Your Favourite Telltale Games' Walking Dead Moments
I am a bit late with this discussion but to celebrate the 6th year anniversary of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead Season One Episode 1 release I wanted to ask what are your favourite moments in the franchise?
I want to keep this discussion as positive as possible so please try to avoid posting any negative aspects of The Walking Dead or parts that you didn't enjoy especially A New Frontier and Michonne as people seem to love ripping into those two titles a lot. I am sure that there is some positive aspects from each title that you enjoyed so feel free to post them
Anyways everyone and anyone can comment! I think it would be cool if Telltale Staff got involved as it would be interesting to see what aspects of the Series that they enjoyed.
Thank you all and many thanks to Telltale for creating a story that I hold dear to my heart and love immensely. Telltale make The Final Season an unforgettable experience
The entire Finale for Season 2 really made me shocked. With a total of 5 endings (8 if you count each Alone ending and how you get there) was fantastic. [Look Away] was the best choice I ever made
I think Lee's death still to this day was the most memorable passing of a video game character that I've ever experienced. The whole ordeal was just so damn heart-breaking that I literally stared at the screen as the credits rolled and thought, "Wow... what an experience." Season one literally changed the way I looked at and enjoyed video games; it was just that good.
I really liked the season 2 finale. For me at least it was the hardest choice I have ever had to make in this entire series and every possibility made me feel awful and question my decisions. I play these games to mess with my emotions so I really liked it.
I’ve got a pretty good list here.
Lee walking through the herd of walkers to get to Clem shows how much he cares about her and how he truly thinks of her as his daughter.
Lee’s death. I loved Lee as much as the next person, but goddamn if that scene wasn’t beautiful and heart wrenching. especially if you choose to have Clem make sure he doesn’t come back.
Clem stitching her arm, intense, graphic, and fun to play.
Clem reuniting with Kenny was definitely emotional for me, considering Kenny has been one of my favourites since we first saw him in season 1.
Clem changing Kenny’s bandages, shows that he trusts her and just cute in general. Aside from uh, Kenny’s missing eye.
The fire in season 2 where Bonnie, Mike, Luke, Kenny, Clem and Jane are all sitting together, heart warming and a nice change from the regular action.
Clem and Gabe playing euchre showed Clem getting to be a kid, one of my favourite scenes in that whole season.
Javi and David’s fight but ONLY if you choose for Javi to say he loves his brother instead of fighting back.
The scene where Javi is cutting Clem’s hair and teases her about her crush on Gabe.
Although this didnt happen in my playthrough, the scene where Gabe is dying and Clem tells him she always thought she’s be alone until she met him makes me cry every fuckin time.
I love this scene from ANF. I really was hoping for something this. I love how everybody just looks at Clementine like wtf? You’re joking right? “I said please!” Also seeing Javier’s reaction when covering himself in guts was perfection.

I wouldn’t mind if a similar scene is rehashed in the final season.
For season 1: Most likely Lee dying.
For season 2: Kenny vs. Jane.
For season 3: Going after Gabe and David alone and then going back to Richmond.
For Michonne: Episode 2 at the ending, choosing to spare Randall or not.
One of my favorite moments was in TWD season 1 Episode 5 where Lee had to fight through the horde of walkers to reach the march house. Seeing Lee fight through the horde of walkers while the music armed with death played in the background was powerful and exciting to see.
When Jane committed suicide.
Man, off the top of my head
Lee walking into the drug store back office, seeing the bloody sleeping back and finding the picture of his family with Alive Inside playing in the background.
Lee ragebeating the St John brother while everyone silently gathers together.
Putting Duck down right after he started growing on me.
Ben confronting Kenny.
Fighting through the streets of Savannah. Awesome song choice just added to it.
Lees death.
Digging through the backpack and pulling out a picture of Lee, then Ducks drawing. Right in the feels.
Stitching up the arm was pretty painful.
Talking to Luke about their pasts.
Meeting Kenny, the whole lodge hub and dinner scene. I really just liked that entire section.
Berating Kenny while he's lashing out after Saritas death.
Trying to save Luke, I was back and forth between how I felt about him most of the season but that put him up there for me.
The fight choice, I was pretty conflicted the first time I played it.
Arriving at Wellington.
It's been a while since I sat down and thought about this, so let's see...
The whole intro portion (in the car, the crash, searching around Clementine's house). Just an all around good mood setter for the game you were in for.
The drugstore as a hub. The whole area is calm but eerie. Something warm and welcoming about it, but also something dark and foreboding.
Clearing out the motel.
The entire drugstore escape. The iconic Carley/Doug choice, holding the doors closed, Larry knocking Lee out, Kenny narrowly saving your life. Probably the overall highlight of episode 1 for me.
The bear trap. This is pretty much one of the iconic scenes of the entire game for me. Tossed right into the middle of a bad situation, walkers are closing in, and everyone is just yelling over each other as you try to figure out how to save this guy. What I especially like is how it's set up as a race against the clock, but without any visual indication of how much time you actually have left. It just adds to the desperation of the entire scene by not having a distinct timer ticking down.
Exploring Jolene's camp, and the encounter with her afterwards.
The St John reveal. Plugging in that power cord, the music suddenly turning ominous, then seeing the light under the bookshelf... you knew exactly what was coming, but it still makes your hair stand up.
The meat locker. I doubt this one really needs an explanation.
The entire final showdown with the St Johns. Not just Andy, either. The fight with Danny (and choosing his fate), the scene with Brenda, and the infamous Andy fight. It's also one of those rare scenes where it doesn't lose its impact regardless of what you choose. Spare them, kill them all... it still leaves you with that "wow" feeling no matter what.
The bandit raid. A neat and memorable section of gameplay.
The argument on the side of the road, AKA Carley/Doug's death.
The confrontation with Kenny on the train. Similar to the St John thing listed above, this is another scene that's incredibly powerful regardless of what you do: let Kenny take his anger out on you without fighting back, fight Kenny, or talk him down.
Katjaa and Duck's deaths.
The herd at the end of episode 3.
The beginning of episode 4 with the fight in the streets.
The boy in the attic.
Exploring the waterfront with Kenny.
Navigating the sewers.
The Crawford raid, and the twist of everyone already being dead.
Ben's confession, and everyone discussing what to do about him.
The entire belltower escape; Lee fighting his way up the stairs, and the big choice with Ben.
Lee getting bitten.
Cutting off Lee's arm.
Ben telling off Kenny.
The whole mansion fight scene.
Ben's death/Kenny's "sacrifice".
The scene immediately following Ben's death. It's one of the few times where you really get to see Lee let his guard down. Usually he's all stoic and stuff, and part of that is due to being the main character, but after Ben's death and Kenny apparent demise, you actually see him break down a bit, which I really like. Added points for the fact that you get to roleplay a bit with how much it effected Lee, specifically the part where Christa asks how you're feeling, and you can say that Kenny was your friend, or blame the Stranger for both ("That's two on him now. The motherfucker whose got Clementine has Ben and Kenny to answer for.")
Lee chopping his way through the street. Yet another scene that's always great no matter how you play it. Cutting your way through a horde of walkers with one arm? Awesome. Slicing through a horde of walkers with a cleaver and a shard of glass as you slowly die from a bite? Also awesome. Fighting your way through a horde of zombies, getting bitten by a few of them along the way and shrugging it off like a complete boss? Very awesome.
The whole final talk/fight with the Stranger. The thing that always stands out is how they opted to have no music whatsoever for the entire scene. The whole thing is just dead quiet, and I'd honestly say that's what really made the scene work as well as it did. And of course, the opportunities for roleplaying; trying to justify what you did when the Stranger criticizes you, or being able to outright admit that you fucked up. And being able to tell him about what happened to Lee's wife, which I honestly wish was a mandatory scene rather than an optional one.
The final walk through the herd.
Lee's death. Obviously.
Omid's death.
The entire little "16 months later" scene. Chatting with Christa, re-lighting the fire, looking at the picture of Lee and the Kenny drawing, and so forth.
The Winston chase.
The cabin group introduction, with them all arguing over what to do with Clementine. Waking up with a barrel of a gun in your face as a group of people argue about what to do with the life of an 11 year old is a pretty defining moment of S2 as a whole.
The whole cabin stealth sequence.
Clementine stitching herself up.
The shed walker fight.
The entire scene in the kitchen. Nick trying to apologize, and talking to Luke about Lee.
Looking around the stream, trying to figure out what happened. Have you ever counted all the bodies you can see during this scene? There's like, 11 dead/dying people, including the walker that bit Pete.
The final choice of episode 1.
The Pete intro of episode 2. Some people prefer Nick's intro, but Pete's send-off is definitely one of the highlights of S2, especially considering that some characters didn't exactly get the best deaths...
The first confrontation with Carver in the cabin. A thoroughly entertaining game of verbal cat and mouse.
The walker fight on the bridge.
The "stand-off" on the bridge with Matthew.
The Kenny reunion.
The confrontation between Walter and Nick after he finds the knife.
The walker attack on the lodge, and Walter's choice of either saving Nick or letting him die. And the option to smack Walter in the case of the latter.
The whole hostage situation with Carver.
When you first enter Howe's.
Reggie's death.
Kenny/Mike fighting in the shoe store, and subsequent walker breach.
The talk with Carver in his office.
The whole radio/beatdown scene.
The final scene with Alvin in the office.
The entire final scene with Carver. Kenny kneecapping him, and his subsequent death.
The entire final part of the episode after you go outside; Troy's death, walking through the herd, Carlos getting shot, everything going to hell, the final Sarita choice, and my favorite thing: the way the episode just cuts to black, with nothing but the music on the PA playing.
The opening of episode 4, escaping the herd.
The entirety of the trailer park scene. Making your way over to Sarah and Luke, the Sarah choice, and the talk on the way back.
Talking to Kenny in the tent.
The museum.
The observation deck.
The walker fight at the observation deck.
The whole scene after the baby is born. Things winding down, Jane leaving, Luke and Kenny butting heads.
The whole ending sequence/cliffhanger. Some people might get offended by me daring to compare the two, but this cliffhanger had me feeling the way I did at the end of that episode in S5 of Breaking Bad (BB fans know exactly what episode and scene I'm talking about).
The beginning of episode 5. Despite the lack of continuity and everyone miraculously surviving, I still thought it was a solid sequence on its own.
Talking to Luke about everything that's happened.
Talking to Kenny when you change his bandages.
The campfire scene.
The frozen lake scene. I might be one of the few people that genuinely liked this sequence, and one of the even fewer people that were okay with Luke's death as well.
Pretty much everything at the unfinished house; talking to Jane, helping Kenny with the truck, talking to Bonnie (if you helped Luke, that is), talking to Jane again, talking to Kenny in the truck.
The Lee flashback.
Kenny and Jane's argument in the truck.
Walking through the blizzard after the truck crashes.
The Kenny and Jane fight, as well as the following choice.
The Jane ending. Oh yeah, I'm one of the people that actually liked these endings, even in spite of not shooting Kenny originally. They're not as emotional as Kenny's endings, but that's kind of the point; the big sad moment of the Jane endings IS Kenny's death. But that feeling of emptiness and hopelessness when you go back to Howe's, and the slight bit of hope when you let the family in makes for a good ending, in my opinion.
The Wellington ending. Not much explanation needed here, I don't think.
The whole beginning fight scene.
The water walker scene.
When you enter the Mobjack through the window instead of the ladder. Seriously, if any of you ever play Michonne again, do this. It's way creepier, and shows a LOT more of the carnage that happened on the ferry than the other one does.
Seeing Monroe for the first time.
The talk with Norma, and subsequent interrogation with Greg.
The whole final scene with Randall forcing Zachary to interrogate the group.
The Randall fight in episode 2, if you attack him instead of Norma. Bonus points for Michonne's quick thinking by crushing Randall's arm with a steering wheel.
The Monroe escape, if you stop Pete.
Trying to make your way through the walker herd on the shore, as all the pissed off Monroe people take potshots at you.
Climbing the fallen tower.
Sam's surgery scene.
The Michonne apartment flashback/hallucination.
The whole scene with John.
The whole courtyard fight. Particularly if you attack the guy with the flare gun. That death. That goddamn death...
The final Randall fight.
Interrogating/torturing Randall. I mean, I love the character, but you can't deny that turning his hands into pancakes is pretty satisfying after all the shit he did.
The whole house hub in episode 3. A lot of world and character building, and you're able to explore just about the entire house.
The whole hostage trade with Norma. Only thing I don't like is if you make the trade when Randall's alive. All the other outcomes are pretty good, though.
The final Norma fight, and her subsequent demise (don't worry though, I mercy killed her. But still, Norma is probably the most visceral and gory walker kill Telltale's done to date.)
Escaping the burning house.
Michonne's flashback/hallucination with her daughters, and the way it kept cutting back to reality. A lot of people don't like that final choice, and understandably so, but it's still a pretty big character building moment for Michonne. It definitely could have been handled a bit better, but I still give it credit for trying.
The ending.
The beginning flashback.
The talk with Kate in the van.
The junkyard hub.
The confrontation with Max in the junkyard.
Javier and Clementine's walk and talk down the road.
Arriving at Prescott.
The ending of the episode.
The opening of episode 2 if you went with your family (who doesn't love a good surgery scene, eh?)
Dealing with the New Frontier at the gates of Prescott.
The attack of Prescott. Walking through the smoke with all the distorted sounds of gunfire, zombies, and screams in the background made for a pretty memorable moment.
The talk with Kate in the back of the car, after Prescott falls.
The confrontation at the Richmond gates, and the episode 2 cliffhanger.
Javier's episode 3 flashback.
Javier and David catching up, for lack of a better term. Telling him about Mariana, what happened and all that.
The whole scene outside the factory, trying to get the door open as the walkers pound on the fence.
The Badger chase/fight, and his subsequent death (namely the ones where you smash his head, or let Conrad do it).
Javier's episode 4 flashback.
Javier and David's talk inside the jail/quarantine/locker room.
Sneaking through Richmond with Gabe/Kate.
Making your way to the armory. I love how the place was completely abandoned. No sounds except the wind blowing through the hallways. Pretty eerie, especially considering ANF doesn't have many eerie/creepy moments in it besides the beginning of episode 1.
Clementine's flashbacks. Both the Kenny/Jane ones, as well as the part with Ava afterwards.
The whole Lingard scene and choice of killing him or not.
The whole execution scene. Talking to Joan, the Tripp/Ava choice, and then the shoot Joan/take deal choice.
The whole ending fight, along with the wall being blown up. Bonus points for if you kept Conrad alive and he decides to come back. And his potential sacrifice in the last 10 seconds of the episode.
The flashback at the beginning of episode 5.
The present day intro; the immediate aftermath of the herd and all that.
Javier and David's talk on the roof.
Javier and Clem talking about AJ, and David explaining why he gave him away.
Walking through the herd to get to the generator.
The showdown with David. Another scene that's good no matter what, whether you fight back or not.
Going after David and Gabe. Javier's big walker slaughter.
Kate's (half) on-screen death. Finding her as a zombie and putting her down. Also, David's return immediately afterwards, although I wish we could have seen his reaction to her death.
David's on screen death.
Going with Kate to save Richmond.
The memorial wall scene.
The final talk with Clementine, as Javier slowly murders her hair.
I think that covers all the main stuff. Truth be told, there's a lot of other scenes I liked too, but if I sat here trying to list them all it'd take forever.
Off the top of my head
Deciding who to feed for Lilly.
Brenda's Confession
Jolene's Video.
Kenny refusing to leave Ben.
Meeting The Stranger.
Shel's Story.
Tavia's Epilogue.
The holdup with Michelle.
The Cabin Group debating what to do about Clementine's Bite.
Talking to Alvin at the Window.
Meeting Sarah.
The Appointment with Dr. Carlos.
Pete's Final Hours.
Hanging with Sarah in Pete's room.
Carlos's Reaction to Carver's Visit.
Nick becoming a danger to The Group.
Decorating the Christmas Tree with Sarah and Sarita.
Carlos Trusting and Covering Clementine.
The Hostage Situation in the Ski Lodge.
Showing Sarah how to trim the Berry Bushes.
Troy Saving Clementine.
Alvin's Canon Death.
Debating what to do with Carver.
Troy's Reaction to Jane's Offer.
Inspiring Sarah to leave the Trailer Park.
Going with Mike and Bonnie first.
The Russian Standoff and Shootout.
Luke Confessing his Feelings.
Arvo getting sick of Kenny's shit.
Talking with Bonnie on Arvo's Backstep.
Meeting Norma.
Holding Randall Hostage.
Oak's Backstory.
Sneaking Out With Eleanor.
Gabe's Vow.
Max before the Destruction of Prescott.
Ava's Introduction.
Above the Law's Flashback.
The Interview with Joan and Clint.
Conrad's Heel Realization.
Sticking the David's Plan.
Gabe deciding to stay in New Richmond.
Exposing Joan with Max.
Breaking Out with Kate's help.
Talking to Gabe about Trust.
Ava seeing off Clementine.
Reminiscing with Kate.
David's "Hearing."
Kate's (For Real) Return to Action.
Kate Accepting Responsibility for the Breach.
Burying David.
Kate's Determinate Funeral.
Conrad delivering the Moral.
Dr. Lingard's Scene in the Epilogue.
Lee dying and Clementine leaving him to turn (in my playthrough)
Talking to Luke in the cabin in episode 2 of season 2
Sitting with Luke at the table is a controversial one for me, because in retrospect I kinda regret it, but at the same time, it just felt right to me to sit with Luke in that moment, I dunno
Hugging Clem in season 3
Choosing who to feed in Starved For Help.
Reuniting with Kenny in A House Divided.
Choosing to sit with Kenny at dinner.
Playing baseball at the beginning of Thicker Than Water.
Telling Kenny that you and AJ love him in Kenny’s second flashback.