Do you like, dislike or not care about Clem’s haircut in the 3rd season? And why?
I’ve heard that people didn’t like it but honestly I don’t mind it at all. I actually like the new haircut and the ponytails the same.
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I don't care about ANF!Clementine either way. If she wan'ts to go around looking like an ironic distaff counterpart of Gabe, that's her business.
I don't care because this is the least of my concern and i understand why people don't like it,Telltale wanted to give her a new "look" for the final season but from all the haircuts they could have given her it's this one ?
I agree it is an odd choice but I don’t mind it
Kind of rejected it at first, but it's grown on me. And when I saw her in this video, I knew I wouldn't notice (or care about) the difference once I got to the gameplay.
It’s weird I usually hate the cut irl but to me it looks all right for her
I hate Clem's "let me talk to your manager" haircut. It's so bad it feels like Telltale said, "ya know what we fucked up this season so badly let's just ruin it even more".
I love it!
I'm not a fan of the new haircut but it is a detail I will be willing to overlook if the final season is good in most of the other aspects of the game.
That’s fair
It's disgusting
She looks like a bootleg Miley Cyrus.
I didn't mind it. I was actually hoping for TTG to give Clem a new haircut to resemble her maturing, letting go of her past, and moving forward. Whether you think that happened in ANF and was deserved is up to you. I have overlooked Clem changing skin complexion each season like a confused chameleon, so a change in hairstyle is not a concern for me. The video @Zombiekiller3121 posted definitely has it growing on me. I still think the haircut made her look younger. It's such a juvenile style (as in something a younger person would have) compared to her old hairstyle which her hair had overgrown and lost it's juvenile essence (if that makes any sense at all).
Semi-Random Tangent: I will say that I did like how Clem's hair was overgrown in ANF. Her hair sticking out from the hat and her puff balls being much puffier was a nice touch. It is almost as if the lack of maintenance of her hair and her letting it overgrow represented how Clem had grown tired and gave up holding on to the principles and moral from her past. Why listen to the advise of people who died 2-4 years ago? They couldn't survive this long. The world is different now. Does their advise really have merit outside of the world they were developed in?
No-So-Random Tangent If I were to be picky though, I wish they used her untied hair model for the flashbacks. I always figured Clem's hair would snap those hair ties by the end of S2 either by constant removal to cut her hair, her hair outgrowing them, or her hair becoming so matted that they broke them. Seeing Clem in the ANF trailers representing #teamnatural would have been a good sign right from the beginning that this isn't the girl we once knew. If she's not keeping that hair short, what kind of person has she become? Here's a video showing what I mean. Just give that hat to AJ or have her wear it for S1 nostalgia.
With your first point the only thing in my opinion is she is still a kid at this time and even though she is maturing I don’t think she needs to be fully mature and still have her haircut like that if she wants.
With your second point I also liked that and I feel that her getting the haircut at the end shows she is willing to take/use advice that has been given to her and she is not in this alone.
With your third point i would of also like to have seen her with her hair untied even if it was in a flash back or in the current time. it also never came to mind about the hair ties, but yeah I think they would break.
I don’t dislike it, I fucking despise it. It’s worth noting that, in general, I absolutely hate that style of hair in real life, it’s frankly unappealing. Seeing it on Clementine, my all time favorite character in all of media, only amplified my overall distaste towards it. It honestly just does not look good, be it on her or anyone for that matter, it makes her look like a tomboy. I’m not saying she had to stick with her hairstyle of the previous seasons (though it wouldn’t have been a problem if she did), but of everything they couldv’e gone with, that’s what they went it? She looks like one of those generic, entitled, bitchy, millennial hipsters who’s always drinking lattes from Starbucks and whining about the injustices of modern society and how nothing is fair, holding herself as some brilliant intellectual who looks down on those who don’t think the same way she does.
She Looks like the Terminator. Hehehe. Jokes aside. I'm really not surprised with what Telltale did with her character. Obviously they had to give us reason NOT to support her this season to try and counterbalance Fan-Bias. Whether or not they succeeded in that depends on who you ask.
The thing that bothers be the most about Clem's new haircut is that there is one side that is shaved. How did Javi acomplish this with only a pair of scissors? I don't know about you, but I didn't see any hair buzzers around. Anyways I messed around in photoshop to apply hair to the shaved side and I think it looks much better:
Real game:
My photoshop edit:
If it wasn't for the shaved side I would have been fine with it. If I can figure out where the texture files are located for the game I would modify the textures to make it look like this. If there is anyone who knows where the texture files are located it would be awesome if you could let me know.
I don't dislike it, I HATE IT. I never understood why they thought we would be okay with her new style. I said it before and I'll say it again. She pretty much looks like Joker from Injustice 2.
Just remove the smile from his face and I would've mistaken it as her making her way through a dense fog, ready to stab the brains of anything that pops out of it. He could've easily taken her place, tied her to a tree and sprayed her with laughing gas, and he'd make his way to get the joker sidekick he always wanted.
That’s my hipster Clem ?☕☮???
I hate it.
Don't you think she is grown to have ponytails , she is self-reliant strong and mature girl so ponytails ain't the style
I don't see the reason it's considered bad a specially all the points you talked about don't exist in her world not anymore . It looks stylish for her age.
I just gave you the reasons why I consider it bad. It's unappealing, there was nothing wrong with her original style, and it makes her look like something she's not. This certainly doesn't represent the Clem I created and molded over 3 seasons.
Exactly, which makes it weird that this hairstyle, which has become much more popular in recent years, is even a thing in her world since the outbreak began in 2003, when she was 8, and she's now 13, so about 2008, with none of the developments that would lead to the increase in the popularity of this particular hairstyle.
It looks ugly and does not reflect Clem's personality.
Like I said, I don't care much regarding the redesign itself, much less the incarnation. I just find the vibe I mentioned to be humorous/lazy/ironic/humorlously-lazy&ironic.
However, I will say that the puffballs are more debatably iconic and unique.
Better or worse than her ANF design?
It's hideous and unpractical. Has Clem completely forgotten Lee, Chuck and Jane's advice on keeping the hair short? Has Clem thrown away Lilly's "hair thingies"?
It was just so random. In most fiction, significant changes in a character's appearance usually symbolize a change on the character itself. Nothing of remarkable happened to Clem during her time with Javier. She knew these characters for a little less than a week. At best. She didn't go through any traumatic event (not anything like in Season 2, at least) and didn't meet anyone who she seemed to have realistically developed some great affinity with or changed her drastically in any way (again, not like in Season 2). So that leaves the question: why? What is this haircut really trying to show? What was its purpose? Who thought this was a good idea?
It really, really, really feels like more of a cruel joke than anything else. Like they didn't think ruining the character's whole personality was enough, but they also felt they had to ruin her visually.
It's a pretty bad haircut but it's not that big a deal for me. I'm sure I'll get use to it in The Final Season, though I'll no doubt change it to a different hairstyle should the option appear.
It's impractical.
Kinda like Jane, eh?
I'm not disagreeing with you, tho.
That's essentially what [partially] is, bud.
I had even written it like that but then auto-correct changed it up!
Well, yeah ...if you don't chose her ending... but still, none of the ANF characters seemed particularly interested in Clementine, and, if I recall correctly, she only even has a full-on conversation with a handful. Any of her "relationships" in this game pale in comparison to any of her relationships in the first two Seasons.
After reading your comment I decided to mess around in photoshop and oh god what I created was hideous and it further proves your point. Why did you have to put that thought in my head? Now this is all I'll be able to think about when I play the final season.

@Alyssa_TTG if you ever read this... I’m sure this is yet another one of the obnoxious messages you get from the fans. The reason I’m reaching out to you is because I have immense respect for you. You have shown in the past that you are not above discussing these type of things with us. I don't even know if you are over these decisions but even if you're not please show this picture to whoever is. I'm begging you. Clementine is not the joker. You can't tell me after looking at this picture that Clem's hair doesn't resemble the joker's in any way. All I did was recolor her hair and face I didn’t manipulate her face or hair shape at all. I understand that Clem kind of has to look like this at the start of the season but if the creative team could consider adding a time skip somewhere towards the beginning of the season where Clementine’s hair grows out again so she ties it up like before or something. You have no idea how much it would mean to me and the vast majority of the fanbase. This is the end of Clementine’s story. We want to be able to say goodbye to the Clem we know and love not some spitting image of the joker. If you can help in restoring Clem's design to her formal glory you will be saving the final season for countless fans.
She's hideous Argh..
I regret my decision.
From my point of view it somehow does, she's badass now so the ponytails don't apply anymore
That's a very good point, great observation. Reminds me of a scene from the show Avatar: The Last Airbender.
In the season 2 premiere, both Zuko and Iroh cut off the topknots of their hair. It draws inspiration from samurai's, when the topknots of their hair was cut, it was a sign of dishonor and disgrace. In the context of the show, it symbolized the two now becoming outlaws of the Fire Nation, now being hunted by their own country. It was a big change for the characters, and that's why them cutting their hair was a significant action for them to take.
With Clem, she didn't go through any change in her character. Like you said, she never established any sort of connection to Javi or his family (at least one that didn't feel forced), there's no reason for this sudden change of style in her hair as it doesn't reflect any change in character.
She changed to someone I didn't plan to a haircut change for her is fuckall to me.
I kinda agree with that
I feel like if ANF had a more positive reception within the forums, the haircut wouldn't be so frowned upon. I kind of see what looks like a correlation between people receptions of ANF and Clem's new haircut.
I also wondered that too. I think that might be 1 reason
Eeeh, it's not mutually exclusive.