that enjoy the show the most ^^
For me it's: TV Show -> Telltale Games -> Comics
I know many seem to hate the show lately, but I don't care about that. With just a few exeptions I always enjoy every episode and I always get so emotional and passionate

The thing I love about the show: They take their time. Not everyone likes that, but I do. The Villains are amazing and they get much screentime (sometimes even their own episodes). I really love that. Then of course there is Rick, who is (for me) just one of the most amazing TV characters ever, maybe even the most
Then of course: the Telltale Games
) But there was one thing that was very annoying to me: dumb characters like Lilly, Sarah or Gabe). I'm aware that the show has some stupid characters too, but these three (especially Gabe) made me so damn angry, it's unbelivable. But besides that, I loved it! 
Telltale created some freaking amazing characters with their series. With Kenny, they also manged to create one of the most polarizing characters ever. You either love him, or you hate him and it's always so interesting to see people discussing about Kenny (when they don't get toxic
The show and the games also have stunning music and always make emotional, and since I'm a music lover, I couldn't really get into the comics (so sorry Kirkman
Maybe I'm too passionate about the show, but I don't really mind it