What would have happend with Bruce if his parents never died?

What would have happend with Bruce if his parents never died? We learned in S1 Episode 2 that Alfred only stayed for Bruce because his parents were murdered. So he probably would have left if they were still alive. If Alfred did leave, his parents would raise Bruce instead of him. Would Bruce be a criminal if raised by his criminal parents? Or would he just be a normal guy without the whole Batman thing?


  • I assume it's likely he would have been influenced by his father to become a criminal overseer, though depending on how things with Falcone and Hill were it's possible the Waynes would have learnt some lessons about caution. That said we do have Martha Wayne to think about, who would have fought against Bruce becoming too much like his father... it's possible that her influence would have brought more of a compassionate side in Bruce out.

    There was a Elseworld comic series which included a look at how Bruce would be if he hadn't lost his parents and become Batman, though it was due to the influence of a vendetta Vandal Savage had with his family through the eons and ultimately saw the Waynes, Alfred and Bruce all getting killed off.

  • Chances are he would have turned out like his father because Alfred wouldn't have raised him, taught him right from wrong.

  • At least one of his parents would likely not be alive. His mother was thinking of leaving his father. He might've remarried after that to someone less moral. Hm. Mother dies, evil step-mother... it would've been a twisted Disney princess film. Er.. prince film.

  • edited March 2018

    I believe he would've struggled in his formative adult years, but I don't believe he would've succumbed to his father's legacy. I feel the discovery of Thomas's conduct would remain just as crippling as it was presented canonically (though it would probably become understood slowly, each grotesque detail surfacing individually from the man himself - after all, Thomas would expect his operation to continue with his son), and while he wouldn't perpetuate it or support it in action, I could see him for many years ambivalently supporting his father - though eventually breaking away.

    I believe that as an individual, Bruce carries natural moral integrity. Circumstances may blur it, bury it, but it would remain within. He isn't a perfect human, but I don't feel his story would end by accepting his father's actions.

    Season 1 explored the dichotomy between Vicki and Bruce, both irrevocably changed by a tragic loss and thrust into the arms of new parental guardians. Whereas Bruce found compassion, guidance, and love in Alfred, Vicki faced and was influenced only by neglect and abuse. Both possess very strong moral integrity, arguably to the point of obsessiveness, Vicki's corrupted only by its channel. Continuing this, I believe Bruce's inner-darkness would manifest as a manipulation of his internal values, not the appearance or acceptance of a blacker code.

    Given the Wayne name, it's hard to imagine escape. Nonetheless, I feel Martha and Bruce may have summoned the strength and resolve to expose or inhibit this reign, no matter the personal punishment.

    @Derek Metaltron I always love hearing your knowledge of the mythos. That comic sounds like an emotionally difficult read, woah. :'(

  • I was about to say nothing interesting but then I remembered Telltale's unique take on Bruce's parents. It's interesting to ponder what path would Bruce take as the son of a criminal overlord. Would he follow in his father's footsteps? Would he become a rebellious playboy? So many possibilities! Something to consider is Bruce's friendship with Oz. It's likely he still wouldn't take it well if he found out what his father did to his best friend's family.

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