Beyond Two Souls Discussion
Apologies if there is already a thread on this but I started playing this recently. Any fans? I have to say i am really enjoying it so far! I think i am about half way through!
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I never played the game but watched Pewdiepie playing it back in 2013. This game is okay at the best, things that ruined it are the horrible QTEs, great performances of Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe but unrelateable characters, every level is just jumping from past, then future, then past, then future and the endings etc.
Without spoiling anything, it's overall a pretty good time, no alcohol required. I hope you're having fun. I have a feeling that Detroit Become Human is going to have easter eggs of that game just like Beyond has easter eggs of Heavy Rain.
Yeah i seen the trailer for Detroit. I think its good that they are promoting awareness of child abuse. We don’t see enough of it in games so its a very brave thing to do.
Yeah i know what you mean about Beyond Two Souls. I am fascinated by the story and because it’s non chronological it is keeping me guessing as to what happens next. Thanks for the reply
I enjoyed it though it's not anything as replayable as Heavy Rain was for me, likely because the non-chronological nature of the story meant that they can't have the character at risk in the same way the four characters in Heavy Rain could be, so the endings were much more limited in what you could have. But Ellen Page and William Defoe are excellent in it and the sequences are fun, if disjointed. I haven't played the remastered version yet but I did hear they added a chronological play of the story in there, though I think you have to finish it once in the natural way first...
I'm more excited for Detroit because Quantic Dream haven't done a full on sci-fi story before and it seems to be returning to the feel of Heavy Rain with three different and seemingly ideologically opposed characters who could hopefully be pushed in several different directions - do you decide for Marcus to be a pacifist or an aggressor, for Connor to be a human loyalist or betray his programming, how do you handle things with Kara and the girl she protects? And the fact that it looks like all three characters can be killed at most parts of the story.
I played it for the first time myself not long ago. The homeless chapter was a masterpiece and got me pretty emotional. Also Willem Dafoe just nails every scene he's in, he carried the whole game for me.
Willem Dafoe made this game. And as mentioned above, the homeless chapter was a highlight of the game. I also really liked the one in the desert with that family.
Agreed, the Homeless chapter is a fav of mine, alongside the Condenser (for creepy horror) the Dinner (for sweet romantic) and Hunted (for general badassery).
Also I think the actress playing the child Jodie deserves a shout out, because she manages to defy every bad kid actor trope and play a sweet, broken little kid with an array of emotions and genuine wants for an eight year old.
I agree! I loved the Homeless chapter. It gave a sense of hopelessness like you really felt you were Jodie and were homeless and it was a really nice chapter in general too
I hate the fact that a lot of idiots criticized the Detroit Become Human trailer with the child abuse for being too violent. Like dude, what were they expecting, rainbows? They don't criticize violent movies but they blame the video games instead? How hypocritical.
I know right? People are FAR too sensitive these days and get offended if people breathe the wrong way! It deeply saddens me. The trailer (and undoubtedly the game eventually) is intended to educate people about abuse not “influence” it as some people have actually said. Someone i hear even started a petition to cancel the game! Lol!! I have great respect for David Cage and Quantic Dream in what they have done
Quantic Dream games have often dealt with some touchy subjects, including torture, attempted suicide and attempted rape in Beyond, but it's usually done in a well defined way. Heavy Rain did I have to admit though put the sole female POV Madison in most of the creepy killer/molester situations, so I am hoping they don't use Kara predominantly for that.
Heavy Rain was awful,so many things sucked and the game was trying too hard to be depressing,and i still remember that unnecessary Dream scene with Madison.
But yeah Beyond Two Souls is..okay i guess.
And having respect for David Cage ? lmao,i still remember there's a bonus scene in Fahrenheit where you see him dancing with the female protagonist in underwear,or when he said
"Game overs are a failure of the game designer" lol fuck that guy.
I still have high hopes for Detroit so let's hope it's good.
And if you haven't played it already play Fahreinheit the Indigo Prophecy much better than that shitty Heavy Rain game,even if the story goes insane at the end it's still worth it.
Beyond Two Souls is one of the best story games of all time. I really like it because it is very unique and is a story that isn't as commonly explored as the stories seen in most other games. My only gripe with it is that I personally think that it would have been more powerful if it was in chronological order. I know that the game is about Jodie picking up the pieces and fixing her memory but I watched a video that put all of the chapters in chronological order and it is a lot more emotional and relatable seeing Jodie's and Aiden's journey in the order it actually happened rather than "Here's this, this, this, and this! Now piece it together!" There is some seriously good character development that happens and I personally find it more enjoyable to experience the development as it is happening and to see the characters gradually grow up rather than flashes of before and after. It's like if you took all of the chapters in The Last of Us and shuffled them in a random order. It would still be a good game but you would miss out on seeing the character development at its fullest potential. But this is just down to my personal taste. There is charm to the whole having to guess what will happen next because it is non-chronological, but I still think that there are plenty of twists and turns with it being chronilogical and there are a lot of details that can be easily missed because of the way it is non-chronological.
If you haven't finished the game yet I reccomend that you do before spending time talking about it with others. There are a lot of twists and it would be a shame if you accidently spoil it for yourself.
It's kinda hilarious that you think Heavy Rain is awful considering you're a big telltale fangirl (har har). Heavy Rain is what telltale does on steroids but your choices matter and there are a tonne more consequences. Different strokes for different fokes I suppose. Detroit looks like a step in the right direction though cause Beyond Two Souls abandoned some of the choice/consequences that were so good in Heavy Rain.
And yes your Clem looks like a man.
Yeah i know it's funny but i think it's because i played Fahrenheit The Indigo Prophecy before Heavy rain that's why.
I like how your choices matters and all of that,i'm still gonna play Detroit because it looks amazing.
I am interested in the fact that Detroit is apparently so complex with the way that your actions as Kara, Connor and Markus and the consequences of your decisions can go that you’ll be able to access a vast branching tree with all the possible outcomes of significant choices, similar to the ones we’ve seen in the various trailers...
Its ok i have completed it now haha. Glad you like it. I am currently obsessed with it. Brilliant game
Can't speak for her but Telltale has had competent writers behind their works in the past (not all of them obviously but still). David Cage's ambition is admirable, but the guy just can't write. His games are filled with plot holes, leaps in logic, cartoonishly vile villains (who have a disquieting pattern of being sexually charged against female leads) forced romance, cliches and stereotypes. Even from a game design standpoint his games can be flawed. Fahrenheit had the player assume both the killer and the cops POV for some inane reason. Beyond: Two Souls is in anachronic order, so some scenes can completely negate your choices from previous ones.
Telltale has had duds but their recent IPs have had interchanging writers on separate teams. Of course that means they're hit or miss but when they nail it their games are golden (engine aside cause that thing's dated garbage.) All of Quantic Dreams games just feel poor and pretentious in the writing department to me, which does give them appeal in a "so bad it's good" way, but that's definitely not what David intended. I do enjoy his games ironically (and they do have their moments of excellence) but David's writing (and at times directing) ability keep them from being truly brilliant.
The graphics in Quantic Dream games look amazing though, and Heavy Rain did handle choice and consequence remarkably well. Have to give them props for that.
My point was that it's what telltale does with a bigger budget and larger scope. Plus there aren't many narrative choice adventure games these days with AAA budgets. There is Quantic Dream and Supermassive Games Until Dawn but I can't think of any others.
From what I've seen of Detroit the writing and direction has definitely improved.
David Cage's finest moment

I'm excited to see a potential encounter between Marcus and Connor as they appear to be complete opposites in their beliefs.
Agreed, clearly you will be able to decide what kind of revolutionary Markus is and presumably have a choice over whether Connor remains loyal to humans or becomes a deviant himself, so one could imagine they might have a number of different encounters with each other. Kara appears to be the neutral and empathetic character between them so I look forward to seeing her role too. Remember there is a chance that all or none of them could be alive for the story finale too...
Heyyyy guys I totally enjoyed... watching this game... why did I buy an Xbox... what happened to halo 5... fuck me.
I hate everything David Cage produces. Beyond Two Souls is no exception. But like, Beyond Two Souls is such a special example of everything going wrong in the most beautiful way. The story makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and I love it so much. It's my favorite David Cage game purely on the grounds of the "What the FUCK" factor.
Cage's games are so wonderfully, unintentionally hilarious. I actually love playing them for this reason.
His first game, Omikron, has to be seen to believed. I recommend watching the Super Best Friends LP. Do NOT play it yourself.
Hey guys, what are your favourite chapters in order of best to worse? As i have not long completed it, i am still not familiar enough with them all yet to make a list yet but i will say the chapters that i will always remember because they were incredible. Homeless, Hunted, Navajo, The Mission and the one underwater in the submarine (forget the name?) are definitely my memorable favourites, also probably because they are the longest chapters lol. The Hunted chapter was very intense! It had me on the edge of my seat the whole time , plus the mystery surrounding Jodie as to why she was on the run from the law was very appealing as we didn’t know why at that point. The Homeless chapter had me in tears at numerous points. That was just simply beautiful to experience.
Ps. Should this post be separate to this topic? What do you think? Should i start a new post for this question?
Detroit: Become Human goes gold
Demo of the first scene "Hostage" comes out tomorrow.
I've played the "new" Cage games thus far, they're okay. Heavy Rain is good, but I felt the twist was kind of cheap (and I saw it coming before it happened). Beyond was... Okay. Good in some parts, others were pretty meh and it was underwhelming in terms of choices/consequences. I played the PS4 version which comes with a chronological version, so that was actually enjoyable and understandable to play through. Don't think I would have wanted things to jump around. (Even so, the last 3-4 chapters retain their original order of child/adult because they still hadn't set up Willem Dafoe's family and put it at the end to make sure players would remember for the finale I guess)
Detroit looks a lot more ambitious and well-crafted than the other two games though.
Excited to get to play Detroit's demo in a couple hours. Apparently if you pre order the digital edition you get Heavy Rain for free, which is nice if you haven't tried it yet.
I agree. David Cage games are what hooked me into the niche to begin with. I would love to see what Telltale could do with Quantic Dream's production values
That's true, I can think of a few recent narrative choice adventure games but they're mostly obscure indie titles and they're very hit or miss in terms of quality.
I hope your right, the premise looks interesting and it could be amazing if done justice (which could've been said for the concepts for all of David's games)
While Beyond two souls was a great game, you have to admit the story got ridiculous at times, which is a problem for a story driven game
It could just be me but I don’t really enjoy David Cage’s writing they always start strong but at some point crash and burn
Hopefully Detroit become human proves me wrong
Vampyr appears to be the other big major choice and consequence game incoming, so it shows the genre has developed a strong following alongside Telltale games, especially considering other recent titles like Oxenfree, Life is Strange and Until Dawn. I haven't played The Council yet but I gather it's in the same kind of field too.
Fair enough, i disagree though. I enjoyed the story from start to finish. I liked piecing the story together as it was non chronological too
Didn't shit the bed as much as Indigo Prophecy's stupid stupid last third, but god there's some really baaaaad scenes in that game. Ugh. Still find it entertaining even the stupid stuff, but yeah. Heavy Rain had at least some stakes and mattered.
Uh Vampyr is a totally different genre it's an action RPG... These narrative adventure games mimic the choice/consequence that was established in rpg's but they are definitely not the same genre. Like Witcher 3, Skyrim, Mass Effect are not the same genre as Life Is Strange, Until Dawn and Detroit.
Also The Council is a narrative adventure game that has put more rpg elements into it like classes, speech checks, skills etc.
Holy shit, you got it too soon.

rayman legends is amazing though so AT LEAST THERE'S SOME CONSOLATION
Ohhhhh, nice! I was figuring they'd wait until next month for that game to be a PS Plus title. Makes me more likely to consider getting the digital edition of Detroit so I would get Heavy Rain remastered for free and have the set.
I loved Beyond Two Souls!

Got pretty emotional multiple times