Popular games you just hate
So what are game/game series that are very popular and/or critically acclaimed, that you didn’t think were so hot?
One that came to mind are the new tomb raider games, there good games but here are my gripes:
-gameplay never really clicked with me and resulted in many game overs
-for a game trying to be realistic lara can take a lot of damage only wearing a tank top, kinda broke immersion
-but my biggest gripe has got to be Lara’s voice I mean come on I can’t be the only one that grits there teeth whenever she grunts or gasps
But hopefully shadow of the tomb raider can finally get me into this trilogy
But I’m sure I just opened up a can of worms so please share your opinions
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So i'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for this but
i never really liked The Last of Us. The story was ok,the characters are..ok (Nothing really memorable), and the gameplay was really bland and uninteresting. Overall, I felt it was an average game.
Plus, after playing Telltale's The Walking Dead it felt more like a "re-hash",if you know what i'm saying..
Understandable, also I’m probably in the minority but I actually thought the gameplay was one of its highlight
I don't really hate some of these games but I think they're so overrated:
Skyrim was great when it came out,the soundtrack is amazing (Jeremy soule !!!),and the game is even better with mods,but i can completely understand why some people didn't like it,maybe try Oblivion instead ?
There's too many games like that,this really needs to stop at some point and die.
Bigby is a badass,i also loved how the game kept messing with the player,you think they killed Snow ? Nope.
you think Crane is the killer ? Nope.
The Crooked Man was also a really good villain.
the characters are great..It's just so good and i think the graphics also aged really well so i can understand how a lot of people love it.
Not really interested in Elder Scrolls games. Just not my style. Same with a lot of RPGs like Witcher, Final Fantasy, Fallout etc. with the exception of Souls franchise. Waiting for Dark Souls remastered next month, hopefully it's playable.
Man your in for a treat I love the dark souls games.
Really, really, REALLY hope they remake Demons souls (its my favorite)
Never understood the love for Halo or Resident Evil...just never did like them. Final Fantasy died after VI...everything after that has been garbage. So sad I wasted money on XV. Crash Bandicoot....garbage.
I don’t exactly hate this game but I do think it’s overrated: the Witcher 3
Don’t get me long I liked the story, loved the graphics and aesthetics and absolutely loved the comedy when there was some... but that was about it. The combat system was a’ight, pain in the ass the way I die snarky every time by getting swarmed at every moment, the soundtrack repeated the same exact song over and over, there a limited hairstyles AND limited activities, the skill system confused the ass out of me, so did every crafting system for that matter.
The only decent activity I managed to find were the damn brothels and I think we all know why. At least in other RPGs like the elder scrolls I can actually role play and act like a bad guy by burning down towns and cities and creating new orphans, or switch things around and play stealthfully, using a bow to pick off enemies one by one from the distance, then slicing throats while invisible, but the Witcher 3 forces you to be a warrior AND a hero with the closest you can ever be to a villain is only a few bad choices that aren’t even all that evil! I don’t care if Geralt’s character is supposed to be a strong hefty two great sword wielding guy, I want the gameplay to be mixed up.
And do not even get me started on the enemies in the game... spoiler alert... YOU GET THE SAME EXACT ENEMIES EVERYWHERE YOU GO WITH NO DIFFERENCES TO THEM WHATSOEVER! Where the hell is my god damn black unicorn with red eyes, devil wings and that can shoot fire out of its horn? Ima use the biggest 12 year old insult ever rn and I’m just gonna say that this is so gay. Although I can understand why people like the game for the story and graphics, I’ll never understand why they love the gameplay, exploration, locations, etc. Let alone that I’ll never understand why they won a GOTY award.
Life is Strange, absolutely hate this game, and it’s cash grab of a prequel, with a burning passion. The fact that it has been as successful as it has been is astonishing to me.
Yeah the prequel sucked especially that last episode
I wouldn't say I HATE it but Battlefront 2 (the new one), don't get me wrong the game is a major improvement from Battlefront 1 (the new one) but it still feels like it needs something more. Look at KOTOR for example, the reason why it was such a good game was because the timeline took us to a time that we had never really seen before, the characters were all new and you could customize your character and even choose a class, everything just worked where as with Battlefront 2 it just doesn't feel the same as KOTOR or any other SW game for that matter, EA (who are the developers for Battlefront 2) don't add much Clone Wars content at all which is what most fans are hoping for and I don't know why they don't add it but on the other hand we always have mods (I think that's only for PC players though.)
I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again... The Last Of Us.
It's actually incorrect to say that I hate it. I hate it's popularity. I found the game itself to be painfully boring gameplay-wise and that made me care even less about the story. How Mafia 3 got hate and this got praise, I'll never understand. Both suffered the same issues as far as I'm concerned.
I played KOTOR a few days ago and it was shit. The combat was clunky, it took forever for the story to develop (or at least actually suck me in) missions were confusing to follow and to actually find out what you are supposed to do, and characters constantly break the 4th wall by saying “press the right mouse button to select your inventory” and all that. And this isn’t me hating on older games just cos they are old and worn out, because I still play and enjoy gta San Andreas. I just don’t really find much appeal to KOTOR, which I guess is another popular game I dislike.
Why do you hate this game so much?
Because Mafia 3's gameplay is rushed, it has unfinished animations, full of bugs, terrible AI, missions are repetitive, the open world feels empty, lacks a lot of details from the previous games and it felt more like a GTA clone than a Mafia game.
Definitely COD, Destiny and any generic shooter platform where all the worst types of gamers gather to noob anyone they can find and greedy loot boxes are the norm. I give Overwatch a pass though because it at least has a fun sense of style and character, even if I wouldn't be likely to play it.
GTA V... now I loved this game when I played it on PS3 and the story is kick ass. What bugs me is how Rockstar is getting increasingly focused on the online portion of their games, to the point they elected to only add DLC there instead of some fun story DLC like Red Dead had with Undead Nightmare. And it's meant that GTA V after five years continues to be ridiculously expensive for a game of its age, even on PS4. It's makes me somewhat concerned it might be even worse with Red Dead 2, especially since very little is known about the game's story outside it being a prequel.
Imo Kotor was good and there's also the big plot twist at the ending (i'm not gonna spoil you) which change literally everything.
But if you didn't like the first one i hope you played kotor 2 at least (with the restored content mod) that's probably the best one (it's from Obsidian).
I may get a lot of hate for this one but I have to say Ezio's trilogy in the assassin's creed series. Don't get me wrong, Ezio is a great character and the story is amazing, but I could never get into the combat nor the history of the time period. I actually had more fun playing AC3, AC4: Black Flag, and Rogue. And some of the modern assassin's creed games, like Unity and Syndicate, haven't played Origins nor am I getting it but I've heard it's good. I hate how they added levels and difficulty to the enemies. Like I said, not everyone will agree with me, but it's just my opinion, so please respect it.
What characters tell you to press buttons? Lol. KoTOR and Dragon Age: Origins were some of the last old school rpgs released before all these news ones started catering to the younger crowd. I miss when easy difficulty still required some competence lol.
As far as overhyped games go, Fortnite. The initial paid launched was so half assed, most of the gameplay involved paying your taxes on a numbers screen instead of actually progressing the gameplay. Then they jumped on PUBGs success with a cartoon version and threw a middle finger at everyone who bought into the 40-300 or whatever dollar version of the real game. GG, epic, GG.
The first character you meet does it
Uncharted series. The characters are bland as hell. Only exception being Nadine and Sam.
I dislike Fortnite mostly because of how repetitive the gameplay is and how simple the game is. I have seen other games do the whole Battle Royale thing better. I think Fortnite is going to be like other free to play games which will lose popularity in a few months. I do not understand why people like it so much I mean you run around, pray that you get loot, get loot, run into a player who builds a house around him in 10 seconds and you get ambushed, rinse and repeat there is the gameplay of Fortnite. Sounds like a Game of The Year contender to me! I thought videogames were supposed to be something that players are going to get enjoyment from, have interactions with the game world, and feel like they can immerse themselves in another world. Sorry just a small rant of why I dislike Fortnite.
I agree Demon Souls was the best however, Dark Souls 1 is the best out of the whole Dark Souls series in my opinion.
On the ship? That's literally just an tutorial lol. If not explicitly marking every thing on the map because you're expected to actually pay attention to what's happening harms the experience, you weren't around for when some of the best RPGs were released.
What kills me is it wasn't a free to play game, they actually charged players money to buy into the beta before they ripped off PUBG. It was supposed to be a cooperative experience like the horde mode they popularized, and it ended up being a shitty experience with the gameplay locked behind lootboxs, long before EA got flak for doing exactly that with Battlefront. Its even worse now with the free game, because kids actually convinced their parents to buy the real game so they could earn VBucks for free. Everytime I go on for the new events I'm bombarded with squeakers wanting to trade weapons so they can grind dailies. The games made me block more people than I've ever done before lol
Every Battle Royale game there is right now and the whole genre is getting worse and worse. It got the same hype that DayZ had which died down really quick so i'm sure it won't be different this time.
I didn't like GTA San Andreas. Loved GTA 3 and VC, played 4th a bit but my pc was too weak that time and the game was interesting. San Andreas annoyed me.
F.E.A.R. was boring, repetative and cliche.
TWAU had only three good episodes.
Telltale's Batman. I don't like this game. Story bored me. So did characters.
I agree with you these battle royale games are getting worse. Red Dead Redemption 2 also is getting a battle royale mode and I hope that Rockstar Games understand that we want the game for the single player experience and after I beat the story mode I will play online with my friends like GTA doing funny things not focusing on the battle royale game mode.
I know how you feel when I started playing Fortnite with my friends I thought the game was cool for about two matches and then it started getting annoying and repetitive. I met with players who wanted to get the purple or blue color loot so they can "win" the game. However, they will complain and whine the entire match because you did not give them your loot. I agree companies like EA did get hated on when their games were pay to win. Fortnite is no different and it is getting praised
No I will never play this horrible game again! I want games to be how they were in the past full of content and not having stuff locked behind a paywall or DLC. Some of my friends even say the game is not pay to win so when I ask them why are they afraid of the bear suited players they say because that means that they are good? That's right gamers a COSTUME makes you a good player but the game is not Pay to Win!
To be honest, I think games need to stop being influenced by other games and focus on being their own piece of entertainment. Sorry I keep going on these rants I just want to know what exactly is so special about Fortnite that people are always talking about it.
Almost all of the battle royal overwatch's games....never got the hype to em it's just HoW mUcH tImE cAn YOu sUrViVe that all people gone mad about and think that this is the golden age of gaming...while in reality it's in the shitiest it can ever get to.
Nah, I let @MetallicaRules do it.
I’ve been gaming longer than you realise ? also no game ever should do that, ever. Nearly every game I played as a child did it and it would annoy the holy hell out of me cos it ruins the experience when it could have just showed up as dialogue at the top or bottom, maybe even centre of the screen.
I agree with you it is the worst part of gaming.
It is? Didn't know that... really sad to see R* taking that direction
Like i said i hope you played kotor 2 because there's no reason to not like this one.
but if you don't want to it's fine.
Well from what I read about the article it was TakeTwo that was forcing Rockstar Games to implement Battle Royale into Red Dead Redemption 2. It is indeed sad to see such a horrible mode in such a masterpiece of a game.
Also, TakeTwo decided to add microtransactions in all of their future games. Seriously, what is wrong with those retarded publishers?
It all comes down to money. They will do whatever they need to do in order to make themselves rich. Which is why most game companies have an amazing game or two and later publishers think to incorporate DLC and microtranscations into their games. It always bothers me when I hear the following "the game has microtransactions but its not needed" because guess what? The game will be unbalanced unless you buy some sort of currency to level up your character! It's so frustrating that is why I stick to narrative driven story games and roleplaying games that have a good story because microtransactions do not need to appear in those games.
Not to mention COD abandoning the Single Player Campaign altogether in Black Ops 4 in favor of a Battle Royale Mode and Zombies. I have no interest in the concept and will only be getting Red Dead 2 if they keep the single player content as the focal point.