"The Key" Episode Discussion
After last week's episode which featured 100% less filthy trash people, there's this week, which, has, uh, zombified weapons?
To be honest I have forgotten most of last week's episode. Hopefully this is more memorable.
As always comment before, while, and after you watch.
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I hope we don't have any other main characters die due to infection. It still feels too soon after Carl's death to have another death like that.
Yummy, guts on a stick!
It’s great to just have Trevor talking away. Great casting love Steven Ogg. Please don’t kill Simon
"Extemporaneously".... I'm gonna google that.
Neat. Just a fancy way to say they're gonna wing it!
Why Rick? Why? He better have some backup coming...
Agreed. He's awesome
This fight between Rick and Negan is very anticlimactic. I know Negan will escape. His plot armor is way too thick be taken out by a Sheriff with an axe and a bloody bat.
Simon becoming the new leader of the saviors???
Please let it be
Called it!
Do you know who this lady is? If they explained it, I completely missed it
Well. That was unexpected. I wonder what her reason is for not killing him...
A.) Throwing him in the grinder?
B.) Turn him into an art Exhibit?
C.) Gifting to Rick?
D.) Talking the shit out of him until he escapes?
throwback to when this show wasn't complete garbage amirt fellas
yeah sadly ;(
At least some shit happened in this episode between Rick and Negan.
Only part I liked was the beginning of that Rick and Negan cellar convo. Sadly second half just got stupid with "Rick starts knocking down a door but is to stupid to think Negan might attack him! Oopsies!!! And then they fall in a walker pit and Negan gets away again!!!!
I thought it was quite a decent episode. Always a nut tickler whenever negan opens his wife and the ult8mate satisfier when rick and negan meet in person
Best Episode this Season, by far! Especially the introduction with Georgie.
Okay, this episode was decent enough for a change. I liked it a lot, and it could be the best of the season. Good scenes between Rick and Negan, and Georgie's subplot was well handled. When I saw her I was expecting for the show to fuck up things, but they did good... Finally.