If you’re a fan of Fallout 4 then you need to read this story!

edited March 2018 in General Chat

Chewing slightly on the butt of his cigarette, his blue eyes slowly peeked through his eyelashes as he watched through the sights of his rifle. His finger on the trigger, his breath halting to steady his aim – MacCready took the shot. The crack of his rifle sounded, followed by the echo of a bottle shattering in the distance. He turned lazily to the vault dweller next to him with a smirk.

“That,” he drawled, “is how you aim.”

Crossfire by Pazlet

Hands down is one of the best fan-written stories I’ve read out in the World Wide Web to date, that I would go as far as to say it’s on the level of professional writing.

The characterization of MacCready is damn well impressive, along with that of the sole survivor, and their interactions are so natural, it’s really feels like you’re reading about two real human beings that exist whom are slowly but surely developing a friendship, and potentially something beyond that.

I don’t want to spoil much about it, but it takes place during events from Fallout 4, and fleshes things out from back stories, to new plot elements and agendas being implemented. The writer portrays the female version of the sole survivor Nora, but chose to give her the name Dawn for symbolic reasons which I found rather fitting.


I couldn’t recommend this one enough. Crossfire is definitely worth your time. I’d know I stayed up until 6 in the morning reading the thing…me so crazy.

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