What do you think about the Final Season's Art ?
What do you guys think about the new Art from TT ?
Features i noticed :
1.They bought the HD Collection Lighting, which makes the game look better. I don't want to see that Foggy lighting from ANF again.
2.The art looks alot like S1's background, which makes me thinking that TFS will end like S1 (and i hope this to be prevented from happening).
Here's comparison :
3.AJ is now big and haves Fro hair. Clem has her normal hair too.
4.New Walker models.
5.The background looks alot like S1's Savannah, atleast i see it like that.
If you find anything interesting, you can share it .
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I really like it! It is an obvious callback to season 1 but I think it's really cool. I'm expecting Clem to really shine as a character this season. I'm one of the few who liked Clem's new hairstyle but the majority hated it so I can understand why they decided to ditch it. I'm happy that they at least kept her new jacket. Overall, I like it and I'm looking forward to the game.
EDIT: Personally I disagree about the background looking like Savannah. It gives me a more countryside vibe. Like the early season 2 setting.
Seeing the two posters next to each other, I can't help but think how old Lee and Kenny would be now.
The car plate says Virginia so most likely The Final Season will be in that area.
The "HD lighting" from the collection is ANF lighting. The collection is just a port of older Seasons to the ANF engine with higher res textures for S1, 2 and Michonne.
This looks like the same ANF artstyle to me. You can even see that shine on the character's skins... like they let water with sugar disolved dry on their skin... something very characteristic of ANF that made everyone look sweaty.
Depending on how far away we are from release, this may or may not be representative of the S4 artstyle. They may not have started developing textures yet and just adapted some ANF models to make this keyart... it's very unlikely, I don't think we will see much change in artstyle from ANF... as unfortunate as that may be.
It's a nice and welcome callback to the original game.
I know one thing - zombies in the picture are dead. I mean doomed. They don't stand a chance against Clem the Zombie Slayer.
Well yeah this is a blatant call back to season one's picture. Just how New Frontier's promotional picture art was a call back to season one Clementine and Lee's journey through I would assume a now apocalyptic street in Macon or Savannah I'm sure you'd know what I'm talking bout if you just did a mild search. But the art this time looks about average I was personally hoping for something original that wouldn't lean on something else pre-established again like New Frontier did but I can see that this season appears to be about Clem and AJ's journey to wherever.... just like with Lee and Clem from season one.
I know plenty folks despise that baby boy for no reason.. but I see it as history repeating itself which is a relevant theme in the real world too. It is also great to see past events still having current consequences in the present and future for this series across entire seasons I think AJ might be the fourth longest surviving game character over the course of seasons that is.
So just as Lee watched over Clem, Clem now watches over AJ as like a foster mother of sorts for Rebecca from season two. Doesn't have to end the same way as it did for Lee and Clementine with Clementine as protector now obviously but I'm not against it ending emotionally tragic in an entirely different way even if it happens to be the opposite now with AJ's demise instead of the protector who's now Clementine dying. I can see that but doubt it would have any gravitational weight for the players because as you know AJ does not seem to be in people's hearts like Clem but Clem would not have either if she was not developed, nor cute. The only thing that can be effective at getting under the audiences skin at this point would be the death of Clementine.
Anything else for an ending will be bland.. I'm willing to bet won't stand the test of time like season one's ending has.. most likely it won't unless it is a ending where Clem lives and yet goes on to be transferred to the comic books which I'm also not against because I like to have an open mind when it comes to storytelling where anything can occur instead of the typical tunnel vision where everyone stares at each other and the sunset with a mysterious future ahead of them if it ends cheesy like this again I'm not going to approve of the ending no matter how great the game turns out because it is so played out now.
P.S. I don't know if anyone else has noticed but this animation if they are going for it for the final season looks to resemble the Season Two and Michonne style animations and I have noticed Clementine in this pic most closely resembles Clementine from season two far as facial features and animated graphics are concerned. I always thought season two Clem was the best and am glad if they are reverting yet still improving on that graphical style. Could be trying to distance themselves as far as possible from New Frontier's mistakes and might be another reason why they changed Clem's appearance from the New Frontier look back to the season 2 look.
Honestly this is enough to make me feel hopeful again. I love it. Seeing the kid grown up means there's a time skip and I think that's a good thing. Having to care for a little kid in the apocalypse doesn't sound like exciting gameplay to me.
Yes, the bracelet was there in ANF.

I remember people coming with theories when they saw this picture:
Clementine's final season design looks awesome! I was seriously looking into model swapping so I wouldn't have to stare at this the whole time...

but now it looks like she won't have that haircut for the entire season. I'm guessing finding AJ will be the arc of episode 1 and Clem will have the emo haircut for that episode. After that, there will probably be a timeskip and we will be able to say goodbye to the disgusting hair.
Well, playing on Low it looks like shit, so i won't argue.
This joker is more creepy than i thought.
The season will start and end like season 1.
Clem is taking care of AJ just like Lee took care of her.
At the end AJ will have to shoot Clem so she doesnt turn like Lee.
Just my guess.
Miss you...