“Wrath” and “What's Your Story” Episode Discussion
Well, I’m actually at the Survival Sunday thing because, well, it was cheap, and I got a friend. So no comments from me till later.
And I got lazy, so only one thread for both episodes? I guess spoil tag Fear stuff?
As always comment before, after, and while you watch. I’ll be back!
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Im actually hype for this finale tbh I haven’t been hyped since like,, season 6
Dammit! Missed it again!
This episode is pissing me off so far tbh
Other than keeping Negan alive, are we even following the comics anymore?
Just came from the Sutvival Sunday thing, no commercials, ended like 40 minutes earlier than the two episodes. So I am ahead. The Fear episode was quite good. I really enjoyed it.
I dont bother watching Fear, but this episode was kinda just ok.
I enjoyed the Eugene sabotage, but for like the first time in Walking Dead history the episode felt rushed. Dont get me wrong Im happy they didnt waste time the endless worthless filler, but stuff like the Negan vs Rick fight just went so fast. Negan getting defeated didnt feel that satisfying because Rick stabs his throat, Negan just falls, and then the camera just pans away almost immediately. Just that Negan's defeat felt kinda underwhelming.
Also just some smaller issues with character development being pretty dumb. Morgan suddenly isn't full on crazy anymore because Jesus said "lmao dude use the other end of the stick lmao" so he goes to trash lady. Im assuming the helicopter is what brings Morgan to Fear, not sure I dont bother watching it. Hopefully the helicopter will be explained and wont literally just be there for "Morgan needs to change shows." Was also just weird seeing Morgan just go "Here Carol, take my stuff, I need to leave...I know where I have to go..." Like they arnt even trying to give a real reason for Morgan to be in Fear.
Overall though I did enjoy the episode a lot more than the other episodes. But sadly it still shows that nothing important ever happens in this show unless it is the first or last episode.
Well... riperoni pepperoni, that finale sucked. So much poor decisions made this season can’t imagine it will go on much longer. Unless season 9 turns things around I think the show is just gonna die. I mean I literally don’t give a shit about anyone in this show anymore because they keep making the characters so unbelievable, they do these 180’s like “fuck people let’s kill em” “oh shit sad ni?️?️a hours let’s not kill em” Like Rick and Morgan have done this shit 20 times now. This is the definition of milking a franchise... I would rather play ANF 10 times over then watch this season again.
They followed the comics, I liked it
What a waste, after everything just kept Negan and the Saviors alive, so Seasons 6, 7 and 8 were pointless lmfao
Finale felt very rush and some main characters didn’t even speak in this Episode, what a crappy show lol, I think they are coping A New Frontier.
Well Fear was good....TWD...I dunno....they need to energize it somehow...I mean when your spinoff is way better than your flagship...you have issues.
You know, seeing ghost Jared (long-haired savior guy that got eaten a few episodes back) with his entire back ripped open and spine exposed really makes you realize how PG-13 they made his death. And also how much of a kick in the nuts it was for the make-up/effects crew that worked on that scene.
Hey guys, remember Heath? What the fuck happened to him?
Lmao dude just disappeared in season 7,i'm guessing he'll come back in season 9.
I actually liked this episode,of course Rick and Negan fight was anticlimatic but i expected that,i'm glad we can move on from this All out War arc now,i haven't watched Fear yet but i've heard it's good so i'll see.
Just finished watching the first episode of Fear,and..
I loved it ! The new characters are great,and that ending..
At this point i'm really starting to think Fear is better than TWD.
Honestly, why bother anymore? Despite being a relatively prominent character in the comics during this time, he was in like 4 episodes of Season 6 and one in Season 7. There's probably fans of the show that don't even remember him anymore, and if he were to show up, they'll think he's a new character or be drawing blanks on who he is. And besides, Heath has been relegated to a side character at this point in the comics, he doesn't do that much anymore anyway, so bringing him back would be pretty much pointless.
Not completely. Yah they kept Negan alive but this whole “civil war” bullshit with Maggie, Jesus, and Daryl is so dumb and forced. The way Morgan left the show felt so stupid as well, you could tell they just had no idea how to move his character to fear.
Am I the only one who thinks Fear is better than the original show?
What even is Jesus anymore. He just disappeared for almost the entire season, and how he keeps going "NO KILL!" and now hes like "yee man lets show Rick a lesson for not killing Negan!" This whole civil war thing with Maggie and all that seems so dumb.
Well, that was something. I'm surprised none of the main cast died (I expected at least one). Definitely the weakest finale by far in my opinion. Let's hope Angela Kang can help the show find its footing in S9,
And the “use the other end of the stick” conversation between Jesus and Morgan, and how it turned Morgan back to normal instantly felt so rushed. It was almost like they wanted Morgan to become more normal for fear.
Negan still alive after he just got his throat slit? Ok... Change definitely needed for the next season. No more of these melodramatic, nonsense dialogue that infests the episodes (like the opening of the ep with Rick and some random guy no one cares about). No more characters who were/are absolute psychotic, cartoon characters crying and engaging in these over the top type emotional speeches (Negan, Dwight, Garbage Woman etc). That's not character development, that's just the showrunners running out of ideas and changing their personalities.
True, it’s out of character for Maggie AND Jesus
A lot of people thought that this was Maggie becoming a villain or something but it's not,they just made the scene way more dramatic for..whatever reason.
If the whisperers are coming there's not gonna be time to do that shit she's probably just gonna track down Negan like in the comics.