Jared Emerson-Johnson did a great job on the soundtrack
Here's something that I feel wasn't talked about enough this season. Jared's soundtrack for Season 2 was really well done in my opinion. Many people liked the Season 1 OST, myself included, and the slightly darker tone he applied for the sequel worked even better. It works very well as background music for certain scenes, and throughout the season I often found myself looking up certain stand-out tracks on Youtube. Here are some of my favorites (credit to the Youtube channel Twd._.Clementine for these uploads).
I really hope Telltale Games make a Season 3 of Batman and get Jared to do the score for it! For those interested, you can check out his website here.
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Yeah i totally agree.
I actually watch that channel for the music, its awesome.
Everything other than the main theme is good. The main theme, in my opinion, doesn't sound like a Batman theme at all, but it does later in the theme.
He been holding it down since Day 1.
He's a legend.
Thanks y'all! Glad you're liking it.
You kill it on every game! Thanks for all your work
This might be my favorite.
I'm pretty sure that track is from season 1.
He's done a consistently great job, for sure. I love the work he's done in the Batman series. He's done great work with Bane, Riddler, Harley, Freeze, Waller, Joker and I absolutely love how heroic and inspiring Gordon's theme is.
I meant in regard to it fitting the scene. The song was perfect for the Joker/Bruce confrontation.
Bruce's Angst is my favourite one, look it up. It's the one with the Piano (says a lot, right?).
The piano piece that plays during the fight with Joker(Villian) was amazing
Really like this one too.

The Riddler theme was great.
My favorite is Alone. It's the song that plays in episode 3 where Harvey is begging Bruce to help him. It just makes me want to help him.
This one's from Season 1, when Falcone tells Batman the Waynes are behind everything. It was re-used in the final fight with villain Joker. Really good stuff.
My favorites in Season 2 are the main theme,

And the Bane fight theme.

My favorites in Season 1 are the Two-face theme,

the theme that plays when choosing to remove cowl or attack Vicki,

And the final Lady Arkham fight theme.

Can someone put the link or video for the song that plays in episode 3 when Harvey is begging Bruce and Selina to help him.
Here you go:
I like the pause menu theme, it also plays across various episodes.