There is literally no point to ANF
It doesn't focus on Clem's story or her character. The only "meaningful" thing is she finds out where AJ is and is decides to head on over there. But in Season 4, she's going to start with AJ? So what was the actual point of anything in ANF? None of these things will effect her and it's more like some sidestory or fanfiction to explain the gap between Season 2-4
EDIT: I'm not on the forums everyday so I don't know about every topic so sorry if this "has been done a million times before." I mostly made this because during the PAX East talk, someone revealed we're having a timeskip and we instantly start the game with AJ, not that we'll even spend some time going after him.
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Sorry to break it to ya but we covered this topic 50million times already
Yeah yeah we know we've had thousands of threads like this,imo the best they could do is to move on from A New Frontier.
It is dumb, thats why ANF is gonna feel like such a massive fuck up looking at the series as a whole, it serves no purpose.
Anf is a thing to be forgotten,forever..
Why do you people so hate ANF? I mean it has quite interesting story and plots. Of course Season 1 is special, but I really did enjoy more New Frontier than Season 2 in which they, as someone on this site said, "Daryl Dixon'd" Clementine. If not the Season 1 that still served its value to Season 2 then it would most likely be one of the most hilarious and unrealistic games so far. ANF focuses on another storyline giving also a view on how Clementine changed after S2. For me - S1 > ANF >S2
The fact that Clem will start with AJ in TFS just reinforces the idea that ANF was useless filler that serves no purpose. I'm sorry to the writers, designers, and all the people that worked on it, but seriously, the least you could have done is make it appear that the events carried some sort of impact. My advice to future players, play S1 and S2, skip over ANF, and go right into TFS.
tfw interviewer ask if you return in S4 and everyone just laughs
ANF focuses on disregarding as much of what happened in the previous season as it can while half heartedly summarizing everything we did with a default Clementine personality, all for the sake of a generic good guy Negan and tired plot. For me, ANF doesn't even make the order of quality list.
A New Frontier is basically Terminator Genysis. James Cameron will have Terminator 6 ignore the plot of that movie.
In terms of "Walking Dead", I like how Telltale tried to start a new story with it. But, with the previous two seasons recognisable characters and high-stakes, emotionally-charged moments, it didn't turn out great.
In terms of "Clementine's Journey", I really don't like it. All it is by the end is a speedbump in Clem's quest to survive and find AJ. She loses Kenny and Jane after an indeterminate timeskip, she's only with the New Frontier for a short amount of time and gets kicked out before she meets Javier, she doesn't find AJ by the end of the season who the New Frontier failed to care for on their own... it's just awful to look at.
Telltale's got to live with their mistakes, but right now -- writing certain things off like AJ and Clem's reunion -- is not the right way to go. That was a plot point that was set up. I'd like to see it resolved in the moment. Not after the fact.
I’m holding onto the hope that by “we’re starting the final season with AJ” they actually mean we’re starting at the ranch ready to reunite with him and it was all just worded badly. I hope.
Don't get your hopes up. If I recall correctly, I thought one of them said the season starts immediately with a time jump.
(Has major stroke)
RIP Melton23. He just wanted ANF to matter in some way.
It already did tho lol
honestly it just kinda sucks that they’re disregarding the garcias and their characters, i personally got really attached to them but instead we just get a baby (little kid?) we know little to nothing about
the point is that war was declared and children murdered because someone stole pudding.
it happens.
I totally fucking forgot all the bullshit in ANF was started over stolen pudding/gas. Goddamn.
Poor Javier. I actually liked him and Kate.
OMG your all right i had to really think back an remember hard cause i was in denial thinking it was not that stupid but yep thats how it all went down. Back on topic there could be a small chance that Javier is in it, they have shown new characters but maybe old ones will appear eventually.
Yeah, okay no, that is fuckin cheap, lazy, anticlimactic(even more so than it already would've been), underrugsweepy non-storytelling right there.
Eh, for a number of reasons, but personally, I'd say ANF's criticism was earned from the fact that while it had so interesting ideas and some positives/improvements compared to Season 2, it ultimately failed to deliver much of general praise when it comes to the storytelling, direction, and gameplay, which were still objectively further decreases on the Game series from Season 2.
To be fair, people [originally] died over that pudding.
Yeah, ANF really broke the flow and shifted the focus in a strange direction. It felt more like a DLC building up the real season 3.
In retrospect, ANF made Telltale’s troublesome behind the scene development very apparent.
You can really see it in the plot and the development schedule that something went wrong.
It is rather fascinating in a way when you examine it.
People seem to find this hard to grasp but ANF wasn't about Clem. If you judge it as Clem's story than yeah not much happened. But it wasn't about her, it was Javi's story not Clem's.
And that's why it isn't called The Walking Dead Season 3. It's called New Frontier focusing on New Frontier group with Javier as a main man giving also us a character of Clementine to show us how she changed throughout these 4-5 years. You don't like the game? Fine, but how about you simply look at the way the game is, the value of it, the story instead of "this game is bad cause Clementine and...". Just stop with this Clementine bs for a moment and simply compare New Frontier to Season 2. If you say that S2 story was better than New Frontier then it will be a grand new level of being ridicoulus.
Because they were meant to be far from Clementine's Story that was just an add-up to the game. Story of the game was great, it had great soundstracks, awesome scenes and good plots. People please. Just drop "Clementine is love, Clementine is life" for a moment and simply look at the game as New Frontier and no The Walking Dead Season 3. It was far better and far more enjoyable than Season 2 in which Clementine, the unknown daughter of Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon's love was ridicolusly written.
Exactly. That's why it isn't called Season 3 - it's called New Frontier. Clementine's arc is a little add-up to the story.
ANF would have probably been better if Clem wasn't there at all. We all know she had no purpose on that season, she was obviously there for just fan service and now with the news Telltale gave us about Season 4, A New Frontier was so pointless to begin with because the new game is going to start with Clementine along with AJ, there will not be scene which shows Clementine reuniting with AJ at the McCarroll ranch.
Even if Clementine wasn't there, the game was still bad for many reasons:
Also, NOBODY asked for a game where Clementine was just an add-on.
Except the writers and staff HAVE referred to ANF as Season 3 on multiple occasions. So there goes that. And yes, S2s story was infinitely better than the story of a game that literally ends with every character in the same place they are when it starts, with no development and now, seemingly no purpose. The Alone ending of S2 looks like it would tie in better to TFS than the entirety of ANF. So I'm not going to stop with this Clementine BS, even TT felt the need to let everyone know we'd be getting back to the story as soon as they could. So there's no need for me to look at the way the game is, the value of it, or the story. I already have, and it was found sorely wanting.
Except they told us/sold it to us that this was going be both Javi and Clem story together equally and it wasn't they lied right to are face.
"Nobody asked" is such an annoying and entitled way to look at things. It encourages the idea that developers should only make what YOU want them to make.
All I wanted was choices to matter and see the development of the characters. A New Frontier didn't give two shits about the choices we made with Clementine in the first seasons and forced us to care about characters who were complete asshole, Kate and Gabe were the worst part of that game.
What is the point to any videogame?
I played it, I enjoyed it, I laughed, I cried, I moved on with my life and didn't stew in bitterness on a messageboard for years.
All you have to say in response is that you don't like the game? My reply really didn't even mention the quality of ANF so I don't know why you're rambling on about that.
This comment has given me much to think about
That’s true, and when you think of it, ANF could very well be the straw that broke the camel’s back when it came to the way Telltale managed their operations. Bruner stepped down and left the company while the Season was still ongoing, and if that Verge article is truthful in the way it was described, he just kind of packed up and left. It was him that was going around saying how ANF was the biggest season, how they had to split the first episode into 2, there would be 36 variations of Clem, etc. and this led to some pretty big backlash from the community when that proved to not be entirely true. I wouldn’t be surprised if that, coupled with numerous other factors, had the BOD at Telltale sort of force him out in a way. ANF showed everything wrong with the Bruner management style and how it was affecting development and quality.
The problem though is that they were calling Season 3. Go back and look at the later trailers for the game, it’s referred to as both A New Frontier and Season 3. And if they wanted to focus solely on Javi and the New Frontier, then they should have done that, marketed it as a sort of side story, and not include Clem at all, because her appearance is actually a huge hindrance on the game as a whole, and I’m one of the biggest Clem fans here on the forums. I’m looking at the way the game is, it’s a total mess in terms of story and it’s production (rewrites, important members leaving mid season, constant lies from Telltale). The value is more than what I paid for with S1 and S2 and I got far less content due to the shortened episode lengths. Oh, and I do find S2 better than ANF, that’s my opinion. You have yours, fine, all the more power to you, but don’t call people ridiculous for disagreeing with you.